Melchizedek And The Levitical Priesthood

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“Therefore he is able to save completely those who come to God through him, because he always lives to intercede for them.” (Hebrews 7:25). Jesus is not only the high priest, but he is the interceding high priest for God’s people. Which can be difficult for believers to grasp this idea because the models of the priesthood through Melchizedek and the Levitical priesthood demonstrated before the coming of Jesus did not show interceding to be an important function of the priesthood. (Mbamalu 2015). However, this is vital to Jesus serving as a high priest for he comes here on earth to take on the sins of his Father’s people, and take on the punishment of sin on their behalf. With Jesus interceding for the people it literally tore the veil that …show more content…

However, they did not know it had to be down for Jesus: the pioneer, high priest, forerunner, and son came on earth to fulfill and start the new covenant. By looking into these different titles and how Jesus carried out specific responsibilities and duties. In the book of Hebrews is vital to the audience to see, because then they can grasp the ideas as to why Jesus had to come here on earth, and endure many different types of experiences, as well as suffering in order to save humankind from …show more content…

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