Mathematics of Sudoku Essays

  • The Mathematics of Sudoku

    2002 Words  | 5 Pages

    The reason as to why so many people are so fascinated by a Sudoku puzzle is that, even though the solving rules are simple, the reasoning behind the path to the correct solution can be very difficult, which is what will be explored in this paper. Many teachers, no matter what age range they are teaching, recommend Sudoku as a great way to develop logical reasoning. The complexity of each puzzle can be adapted to fit any age. This is why I want to explore and investigate what is the concept behind

  • Sudoku Essay

    2486 Words  | 5 Pages

    different Sudoku puzzles for the reader to solve. Throughout the past 10 years Sudoku has become an internationally known puzzle game reaching the same amount if not surpassing in popularity as the crossword puzzle. In this paper I will explore how to determine how many fundamentally different completed Sudoku puzzles (known as Sudoku Squares) exist. In order to do this I will first give a brief history of where Sudoku puzzles originated from, then I will show how to determine how many Sudoku squares

  • History of Physics

    1361 Words  | 3 Pages

    Natural Philosophy also called philosophy of nature comes from the Latin phrase “philosophia naturalis”. Natural Philosophy is the philosophical study of the cosmos and nature’s elements and how the materials around the world are formed. There are many branches of natural philosophy including: cosmology, etiology, astronomy, probability, the study of matter, the study of elements, and many other subjects. The pioneers of natural philosophy are mainly pre-Socratic philosophers; the most famous philosophers

  • Why I Want to Study Mechanical Engineering

    568 Words  | 2 Pages

    wonderful dream. Thus, I chose an Engineering course during my A-Levels which include Physics, Core and Further Mathematics and Chemistry. These subjects help me to further add the skills needed. Mathematics aids me with solving real life problems, develops precision skill and its knowledge can be applied in the Science subjects as well. During 2008, I entered the National Mathematics Olympics for Youngest Level and won the Cer...

  • Personal Statement

    760 Words  | 2 Pages

    or become addicted to something attractive? Many students will answer that they were addicted to video gaming, gambling, or watching TV series. However, for me, the most attractive thing is solving puzzles and discovering unknown mysteries. Solving Sudoku puzzles is my favorite because I have to think about multiple possibilities carefully and speculate the correct solutions. After considering problems comprehensively and figuring out the answers easily by following the logic, a sense of accomplishment

  • Essay On Learning Theory

    1487 Words  | 3 Pages

    learning styles models are linguistic and logical. I often get told I over analyze tasks. I like to see the big picture and know the “why” to a project. I know that I like to solve problems, and enjoy challenges. I often spend free time playing Sudoku and/or puzzles and manipulative games. I typically work through problems and issues in a systematic way, and you like to create procedures and plan by creating agendas and to do lists. Since I like things methodical, and orderly there are a lot of

  • Video Games can Benefit and Help Education

    1387 Words  | 3 Pages

    self-acceptance for themselves and their self-esteem allows them to progress their learning with motivation and positivity. In summary, video games have proven to be an educational tool for all ages. Through various studies, students improve their mathematics, literacy skills, social skills, and physical health by learning and interacting with a variety of entertaining games. Although video games are prejudged as wasteful time and distractive, they are in fact advancing one’s abilities to learn, adapt