Leslie Stephen Essays

  • Catharine Sedgwick’s Hope Leslie, Stephen Gould’s Dinosaur in a Haystack, and Sebastian Junger’s The Perfect Storm

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    Catharine Sedgwick’s Hope Leslie, Stephen Gould’s Dinosaur in a Haystack, and Sebastian Junger’s The Perfect Storm all display similar characteristics, so that though they are seemingly unrelated, they can be compared. Mainly the comparisons exist through the imagery the authors use to weave the stories together, the structure of each book, the authority of each author, and the use of nature. A character or objects are the images that the three authors use to tie the plots of the books together

  • Viriginia Woolf

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    her mother, Julia Stephen. "Julia Stephen was the most arresting figure which her daughter [Virginia Woolf] tried to resurrect and preserve" (Gordon 4). Woolf, a manic-depressive, found herself constantly searching for approval. "Virginia needed her mother's approval in order to 'measure her own stature" (Bond 38). Battling with a sense of worthlessness, Virginia's mother helped her temporarily rid herself of self-criticism and doubt. This however was short-lived. When Mrs. Stephen rejected Virginia

  • Virginia Woolf’s Contributions to Feminism and the Academic Study of Gender

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    Virginia Woolf’s Contributions to Feminism and the Academic Study of Gender Born in 1882, Virginia Stephens began writing as a young girl. In 1904, Woolf published her first article and went on to teach at Morley College (Hort). Throughout her lifetime, she suffered from depression. Woolf had a vivid imagination; however, suffered nervous breakdowns and spells of depression. In 1941, at the age of 59, Woolf committed suicide. My goal in this paper is to explore how Woolf’s childhood, adolescents

  • Insights on The Mark on the Wall by Virginia Wolf

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    man. She was born into a privileged family in England. According to The Norton Anthology English Literature, her parents were both open-minded, free thinkers. Her father, Sir Leslie Stephen, was a historian, author, and one of the most prominent figures in the golden age of mountaineering. Her mother, Julia Prinsep Stephen, served as a model for several Pre-Raphaelite painter. She was also a nurse and writer. But even though Woolf was privileged, she suffered a tragic childhood. She was sexually

  • Virginia Woolf Research Paper

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    Virginia Woolf Virginia Woolf was a very important and historical author who had a great impact on the world of writing. Even now, 75 years after her death, she is still making an impact on society and writers of today. Virginia Woolf also had a big impact on the feminist part of society. People referred to Virginia as a “women’s writer”, but she was much more than just that. Virginia Woolf has inspired many people, men and women, who have read her books to become writers themselves. One

  • Analysis of Similes in Virginia Woolf's To the Lighthouse

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    Analysis of Similes in Virginia Woolf's To the Lighthouse `Thoughts are made of pictures.' Our consciousness may be visualized as a photomontage of simultaneous impressions, mostly visual, according to poet John Ciardi (238). In verbalizing conscious experience, authors tend to use metaphor and simile to create images that, like words, possess both denotation, visual identification, and connotation, an emotional aura (Ciardi 239). In To the Lighthouse, by my count, Virginia Woolf employs

  • Virginia Woolf: The Most Influential Members Of The Bloomsbury Group

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    The Bloomsbury Group The Bloomsbury Group consisted mainly of family, colleagues, and friends who shared ideas in writing and painting. "Bloomsbury" signified a group of people who were close in friendship as well as in talent. The Bloomsberries, who were known as the Bloomsbury Group, spent a tremendous amount of time together. Each individual attempted to contribute valuable ideas to one another’s individual works. Two of the most important aspects of the Bloomsberries were Literature and

  • Autistic Savants

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    music, art, and mathematics. Leslie is an extraordinary person who happens to have a couple of handicaps such as: blindness, autism, and cerebral palsy. Though he has these three handicaps, which is not a good combination at all, he is still very happy. Leslie has gone through many different things; for instance, his blindness happened at birth when the doctors noticed that his eyes were not open and had to remove them both when he was 6 months old. Although Leslie was put up for adoption at birth

  • Bridge to Terabithia

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    nice to the girls, the same goes for his mom. They try to treat him too much like a man. One day, a new family moves into the old Perkin's farmhouse. There are usually families moving in and out of it all the time. There ends up being a girl named Leslie Burke who is the only child and Jess's age. She walks over to his house and says hi, but he ignores her. On the first day of school she is in his class. She hangs around him during recess and is the first girl to race and beat all the boys. This

  • Katherine Patterson’s Bridge to Terabithia

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    can relate in someway to Katherine Patterson’s Newberry Medal-winning children’s novel, Bridge to Terabithia. The characters are realistic people who could be one’s next door neighbors. From the shy and demure Jess to the vivacious and carefree Leslie, every kid can relate to one of the characters in this novel. The themes in this novel vary as much as the characters. Bridge to Terabithia is a good coming-of-age book that captures our imaginations and our hearts. Bridge to Terabithia is a

  • Ceremony By Leslie Silko

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    Ceremony by Leslie Silko The novel Ceremony, written by Leslie Silko deals with the actions of a Native American youth after fighting, and being held captive during World War II. The young mans name is Tayo and upon returning to the U.S., and eventually reservation life he has many feelings of estrangement and apathy towards society. The novel discusses many topics pertaining to Native Americans, through the eyes of Tayo and a few female characters. The novel is one that you must decide for yourself

  • Bridge To Terabithia

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    where they go to escape and have magical adventures. The "bridge" is a rope they use to swing over the dry creek. Another main theme is Jesse running every morning during the summer so he can be the fastest runner in fifth grade, only to be beat by Leslie, the new girl in town. One more theme is Jesse being the only boy in his house. He has two evil older sisters, who always get their way by whining. He has a younger sister who looks up to him and a baby sister, who of course, gets all the attention

  • Bridge to Terabithia Summaries

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    bus Janice Avery (the school bully) hears May Belle telling Billy Jean (May Belle's best friend) about the Twinkies. At recess time May Belle comes to Jess saying that Janice stole them. May Belle says, "Kill her!" and calls Jess yeller. Jess and Leslie get back at Janice Avery by writing a love letter and signing it Willard Hughes. It told her to meet him outside after school. The hard part was getting the note inside her desk. When she found it she waited outside the school for nothing. When she

  • Pay It Forward - We Can Change the World

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    other people (Pay It Forward 2000). The title of the movie is Pay It Forward; it was released into the theatre on October 20, 2000 nationwide. The director was Mimi Leder who did other films such as Peacemaker and Deep Impact. The screenwriter was Leslie Dixon, known for Overboard, That Old Feeling, Mrs. Doubtfire, Look Who's Talking Now; co writer of The Thomas Crown Affair and Smoke & Mirrors. The basis of this movie is from the best-selling novel Pay It Forward written by Catherine Ryan Hyde. The

  • Leslie twiggy Hornby

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    "At 17 Leslie Hornby took hold of the world. At 21 she let it go, she was the original waif, a 60’s phenomenon a superstar. She was Twiggy" (Vogue). Leslie Hornby was the revolutionary woman who changed the idea of beauty in the eyes of the fashion industry and the entire world. Twiggy exemplified the androgynous mod look that swept America as it had Britain and much of Europe in the 1960’s. She healthily maintained a 5 ft 6 1/2 inch 90 lb body. Based on her thin figure, a nickname of "Twiggy" was

  • Bridge to Terabithia

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    Virginia. They are well off and move to the area to re-evaluate their family values. Leslie is the other main character who is looking for a sense of belonging and friendship. Bill and Judy are here parents that are writers. They are consumed with their work and don’t pay much attention until their book is completed. Jess and Leslie attend the same Elementary school where they become friends resulting from a race that Leslie won. The two become inseparable and have a special place in the woods called “Terabithia

  • Free College Admissions Essays: Emerging from the Shadows

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    Emerging from the Shadows She stands a staggering 5 feet 2 inches tall, weighs a massive 95 pounds, and has short, brown hair and brown eyes.  I see my older sister Leslie. Others see a model of perfection.  Don't get me wrong, my sister and I are close and have been inseparable since birth.  My mother has kept pictures of us ranging from the time we shared a playpen as babies to just recently at Leslie's graduation.  For seventeen years, we've shared every life experience imaginable, and we've

  • Catharine Maria Sedgwick’s A New-England Tale and Hope Leslie

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    Catharine Maria Sedgwick’s A New-England Tale and Hope Leslie - Opening Doors for Women Limited opportunities for women to share their opinions publicly throughout the Nineteenth century caused an abundance of females to communicate their ideas through writing. Catharine Maria Sedgwick was among the first of American authors to publish historical and other fiction. Much of her work deals with the role of white women in society, especially involving the Cult of Domesticity or True Womanhood

  • Appearance vs. Reality in Sedgwick's Hope Leslie

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    Appearance vs. Reality in Sedgwick's Hope Leslie In her novel, Hope Leslie, Catharine Maria Sedgwick supplants the importance of strict adherence to religious tenets with the significance the human conscience and following one's own heart. This central theme of the novel is intimated to the reader in the scene where Sir Philip Gardiner, a character that completely defies this ideal, is described. Although he "had a certain erect and gallant bearing that marks a man of the world . . . his dress

  • Leslie Marmon Silko's Lullaby, Storyteller, and Yellow Woman

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    Leslie Marmon Silko's Lullaby, Storyteller, and Yellow Woman Leslie Marmon Silko?s work is set apart due to her Native American Heritage. She writes through ?Indian eyes? which makes her stories very different from others. Silko is a Pueblo Indian and was educated in one of the governments? BIA schools. She knows the culture of the white man, which is not uncommon for modern American Indians. Her work is powerful and educating at the same time. In this paper, I will discuss three different