Kazakhs Essays

  • Importance Of Business In Kazakhstan

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    more countries are interested in doing business in Kazakhstan. Every country has its own unique culture and history, which influences on the way of doing business. Business in Kazakhstan is done in both Kazakh and Russian languages. It is important to be able to communicate in both languages. In Kazakh culture the decision making is mainly hierarchical. Older people have more respect and power than younger. The culture requires an appropriate behavior and those with lower hierarchical place should address

  • A Trip of Discovery

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    hiding in a cave in the mountains until they were caught and killed. Our destination was Zhidebai, the birthplace of Abai, the founder of Kazakh literature, philosopher and composer. I am proud that my homeland has given three prominent people, Abai, Auezov and Shakarim to Kazakhstan. There is so much in the names of these outstanding people to the heart of every Kazakh. We entered Abai’s house, a museum now, together with a group of students. They stopped talking and became quiet. Everyone seemed to

  • Kazakhstan: The Ethnic Controversy

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    Kazakhstan offers a social role-reversed setting, where the majority is discriminated against. Currently, in the United States, White-American dominance is threatened, specifically by the growth of the Hispanic population. In Kazakhstan, the ethnic Kazakh majority has been suppressed due to the domination of the Russian language. Research on linguistic studies has shown, “language conflict is a result of ideologies that determine the goals of society” (Smagulova, 2006, p308). As Russian became the

  • Kazakh Culture: The Role Of Culture In The Man's Culture

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    government policy decisions, technological developments and many others. As Kazakh culture takes its roots from very early times, it has gone through significant changes

  • The Russian Tsars' Control of the Kazakh Steppe

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    To what extent and in what ways did Russian Tsars control the Kazakh steppe between 1820 and 1890? During political Kazakh khans of three Hordes gave oaths and signed papers of their inclusion to Russian Empire. Although the documents were signed, both sides did not obey them . Empire had not got any actual political power in the beginning of 19th century in Kazakh steppe, and numerous anti-Russian rebellions support this claim. The document of “Ustav o Sibirskih Kirgizah, 1822” made it possible

  • The Kenesary Kasymov Rebellion (1837-1847): A National-Liberation Movement or “a Protest of Restoration?”

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    The Kenesary Kasymov’s rebellion was critically scrutinized by Yuriy Malikov, who describes the nature of this rebellion. One of the great events occurred in Kazakh lands in 19th century is the rebellion, which was driven by Kenesary Kasymov and his people against Russian colonization. The period of ten-year struggle, between 1837 and 1847, coincides with many possible factors that is argued by Western and Kazakhstani historians. Some contend that the aims of the rebellion was national-liberation

  • Ornament

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    Ornament is one of the oldest forms of decorative art. Its history goes back to thousands of years ago. Translated from the Latin ornamentum, it means “trappings, adornment, embellishment” (“Ornament”). However, in its infancy, the ornaments have a deeper meaning. Art critics are trying to decipher ancient images and understand the hidden meaning of signs and symbols. So far, it is believed that the key to understanding many of them have long been lost, and, nevertheless, the interest to the ancient

  • Kazakhstan and United States Income Tax Treaty

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    Although similar to the U.S. - Russia income tax treaty, the new Kazakh accord contains some distinguishing features. Creditable taxes The new agreement applies to the Kazakh on profits and income provided by the laws “On Taxation of Enterprises, Associations and Organizations” and “On the Income Tax on Citizens of the Kazakh SSR, Foreign Citizens and Stateless Persons.” Treaty article 23, Relief From Double Taxation, states that these Kazakh taxes will be considered income taxes. The proposed protocol

  • Comparative Education Analysis

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    According to Noah (1984), comparative education “can help us understand better our past, locate ourselves more exactly in the present, and discern a little more clearly what our educational future may be” (p. 551). Certainly, through conducting a cross-national comparison of the educational systems it is possible to shed the light on the place of our own system of education in global perspective. Undoubtedly, comparative education provides the opportunities for understanding the educational phenomena

  • The Kenesary Kasymov Rebellion

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    “The Kenesary Kasymov Rebellion (1837–1847): A National-Liberation Movement or “a Protest of Restoration”? ”written by YuriyMalikov, which was published in December 2005 in Nationalities Papers. The author in his article claims that the rebellion of Kazakh sultan Kenesary was “neither a “national-liberation” revolt nor “a protest of restoration.” Not return to the “good old days” but the creation of a new type of state without precedents in Kazakhstani history”. In order to prove his point of view Y

  • Second Cup Case Study

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    market here. Alongside with it, research on the tea habits of the Kazakhs shows that 99% of the country’s population (of 18 million) drink tea on a daily basis, with 50% of the tea drinkers

  • Traditional Dance as the Way to Understand the Culture

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    “Dance has no language”- it is often said at the concerts and festivals. Indeed, in order to understand the beauty of the dance and what dancers want to express you do not need to know particular language, so Kazakhs, Russians, Koreans, Germans, Chinese etc. will perceive dance performance in the same way. Traditional dance involves not only dance performance, but traditional national music, costumes and attributes as well. So, through the traditional folk dances people can get acquainted with one

  • Go My Son by Chaim Shapiro

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    Chaim Shapiro was born in Lomza, Poland. On September 1st, 1939, the Germans invade Poland, quickly annihilating many of the people, including his younger brother Nosson. Soon after the Soviet Union signs a treaty the Germans, giving over Poland to them. Out of fear that he would lose his religion under atheist communist rulership, his mother pleads with him to leave, saying the fateful words “Go My Son.” He leaves war-torn Poland for Vilna, Lithuania, joining with the rest of the Kamenetz Yeshiva

  • Chemical Engineering Personal Statement Essay

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    months and I went to Astany city to the present project in international presentation “Zharkyn Bolashak” and later on I presented the same project in Almaty and deserved a gold medal, on the 8th grade I competed in republic Olympiad from Kazakh language among Kazakh- Turkish schools in Almaty city and became a bronze medal winner. On 11th grade, I immersed in preparation to national exams and graduated the high school by achieving A grade in all modules of subjects. I demonstrated third highest result

  • Should Art Be Censored?

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    " Communism: Censorship and Freedom of Speech. Stanford University, n.d. Web. 09 Apr. 2014. • Freedom Of Expression in the Arts and Entertainment." American Civil Liberties Union. American Civil Liberties Union, 27 Feb. 2002. Web. 08 Apr. 2014. • "Kazakh Poet, Dissident Returns To Solitary Confinement." RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 May 2014. • Kunzru, Hari. "Ai Weiwei: The Dissident Artist." The Guardian. Guardian News and Media, 28 May 2011. Web. 09 Apr. 2014. • Mendel, Toby.

  • Essay About Kazakhstan

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    whether before the capital was Almaty then from 1997 the capital of Kazakhstan became Astana. Today Astana is one of the biggest and beautiful cities that attract many tourists to visit Kazakhstan. Talking about language that official is definitely Kazakh and also Russian language is quite widespread that many people can speak free. Furthermore, Kazakhstan possesses a rich selection of mineral reserves as well as numerous oil and gas fields. Kazakhstan’s strategic location in Eurasia has important

  • Reading is Important in Learning Languages

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    Nowadays, many people think reading is not necessary, since there are so many sources of information and types of entertainment, such as TV, cinema and the Internet. I believe they are wrong because reading is very beneficial in many ways. Good reading skills are very important in learning languages. Reading improves spelling because as students learn to sound out letters and words, spelling comes easier. It helps to expand the vocabulary, since the best way to acquire a large vocabulary is to read

  • Nuclear Test: The Semipalatinsk Test Site

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    a total strike in Kazakhstan. The government had no choice but to freeze the tests, and further breakdown of the USSR, default in Moscow in August 1991 and the actual crash of the country moved N.A.Nazarbayev, who by then had been the President of Kazakh SSR, to make the following crucial step: to sign a decree on August 29, 1991 closing the test site. Between 1991 andпо 1992, within the framework of the Cooperative Threat Reduction Program suggested by the USA, Kazakhstan received assistance in eliminating

  • Ice Hockey Personal Statement

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    that I am adopted from Mother Russia. However, over the past several years my curiosity and desire to learn about my native homeland have increased significantly. My interest in the Russian language reignited last year when I overheard a Russian and Kazakh having a conversation in Russian. I soon found myself listening to anyone anywhere, who spoke Russian. This desire to make sense of something has manifested itself in many ways, in my decision

  • Needs, Wants and Demands

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    To achieve and maintain success in such a complex system as market it is essential to every marketing person to understand clearly consumer behavior. Understanding consumer behavior is not that easy as it may seem from the first glance. The reason is that there are plenty of various factors that may influence it in one certain way or the other. When considering each of the factors it is also important not to forget that they ought to be analyzed as different parts of one whole picture, that is, in