Karbala Essays

  • A real hero

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    persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles,” only the weak remain paralyzed by fear, the lingering shadow is there to enlighten us. Indifferent to struggle and sacrifice was Hussein Ibn Ali, the grandson of Prophet Muhammad in the Battle of Karbala, a martyr for Islam. Heroes are made, not born; they fulfill a purpose not merely for recognition but for the emulation of decency for generations to come, Martin Luther King Jr. embodied this ideal. A hero stands firm with conviction, facing the

  • Heinz Halms "Shia Islam: from Religion to Revolution"

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    “already demonstrated all the essential elements that characterize the Shi’i religion today.” He went on to say that the “self accusations of the partisans…peaked in acknowledgement of their own shame and their desire to atone for this (the massacre at Karbala) with death.” Halm’s thesis in this section is that self-sacrifice characteristic of the Shi’is was exemplified, and even developed in this march of the tawwabun. And, this particular characteristic was politically instrumentalized during the revolution

  • Comparing The Punic War, Battle Of Karbala And Crusades

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    The Punic War, Battle of Karbala and Crusades were all bloody battles with meanings behind them and the earliest examples of conflict. Punic War, a bloody battle between two nations, Rome and Carthage. A battle over land and Carthage not having a strong military as Rome, was defeated. Battle of Karbala a religious battle between Muhammad’s relatives and supporters vs the non believers. Crusades a mission for the holy land and a way to end Feudalism in Western Europe, turned into a defeat for the

  • The Approach of Nonviolence

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    Nonviolence And Conflict Resolution”. www.mkgandhi.org N.p. Web. December 26, 2010. Gandhi M.K. “The Gospel of Non-Violence”. www.mkgandhi.org N.p. Web. December 26, 2010. Holy Qur’an. Trans. Sahih International, n.d. December 26, 2010. Sabir Ramzan, “Karbala”. www.Al-islam.org N.p. Web. December 26, 2010. King Martin Luther, “The Power of Non-violence”. www.teachingamericanhistory.org June 4, 1957. Web. December 26, 2010.

  • Personal Narrative: My Journey To Iraq

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    It was February 2010 when my family and I found ourselves on a plane to an underdeveloped country that was in horrific condition. The country, Iraq, is about seven-thousand miles from the United States. The plane ride was an exhausting sixteen hours, but it would all come to be worth it when the journey was over. Most Americans know Iraq as a nation involved in corruption and wars. However, when I visited Iraq, I learned a whole new understanding of the country. I experienced a country that was

  • Sunni-Shiite Conflict

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    The Sunni and Shiite branches of Islam have been feuding for hundreds of years dating back to the beginning of the Islamic religion. The deity or god of the Sunnis is Allah. The Sunni branch of Islam is the larger of the two branches with over 80% of the Muslim population. The Sunni are the majority in most of the countries that have Islamic followers. There are a few different translations of what Sunna stands for, one of which is “Habitual Practice.” The differences between the two branches can

  • Operation Iraqi Freedom

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    OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM Introduction On March 20, 2003, the combined military forces of the United States and Britain crossed the southern border of Iraq and Kuwait with the intent of capitulating the government of Saddam Hussein. Over the course of 21 days, the joint task force moved quickly and decisively to seize major objective cities along the road to Baghdad using aviation, armor, artillery, and infantry. Following the overwhelming success of the primary combat operations of the

  • Abbasid Research Paper

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    The Abbasid period played a pivotal role in the history of the Middle East, the Islamic world and beyond. An influence so great that historians have identified that period as a shining time in Islamic history. “During the first two centuries of Abbasid rule, the Muslim world became the seat of great cultural activity.” (IW- p.85) In order to better understand how the Abbasid period played a pivotal role in Middle East history, and beyond, one needs to explore how this dynasty came into power and

  • The Shia Islam

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    community, the rituals take place in private houses, courtyards of mosques, community or special Muharram centers, in markets, and on the streets (Akasoy). The rituals take the forms of more or less formal lamentation sessions, where the events of Karbala are recalled, elegies are recited for the martyrs, and taziyah and processions are performed. During the collective lamentations a zakir recites stories and poems. Texts are often local traditions and authors are collective. Shia Muslims are concentrated

  • Persepolis Propaganda Essay

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    they all believed they would achieve salvation. This is also present when the Iranian government was trying to rally its citizens to fight for their country. Quite blatantly they stated that “[they] refuse [the] imposed peace…[and] shall conquer Karbala” (Satrapi 114-115). By allowing the attack on the holy Iraqi city and denial of peace, the government successfully utilizes this example of testimonial propaganda to their advantage. These examples of the usage of different forms of propaganda by

  • Evaluating the Worthiness of the Iraq War

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    Iraq War Was the Iraq war worth the fight and the lost of over thousands of american lives, or was it a waste of time, people, and resources.Well the only people that can fully understand the conflict are the veterans and politicians In order to fully understand the Iraq war individuals will have to learn about the Iraq and United states relations before the war including the cause,and the effect of the war. The relations between the United States and Iraq has been a continuous conflict for the

  • Islamic Empire Timeline Essay

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    established by Mu’awiya 670 AD – The whole Middle East was controlled by Umayyad Caliphate, the Arabs made Damascus as the capital city of Umayyad Caliphate. Mu’awuya raised trained soldiers to expand the land. 680 AD – The Caliph Hussein was killed at Karbala 683 AD – Two Arab groups broke by civil war. 732 AD – The battle of Tours. This was fought between forces under the leader Charles and a massive invaded Islam army led by Emir, near the city of tours. During the fight, the Franks defeated the Islam

  • Comparison Between the Sunnis and Shiites

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    A Comparison Between the Sunnis and Shiites Have you ever wondered about other religions that are out there and why they are out there? I have and that is why I chose to write my paper on the Sunnis and Shiites. Read on to learn more about a brief history and then I will break each of them into separate religions. In books written on Islam the word "hadith" usually refers to the sayings or "traditions" which have been given from the Prophet. Muslims hold these to be the most important source

  • The Meta-Narrative of American History

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    The Meta-Narrative of American History “One man’s dream is another man’s nightmare”, and perhaps one nation’s war is a potential Hollywood movie. While many Hollywood filmmakers have deemed it their true calling to present the war topic to the public in creating pictures which, according to McCrisken and Pepper, allow them to “critically engage with complicated questions about what constitutes ‘America’ domestically and internationally in the post-Cold War world.” A subject which leaves room for

  • the rise of wahhabism

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    Within Islam, there are sects, namely Sunni and Shi’a, and within those sects are different schools of thought. Salafism (from the word salaf, meaning to “follow” or “precede”) is a movement, rooted in Sunni Islam, based on a literalist, fundamentalist interpretation of Islam. These Muslims rely solely on the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad and his companions as guides for correct Islamic practice. Everything else, they deem impure innovation. Following the same ideology, but specific to Saudi

  • Guests Of The Sheik Summary

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    different aspect of life as Fernea discovers it, or details an important event. As such, readers experience Ramadan and Eid, two staples of the Muslim culture, Weddings and marriage arrangements, discussions of monogamy and polygamy, the Pilgrimage to Karbala, and many other customs

  • Terrorism: Will We Ever Be Able to Defeat It?

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    is based on who can become the Prophet’s successor. This goes back to the early days of Islam. In 680 CE, Husayn, direct descendent of the Prophet, led himself and his partisans against 10,000 Sunni military forces near the modern day city of Karbala, Iraq. (1) During the 11th and 13th centuries, the Assassins (Hashashins or hashish users), Shi’ite sect, performed suicide missions to spread Islam throughout Northern Persia. The Assassins were guaranteed paradise for their sacrifice. The

  • Juxtaposition In Marjane Satrapi's Persepolis

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    The Significance of Juxtaposition in Persepolis It is not possible for a country to function when it’s people are against their own government. Persepolis is an example of just how problematic this can become, a world where the rule of the government is no longer accepted by the people. The people of Iran desperately search for solutions by revolting against their strict government, however their plans are often violently shut down. In the story of Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi the juxtaposition

  • Sectarianism In Islam

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    It has been estimated that Sunnis make up approximately 85 percent of the world’s Muslim population, with Shi’as accounting for much of the rest. When people talk of sectarianism in Islam, these two names, which are rooted in the earliest days of the Islamic caliphate, are the most often mentioned. It may be tempting to make a passing comparison here with the great Protestant-Catholic divide in Christianity. However, whereas that division didn’t occur until well over a thousand years into the life

  • Tranquility In Marital Life Essay

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    tranquility from God's remembrance of women has also helped to withstand the problems. "When I am nervous I pray two postures and I will feel comfortable. I need to get rid of myself by any way. I'll go to the meeting of recital of the tragedies of Karbala for Imam Hussein (AS), or I will read Lahof for myself and I will cry I will become light; the memory of God will be relaxed. And it helps me to