Kali Yuga Essays

  • The Conception of Time in William Buck's Mahabharata

    3133 Words  | 7 Pages

    100 Brahmic years passes before Brahma is born again and the next kappa cycle begins. A further aspect of the kappa cycles is that they are made up of 1000 great aeons which are themselves made up of four yugas (ages). These four ages are Saga Yuga, Treta Yuga, Dvapara Yuga, and Kali Yuga which is the present age. Buck uses none of these terms in his work, yet it is clear ... ... middle of paper ... ...s paper is show the cohesion of Buck's treatment of time, which becomes most evident by

  • The Religious Structures of Angkor Wat Temple

    1103 Words  | 3 Pages

    Angkor Wat is said to be one of the largest religious monuments ever constructed. The temple was created to resemble heaven on earth, and honored the god Vishnu. Most of the structure represent mythological places in the Hindu religion. Suryavarman II wanted to create something that would represent that he was a god walking amongst humans. By building this large temple, he would achieve being directly sent into the heavens to be with the gods, specifically the god Vishnu. Suryavarman II believed

  • Angkor Wat Temple Significance

    543 Words  | 2 Pages

    Angkor Wat is said to be one of the largest religious monuments ever constructed. The temple was created to resemble heaven on earth, and honored the god Vishnu. Most of the structures represent mythological places in the Hindu religion. Suryavarman II wanted to create something that would represent that he was a god walking amongst humans. By building this large temple, he would achieve being directly sent into the heavens to be with the gods, specifically the god Vishnu. Suryavarman II believed

  • Nav Durga

    1520 Words  | 4 Pages

    Nav-Durga In many temples, homes and calendars, this image is prevalent. It is well known, yet many may not know the meaning behind it. This is an image of the nine forms of the goddess Durga, often called Nav Durga, with ‘nav’ being the word for nine. Together, the symbols and emblems show Nav Durga is a very significant group of goddesses for Hindus. This image shows the goddess Durga in nine of her forms. The goddess in the middle is the main form, Durga. This is evident because she is in the

  • Hindu gods and goddesses: The Legends of Devi

    1411 Words  | 3 Pages

    Hinduism has always been an assortment of highly diverse beliefs and rituals. It has always been the belief in the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth, also known as samsara, with various gods and goddesses responsible for a variety of situations throughout a Hindu’s life. Back when Hinduism was just beginning to emerge, the Hindu’s stressed personal devotion to a deity. These deities were gods and goddesses who could either help or harm the Hindu’s when asked. There is a variety of deities in the

  • The Goddess in Toni Morrison's Beloved

    1725 Words  | 4 Pages

    The concept of the goddess--especially in her three-fold embodiment as maiden, mother, and crone-is amazingly persistent for writers who want to explore gender roles. In particular, Toni Morrison uses the triple goddess to consider varieties of "male" and "female" thinking and to see how many roles an individual may wind up playing. The goddess we are concerned with in this Essay is many and yet one. She is a moon goddess, with triple aspects. Ths most common names she has traveled under are Artemis

  • Buffalo Demon

    1092 Words  | 3 Pages

    Out of more than six hundred Nepalese objects in the Rubin Museum’s collection, this sculpture Durga Killing the Buffalo Demon is located in the forth floor of Rubin Museum that the “NEPALESE SEASONS: RAIN AND RITUAL” exhibition. Durga Killing the Buffalo Demon is made by gilt copper alloy in the 13th century in Nepal, which is about 11.125 inches height, 12.875 inches width and 7.375 inches depths. This magnificent sculpture of Durga is a jewel of Nepalese art. She is believed to be a Hindu goddess

  • Hinduism's Relationship With God-Samsara

    967 Words  | 2 Pages

    rebirth, Yugas and the calendar. Hinduism believes in the concept of rebirth called samsara. Time is seen as just an illusion to distract us from reaching our goals to connect with God. Due to this concept and process, we must go through eight

  • Hero's Journey Mythology

    1248 Words  | 3 Pages

    WHAT IS MYTHOLOGY? Mythology : Muthos + Logia (Derived from Greek Words) “The point of Mythology is to point to the horizon and to point back to ourselves: This is who we are; this is where we came from; and this is where we are going.” -Michael Straczynski Growing up reading a lot of Epics, Fables and Fantasies, Mythology has always been around in my peripheral. Be it Panchatantra

  • End of the World

    2240 Words  | 5 Pages

    Do you expect the world to end? Will humans leave the world to another life form soon? These questions have plagued man since his inception on this planet. Humans have, in every culture, have made predictions of how and when the world will end. We have done this either through religion or just average men or women who say they have the sight to see the future. Do we consider religion false and seers charlatans? We must first look at the worlds myths about the end of the world, or as is called from

  • Followers of Hinduism

    1054 Words  | 3 Pages

    Preserver. The last god i... ... middle of paper ... ...led Vedas are sacred books carried by the Brahama. One day in the life of Brahama is equivalent to 4,320,000,000 years. This is divided into four yugas, together called the Great Cycle. In the world today is in the fourth stage called Kali Yuga. This stage started in 3102 B.C. Hinduism is a widely followed religion and has a rich culture. While it is a very old religion, it gains new followers every day. While many Hindus live in India, it is

  • Aryabhata Research Paper

    764 Words  | 2 Pages

    Aryabhata was born in around 476 CE. He was born in India during the Kali Kusumpura Yuga (the age of the demon). This age was known as the age of demon because it had constant eclipses, which people believed to be created by a demon. Most of Aryabhata’s childhood and life events are a mystery. Hardly any records are left about his life. During this era, many didn’t write, but rather used symbols that represented words. Aryabhata, for instance, used his knuckles as a calendar. January would start

  • Hindu Mythology

    2027 Words  | 5 Pages

    Hindu Mythology Cosmic myths are concerned with the world and how it is ordered. They seek to explain the origin of the world, universal catastrophes and natural disasters such as fire or floods, as well as the afterlife. Nearly all mythologies have stories about creation. This type of story is technically known as cosmogony, meaning “birth of the world.” (T Lansford, 2006) These Creation stories also include myths of how human beings first came into existence and how death and suffering entered

  • Comparing the Iconography and Mythology of Two Major Hindu Deities

    1597 Words  | 4 Pages

    Comparing the Iconography and Mythology of Two Major Hindu Deities In Hindu tradition, Brahma created the universe, Vishnu maintained it and Shiva destroyed it. These three gods comprise the Hindu trinity (the trimurti) and are considered to be the leading gods of the religion, especially Brahma, who is the oldest of all the gods. This point is questionable though as the Visnu Purana talks of Brahma emerging from Vishnu's navel to maintain the world after Vishnu has created it and then he