Joseph Pilates Essays

  • Origins of Pilates and Joseph Pilates

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    The paper focuses on the origin of the Pilates method of exercise. It also takes a step-by-step journey of Joseph Pilates (Joe) who was the founder of the Pilates method of exercise. Finally the paper will consider Pilates in the contemporary world. Pilates refers to a system of physical fitness that was established in the early 20th century. It was developed by Joseph Pilates. Joe was a German born in the year 1880. He suffered from rickets, rheumatic fever, and asthma during his childhood years

  • Joseph Pilates Essay

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    In the early years of the 20th century, Joseph Pilates, created this popular exercise derived from his last name. During this time, Joseph Pilates was a German boxer and performed in a circus. The idea for Pilates came while he was forced live in an internment camp during World War I. To keep healthy, he created floor exercises for himself and the people that were living in the camp with him. After World War I was over, Joseph Pilates returned to Germany and worked with the Hamburg Military Police

  • The Character of Pilate in Song of Solomon

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    The Character of Pilate in Song of Solomon The character Pilate in Song of Solomon is portrayed in the role of a teacher or "guide". She tends to be a spiritual leader as well as a spiritual guide for Milkman and the rest of the society. It could be argued that she is the main cause of Milkman's liberation and better being. She represents the motherly love and gives the spiritual education that Milkman needs, in order to go through the monomyth process. She teaches Milkman the necessities

  • Essay on Milkman’s Search for Identity in Song of Solomon

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    Milkman’s Search for Identity in Song of Solomon Song of Solomon tells the story of Dead's unwitting search for identity. Milkman appears to be destined for a life of self-alienation and isolation because of his commitment to the materialism and the linear conception of time that are part of the legacy he receives from his father, Macon Dead. However, during a trip to his ancestral home, “Milkman comes to understand his place in a cultural and familial community and to appreciate the value of

  • Free Song of Solomon Essays: Father and Son Relationship

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    father:son relationships that is significant to this issue is the one between Milkman and Macon. From the start, Macon objected to Milkman even being born; he forced Ruth to do things to her body that could possibly kill the fetus. With a little help from Pilate, however, Milkman was allowed into the world. Macon, perhaps instigated by never having a mother and seeing his own father killed, has always appeared to be a cold and unforgiving parent even to his other children besides Milkman, but since Macon

  • Fight for Freedom in Toni Morrison's The Song of Solomon

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    sister's, Pilate, life. After killing the man the two children travel to the man's camp where they discover three bags of gold. Macon also sees, " the dusty boots of his farther" (pg 170). Becoming alarmed, Pilate says, "It is Papa!". To her cry a voice whispers 'sing, sing'. Macon greedily packs up the gold while Pilate searchers frantically for their farther. After a terrible fight the two separate. Ironically years later they end up living in the same small Michigan town. Macon and Pilate hate and

  • Transformation in Song of Solomon by Toni Morrison

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    his own. So his idea of freedom was not really one of working to support himself, but simply having easy money given to him, and not having to give anything to anyone in return. It was his father Macon Jr. who informed Milkman of the possibility of Pilate having millions of dollars in gold wrapped in a green tarp that was suspended from her ceiling. The hidden gold was in Milkman’s opinion his only ticket out of Not Doctor Street, his way of having his own possessions, being free from his parents lending

  • Essay on Flight in Song of Solomon

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    that can kill anyone who isn't black, or anyone Guitar can convince himself isn't black: like Pilate. In other words, Guitar can make an "other" of anyone who crosses the boundaries of the definitions he constructs for the group that he purports to love: black people. What Guitar has constructed in his life is a category of political ciphers that does not allow for the existence of the idiosyncratic Pilate or for the existence of the individualistically apolitical Milkman. Milkman's journey forward

  • Macon and the White Man in Song of Solomon

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    interpretation up to the reader on the issue of whether or not Macon killed the "white" man in the novel. In Song of Solomon, Macon tells his son, Milkman, the story of when his father was killed by white men and he and his sister, Pilate, ran away together. Macon says that he and Pilate were followed by "a man who looked just like their father." (168) After three days of being followed by this man, they decided to find an escape by taking cover in a unused cave. In the middle of the night, Macon awoke to

  • jesus

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    later became part of the New Testament of the Bible. Some people did accept Jesus as the Messiah, but others did not. Believers in Judaism were revolting against Jesus and his beliefs. The Roman government took Jesus into their control and Pontius Pilate demanded his crucifixion. However, a number of devoted followers were able to spread the story of Jesus. They pronounced that Jesus had overcome death, been resurrected and rose into Heaven. Of these followers the most important was Paul of Tarsus

  • Song of Solomon Essay: Theme of Maturing

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    history is the process by which she acquires the values that will sustain Milkman and by extension, the black community. Pilate's initiation occurs much earlier than Milkman's. Having been raised in relative isolation in the edenic Lincoln's Heaven, Pilate is abruptly and cruelly cast out as an orphan into the greater reality. Her quest for acceptance, however, turns into rejection, her navel-less belly a semé of exclusion. Thus, in a reversal of the male myth, her initiation does not result

  • Essay on Individual Verses Society in Song of Solomon

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    Since society changes, the man who simply reflects his social environment changes accordingly. But “the true individual's self-discovery depends on achieving consciousness of one's own nature and identity”(Middleton 81). This is what differentiates Pilate and Milkman from Macon and Guitar.  There are direct similarities between Milkman's and Pilate's self-discovery. They both achieve their individualistic spirit through travel, literal and symbolic. Not so for Guitar and Macon Dead jr. “Where Pilate's

  • Essay on Spirituality in Song of Solomon

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    Corinthians, Magdalene, and Ruth for example. However, the two main allusions Morrison draws on are the name "Pilate" and the name of the biblical book Song of Solomon. In the narrative in which Pilate is named, Pilate's father, who can't read, lets the Bible fall open and points to a set of lines that look agreeable to him. It just so happens that the word spelled out by those lines is "Pilate," the name of the Roman who turns Jesus over to be crucified. The midwife attending at Pilate's birth asks

  • Essay on the African American Dream in Song of Solomon

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    he wanted from life. Initially, he thought the best thing for his life was to leave his family and home. In order to do so, he needed money. His father, Macon gives him the task of searching for a bag of gold in his Virginian hometown. Macon fought Pilate for a particular bag of gold as children, and Macon believes the gold remains in the original location as it was when they were young. Milkman wishes to locate the gold as means to accomplishing his goal to achieve financial independence. While

  • Essay on Control in Song of Solomon

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    situation, his frustrated cousin Hagar, and most markedly his father, Macon Dead. Guitar Bains, Milkman's best friend since childhood, serves as Milkman's only outlet to life outside his secluded and reserved family. Guitar introduces Milkman to Pilate, Reba, and Hagar, as well as to normal townspeople such as those that meet in the barber shop, and the weekend party-goers Milkman and Guitar fraternize with regularly. However, despite their close friendship, the opportunity to gain a large amount

  • Transformation of Milkman in Toni Morrison's Song of Solomon

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    witch figure, he is inspired to be reciprocal, and through his struggle for equality with men and then with women, he begins to find his inheritance, which is knowing what it is to fly, not gold. At the end, he acts with kindness and reciprocity with Pilate, learning from her wisdom and accepting his responsibilities to women at last. By accepting his true inheritance from women, he becomes a man, who loves and respects women, who knows he can fly but also knows his responsibilities. In the first

  • Milkman's Transformation in Toni Morrison's Song of Solomon

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    Milkman's Transformation in Toni Morrison's Song of Solomon Milkman experiences many changes in behavior throughout the novel Song of Solomon. Until his early thirties most would consider him self centered, or even self-loathing. Until his maturity he is spoiled by his mother Ruth and sisters Lena and Corinthian because he is a male. He is considered wealthy for the neighborhood he grew up in and he doesn't socialize because of this. As a result of his spoiled childhood Milkman takes women

  • From Pilate to Pilate and Song to Song

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    Toni Morrison presents various different allusions to the Bible in her novel Song of Solomon. The most apparent examples of this are represented within the parallels between Pontius Pilate and Pilate Dead, along with the thematic plot of love present in the novel and in the biblical book Song of Solomon. Morrison shows a great deal of correlation between the Bible and Song of Solomon. She uses her creativity to present familiar characters in a new and different light. She is able to present the same

  • Free Song of Solomon Essays: Milkman's Search for Self

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    inherited this trait from his father, even though he mistakenly thinks so. His father had owned things that "grew" other things, not "owned" other things. Pilate Dead, Macon's younger sister, is a marked contrast to her brother and his family. Macon has a love of property and money, and this determines the nature of his relationships with others. Pilate has a sheer disregard for status, occupation, hygiene, and manners, and has the capability to respect, love, and trust. Her self-sufficiency and isolation

  • Song of Solomon Essay: Devotion and Protection

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    portray this best are: Pilate, Ruth, and Magdalene called Lena. In the book, they are women that try to protect the people they love from men in their family. In the bible, they hold similar roles of devotion to those that they love. In Song of Solomon, Pilate is a strong-willed and independent woman. The reason that Ruth goes to her, is to protect her child. The first time that Ruth needs help is because of the way that Macon maltreats her (125-6). She is scared of Pilate because of her abnormalities