Interactivity Essays

  • Interaction Design Analysis

    1648 Words  | 4 Pages

    Within this essay I will be writing about interaction design I will cover my chosen subject in detail via the extensive research I have gathered. I will define and analyse interaction design using key examples of this design practise both histor ical and contemporary. I have chosen to focus my essay on interaction design as I’ve recently finished a project on wave two witch my final out come was a design/ prototype for an interactive phone application that allowed the user to get advise on editing

  • Interactivity In Art

    3278 Words  | 7 Pages

    Interactivity In Art Abstract: This essay examines the nature of interactivity in the arts through a cybernetic model, to arrive at an understanding of how interactive artworks can maintain and augment the subjectivity of the viewer. The cybernetic discourse foregrounds the relationship between the physical artifact (machine and/or work of art), the participant/spectator, and information/data/content. By examining the shifts in focus from each part of the cybernetic equation, several models

  • Interaction Design

    2644 Words  | 6 Pages

    1. AESTHETICS OF INTERACTION DESIGN As being a designer I always try to design something new, creative and interactive. Most of the people think that designers are born to modify and beautify things, which is totally wrong designers give directions of living; they transform the ugly into beautiful things. I have a deep interest in aesthetics and that I am tackling with the concept of aesthetics on a daily basis, in words as well as in drawings, movies, prototypes and other artifacts of interaction

  • The Importance Of Interactivity In Digital Art

    2166 Words  | 5 Pages

    while standing before the object . (Simanowski 2011) Each one of these has its own creative process with one simple shared goal at the end for someone to view it. In this case we hope to research digital art and to be more specific interactivity in digital art. The idea of interaction by the performer/viewer as well as the link between the artist and the technologies employed for the interaction will be explored, we will also glance at the aesthetic of digital art and how a piece is shaped

  • Crawford's Concept Of Interactivity In Artificial Intelligence

    763 Words  | 2 Pages

    it is important to look at Crawford’s concept of interactivity. He writes that a “…degree of interaction prove a useful index of ‘gaminess’” (11). The main point of interactivity is that the game responds to the player’s choices and actions in some way or form. Crawford’s example is that of a puzzle vs. a basketball opponent, the former of which does not actively respond to the persons’ actions in the same way as the latter (6). This interactivity also creates a dynamic narrative within the story

  • Online Course Design

    991 Words  | 2 Pages

    result is that the student learning outcomes are developed into instructional activities used for learning. Key decisions were made into developing the online design. Part of the process included documentation as to the online design, methods for interactivity, number of contacts with the faculty-member, and methods for online assessment and evaluation. One thing that was important to realize was that developing an online courses was different than developing a traditional face-to-face course. An article

  • The Art Of Persuasion

    1672 Words  | 4 Pages

    How To Engage & Persuade Your Audience with Touch How To Use The Methods Of Persuasion To Maximize Your Interactivity Persuasion is at the heart of sales, marketing, branding and business in general. In this eBook you will learn how to engage and persuade your audience through a strategic interactive experience. Learn how to use touch to facilitate effective and meaningful communication with your customers. Persuasion is at the heart of sales, marketing, branding and business in general. You are

  • Game Design Research Paper

    976 Words  | 2 Pages

    look of the game. This can really affect how the player feels while playing the game because a poorly made world will not make the player come back. The User Interface team works on the control the player gets. They design the game control and interactivity, such as what items can be moved and which can not. They also decide what must be done to accomplish certain activvites, such as a successful takedown. The final task is left for the programmer's. These are the people who “make” the game; they

  • Evil Experiment to Create Superhuman Warriors

    584 Words  | 2 Pages

    Subject 42 and fellow survivors of an evil experiment conducted to create superhuman warriors. Subject 42 must find the courage to take leadership of the other “subjects” to stand against the Silus an superhuman soilder sent with a band of soldiers to capture the” subjects” dead or alive. The structure of our project is similar to a video game medium. It begins with introduction/setup where one learns the situation of the characters (surviving in a squatter camp), a small amount of backstory about

  • Characteristics Of Social Media

    1582 Words  | 4 Pages

    According to Linda Peters (1998), the “Web” presents a fundamentally different environment – both as a medium and as a market – from traditional communication channels perspective. It creates the Marketspace – a virtual realm where products and services exist as digital information and can be delivered through information-based channels (Rayport and Svikola, 1994). The companies and consumers quickly adopted the new concept of the new interactive world for their own benefits. These interactive channels

  • Socio-cultural Issues

    905 Words  | 2 Pages

    the web is education. The Internet is a library of infinite knowledge, and like all knowledge, some can help us and some can hurt us. Although there are numerous beneficial effects that the web has on education, I will address three: research, interactivity, and advancement. Research Having a virtual library with the ease and convenience of the Internet, students can be more efficient, resourceful, and creative in their schoolwork and research. Schoolwork can be submitted legibly by electronic

  • Social Media Marketing

    1117 Words  | 3 Pages

    Social Media Marketing Advancements in technology allow communication to be more efficient and more reliable. Websites have been designed that are based on social interaction and businesses are getting involved online to connect with their consumers through this Internet site. These websites are called, social media, and it offers a way for consumers to network by sharing content that is accessed online. An article from the California Management Review defines social media as, “the way in which

  • Mainstream Media

    1999 Words  | 4 Pages

    Mainstream media such as television, radio, newspapers were the primary source of reliable information before the epoch of the internet. However, the situation has changed. The evolution of modern technology in the world today has led to the continuous increase in the methods of practicing journalism. Social and technological advancements have not only improved the pace and content of this field’s practice, but has extended its genre to online or cybernetic journalism. (Project for Excellence in

  • To This Day Analysis

    1119 Words  | 3 Pages

    It is through this media that we are allowed such immersive interactivity between producers, participants, and viewers. Anyone is then able to share the video through different platforms such as email and other social media networks to a whole new audience—expanding the reach of this video immensely. This immersive interactivity and connectivity between people around the world is a clear example of how media technology has transformed our society

  • Convergence Culture: Where Old and New Media Collide

    2558 Words  | 6 Pages

    (Jenkins, 2006, Convergence Culture). The technology of course provides the platforms for this new form of interactivity, however it has most certainly moved past the basic technological functions and created a whole new culture and lifestyle for consumers and producers alike. “The ways in which we are watching TV are thus changing, not just in terms of the increased prominence of interactivity but (disposable inco... ... middle of paper ... ...perate are at the moment are working and progressively

  • Design and User Experience : The Private Hospital

    546 Words  | 2 Pages

    Design and User Experience : The Private Hospital (calls Clinic in Chile) website in general are very well structured with easy access to all the services that these institution provides. The neonatology and pediatrics sections usually lacks of images and multimedia sections, the one reason of that can be that the information is oriented toward adults visitors or potentials parent patients. Additionally in general these WebPages provides information written by its own physician helping them to reach

  • Personal Connections in the Digital Age

    1655 Words  | 4 Pages

    people in their daily life and change not only human’s communication pattern but also impact on the quality of interpersonal relationship. The modern media technologies would attract more general public to utilize because of simultaneousness, interactivity, social identification and extension of social circle. However, some users would consider negative effects on interpersonal relationship, which result from heavy reliance of media technologies, for instance, ineffective communication due to unclear

  • A Critique of The Times Online Website

    2018 Words  | 5 Pages

    This report gives a critique of The Times Online website using a number of design aspects which include searchability, Navigation, usability, design, interactivity and content. The main problems identified in the website include a mixture of main content with advertisement content, too long pages and some of the images appearing to be quite blurred. The recommendations for redesign include separating advertisement content from the main content by placing it on top of the page just before the logo

  • The Advantages of the New Media Technologies

    621 Words  | 2 Pages

    via your TV. One more recent addition is whilst watching the football it is possible to watch one specific player the whole match or even watch more than one match at a time by splitting the screen in two. Another advantage that ties in with interactivity is increase choice. Like it was said earlier it is possible to access more than one football match at a time. Also it is possible to watch new films without having to go out and rent them. All you have to do is press a button and you are presented

  • Textbooks vs. Tablets

    686 Words  | 2 Pages

    tailor learning, many schools are starting to go digital. Printed textbooks should be replaced by tablets for three main reasons: tablets increase student interactivity and creativity, they improve grades and responsibility, and provide students with more up-to-date information. Increase In Participation Tablets increase students interactivity and their creativity in the classroom. “When students use computers, it offers workplace-like situations that require independent, self-directed learning,