Ian Beale Essays

  • How Soaps Attract Their Target Audience

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    How Soaps Attract Their Target Audience I n this essay, I am going to compare Eastenders and Neighbours. I will identify the key ingredients shared by different soaps and examine ways in which such key ingredients differ from one soap to another. The key ingredients to soaps are that they last for years. The soaps are usually serial and are set in a specific location e.g. Albert square in Eastenders. In soaps, they all have characters, which appeal to a specific audience. Here are

  • Elvis Presley

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    Tennessee in 1948, and he graduated from Humes High School there in 1953. The pop and country music of the time, the gospel music he heard in church and at the all-night gospel sings he frequently attended, and the black R&B he absorbed on historic Beale Street as a Memphis teenager were Elvis’ musical influences. He began a singing career in 1954 with the legendary Sun Records label in Memphis Tennessee. He had a sound and style that uniquely combined his varied musical influences and distorted and

  • bb king

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    young blues guitarist named Riley King had his first hit song titled "3 O’clock Blues.'' The song was so great, promoters whisked the young man from his Memphis, Tennessee home to the big top of New York City, where he shortened his stage name from Beale Street Blues Boy to "B.B.'' Boogie woogie pianist Robert "H-Bomb'' Ferguson recalls the first time he met B.B. King before the legendary guitarist's first show at the Apollo Theater in Harlem. "When I saw B.B., man, I laughed. This cat came out on

  • How Did Kudrow Loses $ 1 Million Lawsuit

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    The headlines read “Kudrow Loses $1.6 Million Lawsuit”. How could it be when she was at the height of her career? The comedian had millions of people reading and gabbing about her insane salary of $1 million … per episode. Not only her, but each of the cast members of the show Friends was raking in big dollars. On the other side of this scenario is Kudrow's and her former manager, Scott Howard's lawsuit. The two appeared in a civil court hearing over the accusation that she owed Howard money and

  • Elvis Presley

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    graduated from Humes High School there in 1953. Elvis? musical influences were the pop and country music of the time, the gospel music he heard in church and at the all-night gospel sings he frequently attended, and the black R&B he absorbed on historic Beale Street as a Memphis teenager. In 1954, he began his singing career with the legendary Sun Records label in Memphis. In late 1955, his recording contract was sold to RCA Victor. By 1956, he was an international sensation. With a sound and style that

  • John Caird’s Production of Hamlet

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    of different Hamlet productions, John Caird’s 2000 production of Hamlet stands out especially because of its lead actor. This National Theatre show, staged at the Littleton Theatre, featured Simon Russell Beale as the titular character. In The Guardian, Lyn Gardner writes that Russell Beale had wanted to be in a production of Hamlet for twenty years and when he got his chance, he didn’t “blow it.” John Caird’s elaborate three and a half hour production gave a great big nod to the religious aspect

  • Palmer Hayden's Commitment, Essex Hemphill

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    described by the tone of the poem and the conflict and division, he faces between himself and his family. He describes always being there for his family, and that is just his role, but in reality he wants mutual feelings towards him. In Palmer Hayden’s, Beale Street Blues, 1930’s, the art piece shows an outside juke joint, and everyone having a good time. You see people dancing and gambling, but looking closer at the picture you see a man in overalls in back, right side of the picture away from the crowd

  • Taking Sides: Was WWII Solely Hitler's Fault?

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    Ian Kershaw is correct when he argues that while Hitler was responsible for the execution of the German foreign policy that inevitably led to World War II, Hitler was not free from the influence of outside forces. Kershaw, a professor of history at the University of Sheffield, is a structuralist. Structuralists generally believe Hitler cannot be held solely responsible for World War II and that he was “was a product of the environment he helped to create”. When it comes down to specifics, the

  • Shakespeare’s King Lear Philosophy

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    Philosophy is defined as the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence. In Shakespeare’s King Lear one is able to relate and understand a lot of the problems the main characters in the play are facing. The characters face issues relating trust, family, greed, depression, and insanity. The issues and plot in the play are contemporary issues that any human can relate to because it is the way of life. In the beginning of the play the reader learns that Lear is ready to give

  • King Lear Analysis

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    In Shakespeare story King Lear, two of the women were portrayed as emasculating and disloyal while the third was honest and truthful. Showing, that most women who have power can’t be trusted. The story told of a king named Lear who had three daughters named Goneril, Regan, and Cordelia. Lear had given his two oldest daughters Goneril, and Regan a piece of land even though they had lied to their father telling him feelings that they didn’t really have. Then there was his youngest daughter she was

  • King Lear Analysis

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    In “King Lear,” William Shakespeare portrays women to be chaotic and unfit rulers unless they have manly characteristics. While Lear was still ruling, the kingdom was peaceful and calm. It wasn't until he decided to divide his land between his three daughters that life got chaotic. In act 1 scene 1 the older daughters Goneril and Regan, each received a piece of land by expressing a love to their father so great it seemed too good to be true… only in this case it was too good to be true. Almost directly

  • Psychodnamic Theory

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    Ian Curtis was 23 years old when he hung himself in his home in Macclesfield, England. The events that led to the singers death should have been warning signs of his plans, but his personality kept him from receiving the help he desperately needed. Born on July 15th, 1956 in Manchester, England Ian had a considerably normal childhood to follow. He had one little sister and his working class family were very tightnit with other family members as well as each other. (Curtis 1995)Ian was a cheerful

  • King Lear Analysis

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    The British drama King Lear was written by William Shakespeare, and it gave a very strong message to the audience. The message was that you can't really trust anybody in this world, because even the people that mean the most to you can backstab you when you least expect it. Take Lear for example, he went from being a good noble king to an insane man over a couple of days. One reason why Lear went so crazy was the fact that he split up his kingdom between his two daughters who spoke their love to

  • Character Analysis Of Shakespeare's Play King Lear

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    Shakespeare’s play “King Lear” does not lack wicked characters. Throughout the play, it is evident that most characters only care about themselves and their status in England. Such characters as Goneril and Edmund will do anything to improve their standings in society such as killing and betraying family members. In contrast, The Duke of Albany cares about King Lear and England, but he takes no action to prove that he cares for them. However, the character Albany goes through a metamorphosis as the

  • Tragic Mistake In King Lear

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    The tragic collapse of King Lear was initiated within the first act, where he demonstrated a lack of insight into who his daughters genuinely were. To start, Lear decided that it was time for him to divide his kingdom among his three daughters, and the criteria he used was who every flattered him the most with kind and lovely words, would obtain the greatest share. This idea that whoever showed the most affection for him under this rationale would prove who loves him the most, and therefore would

  • Unity Of Place In King Lear Essay

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    Much alike unity of time, unity of place was not explicitly defined within Poetics. In fact, Aristotle made no direct mention to unity of place. Instead it was an interpretation established by French and Italian classical dramatists in the sixteenth century (“Unities.”). It most likely arose due to limitations in creating representations of multiple locations in early theatre. It was clearer to confine the action to one setting. In theory, unity of place will concentrate the tragic effect, as all

  • Human Genetic Engineering: Unnatural Selection

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    have died in early stages of development or after birth according to the study of the cloned sheep, Dolly (Magalhães 1). Those who make it suffer from several defects acquired from birth (Magalhães 1). During recent experimentation it took scientist Ian Wilmut of the Roslin Institute in Edinburgh, Scotland, and his colleagues who created Dolly (a cloned sheep) 277 tries before they got a healthy, feasible lamb (Human Cloning 1). Due to the complication of human cloning even more deaths and deadly birth

  • Obsession in Enduring Love

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    Explore the ways in which McEwan presents obsession in Enduring Love The theme of obsession is found in many different forms in Enduring Love. McEwan uses language and the presentation of the characters to explore the many different types of obsession. The most obvious obsession in the novel is Jed’s obsession with Joe. As a reader, we find this perhaps the most disturbing because of the intensity with which it is presented. At the opening of the novel, immediately after the accident, Joe

  • jurassic park

    7922 Words  | 16 Pages

    Introduction–First Iteration Summary Introduction In the late twentieth century, the field of biotechnology and genetic engineering has positioned itself to become one of the great technological revolutions of human history. Yet, things changed when Herber Boyer, a biochemist at the University of California, founded the company Genentech in 1976 to exploit the commercial potential of his research. Since then the field has exploded into a global amalgam of private research firms developing frivolous

  • Atonement: Film And Film

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    Atonement is a British novel set in and around the Second World War. Written in 2001 by author Ian McEwan, it centres on a young upper-class girl's misjudged accusation that ruins the lives of the characters around her and her adult life to follow. The novel was written into film in 2007 by Christopher Hampton, and directed by Joe Wright, who stuck carefully to the book's plot and particular dialogue, trying to convert it to the screen intact. On a purely plot basis, Hampton’s Atonement is a very