Heart murmur Essays

  • Essay On Murmur

    861 Words  | 2 Pages

    Heart Murmur is an extra or unusual sound heard during a heartbeat, murmurs range from very faint to very loud. Sometimes they make a swishing or wooshing noise.There are two types of heart murmurs, innocent (harmless) and abnormal. Most murmurs dont mean anything is wrong but sometimes they are a sign that there might be a problem with the heart. Normal heartbeats go dub dub a heart murmur makes a dub swoosh dub. Murmurs can be classifief by 7 different characteristics. • Timing it refers to if

  • R.E.M.

    2702 Words  | 6 Pages

    The year is 1989. Ronald Reagan has just been succeeded as president of the United States by George H.W. Bush. There is a certain smell lingering in the air, a certain aura of change and tension. The Berlin Wall has been destroyed, and the Soviet Union’s communist grip is beginning to loosen. Television news stations report that Exxon Valdez has spilled millions of gallons of oil into the sea in Alaska, giving the water’s surface a slick shine. This is a potentially devastating disaster for the animals

  • The Hole in My Heart

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    The Hole in My Heart When I was younger, I loved to play sports. Basketball was my favorite and I was always one of the best on the team. I could jump high to get rebounds, I could use my long arms to steal many balls, I had a great shot and I did it all with grace. It was a beautiful thing and probably the only time I ever felt completely included in a group of people. Even though I was a valuable asset to the teams I played on, I was never the best. I missed many practices because I was too

  • Development And Intricacies Of The Heart

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    baby's heart. Once the baby is born, parent’s uncertainties may be laid to rest as technology has provided the world with multiple means of being able to detect the most miniscule of abnormalities. One of which includes the electrocardiogram as this device is able to monitor and record the electrical impulses the heart is generating. With the addition of this device, a doctor can detect abnormal rhythms in the heart. By using machines such as the electrocardiogram, examining heart murmurs, and aortic

  • Diagnosis for the Cardiac Murmur in Horses

    1690 Words  | 4 Pages

    Problem: Left-sided holodiastolic, murmur with point of maximal intensity over the left base. The murmur is decrescendo shaped. Differential diagnoses: The most likely diagnosis for the cardiac murmur in this horse is aortic insufficiency, as a result of degenerative changes to the aortic valve. In aortic insufficiency, the murmur heard is due to regurgitation through the defective aortic valve. Aortic insufficiency presents clinically with a holodiastolic decrescendo murmur, with maximal intensity over

  • VSD

    968 Words  | 2 Pages

    Congenital heart defects (CHD) are the most frequent of congenital malformations. It is estimated that “eight in 1,000 newborns” are said to have congenital heart defects, an abnormal aliment of the heart and blood vessels surrounding the heart. A ventricular septal defect (VSD) accounts for 25-30 percent of all congenital heart defects, with 1 in 500 infants born with a VSD. A ventricular septal defect or hole in the heart occurs along the septum between the ventricles of the heart. During fetal

  • Tetralogy Of Fallot Essay

    1001 Words  | 3 Pages

    Tetralogy of Fallot is a critical congenital heart defect that is presented at birth and alters the lives of families around the world. To many, TOF could be seen as inferior to other illnesses and defects due to a lack of comprehension towards the condition itself. Tetralogy of Fallot is an unfamiliar defect caused by a lack of blood flow and inconsistencies in the heart's structure, leading to the “blue baby”. TOF is often detected after an abnormal heart murmur has been picked up during an ultrasound

  • A Healthy Heart

    1192 Words  | 3 Pages

    the heart starts pounding until the time of death, it may beat more than 3.5 billion times. The center of the circulatory system is the heart. The average heart beats 100,000 times each day, pushing around 2,000 gallons of blood throughout your body. With a life span of 70-90, the heart will beat two to three billion times and circulate 50-65 million gallons of blood. The hearts role is to pump oxygenated blood to every cell in the body by having a continuous beat. Throughout time the heart has

  • Prognosis for Infants and Children with Tetralogy of Fallow

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    for 10% of all congenital heart defects that modify the formation of the heart. It also alters the way blood flows through the heart. Tetralogy of Fallow is usually diagnosed at birth or infancy and with surgery a child can live a relatively normal life. The prefix tetra means four and the term fallot is named after a French doctor who first discovered the disease in the 1800’s. Appropriately named after the discovery, Tetralogy of Fallow came about because of the four heart defects observed. One major

  • Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome Essay

    2105 Words  | 5 Pages

    “Hypoplastic left heart syndrome accounts for 9% of all critically ill newborns with congenital cardiac disease, causing the largest number of cardiac deaths in the first year of life.(2) ” HLHS is a severe heart defect that is present at birth. HLHS combines different defects that result in an underdeveloped left side of the heart. This syndrome is one of the most challenging and difficult to manage of all of the congenital heart defects. Multiple portions on the left side of the heart are affected including

  • Lab Report The Effects of Drugs on Cardiac Physiology

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    cardiovascular system. The first lab was utilization of the electrocardiogram (ECG). This studied the electrical activities of the heart by placing electrodes on different parts of the skin. This results in a graph on calibrated paper of these activities. These graphs are useful in the diagnosis of heart disease and heart abnormalities. Alongside natural heart abnormalities are those induced by chemical substances. The electrocardiogram is useful in showing how these chemicals adjust the electrical

  • Understanding Tetralogy of Fallot: A Congenital Heart Condition

    505 Words  | 2 Pages

    Tetralogy of Fallot is a rare condition caused by a combination of four heart defects that are present at birth. These defects, which affect the structure of the heart, cause oxygen-poor blood to flow out of the heart and to the rest of the body. Infants and children that are diagnosed with Tetralogy of fallot have blood that does not carry enough oxygen throughout their body, and that will cause the infants and children to have blue-tinged skin. Tetralogy of fallot is usually diagnosed during infancy

  • Differential Diagnosis

    505 Words  | 2 Pages

    primary differential diagnosis was AR. During auscultation, the murmur of aortic regurgitation is complicated. The left ventricle is typically dilated secondary to extreme volume overload, as it must handle both the forward flow delivered from the left atria as well as the backflow of blood from the aorta. As the damage progresses, the symptoms can appear suddenly. The abnormal backflow of blood leads to pathologic changes in the heart in order to compensate for the decreased successful cardiac output

  • Unexpected Moment Essay

    882 Words  | 2 Pages

    Gynecologist detected a murmur, which suggested that I was born with a hole in my heart and later found out that the heart defect name is called PDA (Patent Ductus Arteriosus). PDA is a congenital

  • Sample Nursing Health Assessment Report

    793 Words  | 2 Pages

    grade(1).Assess carotid artery appropriately (1). Rationale: o Assessing the pulse is direct indicator that the circulatory system has a continuous flow of blood. o Feeling the pulse indicates means we are feeling successive contractions of the heart. Assessment: Pulse Location Rhythm Strength Carotid artery (One at a time) located along the medical edge of the sternocleidomastoid muscle in the neck. No dysrhythmia 4 Brachial pulse groove between biceps and triceps at antecubital fossa No dysrhythmia

  • Graduation Speech: Many Chapters Yet to Write

    706 Words  | 2 Pages

    The fairy tales that forever touch the strings of the human heart have one thing in common: a happy ending. For dramatic effect, the speech you are about to hear begins with one. When we dare to venture into the past to find inspiration for the future, we are inevitably bound to face the moments we’d much sooner forget. Our repeated experience has shown that we are more inclined to find profundity in our seconds of misery and suffering than in years and years of commonplace encounters. It is

  • Tetralogy of Fallot

    1021 Words  | 3 Pages

    The purpose of this paper is to establish an understanding of the rare heart disease Tetralogy of Fallot. Tetralogy of Fallot is a congenital heart defect that is present at birth, with the structure of the heart being problematic. It changes the normal flow of blood through the heart. The aspects of it being explained are the overall disease and symptoms of it. Secondly, the long term and short term effects corresponding to the particular disease. Lastly, the causes, prevention, and statistics of

  • Endocarditis Research Paper

    538 Words  | 2 Pages

    Endocarditis (IE) is an infectious disease affects the inner parts of the heart especially the heart valves. In spite of fungi can rarely cause IE, bacteria are considered the main cause of IE particularly Staphylococci, Streptococci, and Enterococci. IE is associated with fever, night sweats, weight and appetite loss, and cardiac and pulmonary illness. The diagnostic method is not complicated but it can not be obtained immediately with possibility of presence of negative results which effect on

  • Atrial Septal Defect Essay

    587 Words  | 2 Pages

    a congenital birth defect of the heart in which there is a hole in the septum that divides the atria. The hole can vary in size and may close on its own or may require surgery. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently estimated that each year about 1,966 babies in the United States are born with an atrial septal defect. About 5% to 10% of all coronary heart disease are atrial septal defects and are responsible for about 30% of the congenital heart defects diagnosed in adults. Atrial

  • Respiratory and Cardiovascular Assessments

    901 Words  | 2 Pages

    The ability to carry out and document a full respiratory and cardiovascular assessment is an essential skill. The severity of illness can be initially evaluated by inspection, palpation, percussion, and auscultation. During analysis, specific locations of symptoms can be identified using landmarks such as the midaxiallary, midclavicular, and, the midsternal line. Indicate anterior or posterior thorax, and use the midaxillary line location when applicable (Bickley & Szilagyi, 2013). Respiratory Assessment