Golden Lion Essays

  • Golden Lion Tamarin

    1273 Words  | 3 Pages

    As one of the most endangered species of primate in the world today the Golden Lion Tamarin exists mainly in the areas of South America, more specifically the coasts boarding the country of brazil all the to Uruguay. Originating from the luscious and seemingly never-ending rainforests of Brazil the Golden Lion Tamarins have had to relocate over the years. Due to the interruption of man through out these spacious and lush forests, many species has been left homeless and even pushed to the brink of

  • Modernization rising beside tradition in Monsoon Wedding

    753 Words  | 2 Pages

    The perception of India is vastly changing with modernization emerging alongside India’s former traditions. Mira Nair does this quite well in her film Monsoon wedding (2001). The use of Hindi and the English language adapt to its western viewers as well as its Indian viewers. Mira Nair also illustrates a family background that is rare in a traditional Indian family. Some family members from the Verma family are from different parts of the world; including the groom who is an engineer from Houston

  • Golden Lion Tamarin Research Paper

    514 Words  | 2 Pages

    Forest of the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, lives a charismatic and tree-dwelling monkey known as the Golden Lion Tamarin, Leontopithecus rosalia. The Golden Lion Tamarin is a particular species of Lion Tamarins and were given this name due to their brightly coloured orange or red fur covering their entire bodies (Tzoo). A beautiful golden hair frames its dark and hairless face (WAZA). Golden Lion Tamarins can be distinguished from other species of primates by having two molar teeth on either side

  • Essay On Deforestation In The Amazon Rainforest

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    The Effect of Deforestation in the Amazon Rainforest on Golden Lion Tamarins Deforestation is the permanent removal of forests to make room for other uses of the land (McIntyre). The Amazon rainforest stretches for 1.6 million square miles, holds 1/10 of the world’s species and provides natural assets for both regional and national economies (“Deforestation of the Amazon Rainforest”). Despite its great importance to the Earth, the Amazon rainforest is perhaps the most threatened area of deforestation

  • Are Zoos Helping or Hurting?

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    allowed human beings to study animals and learn more about animals. Numerous opponents against zoos believe that they do not help educate visitors or help animals in any way. Breeding programs at zoos have helped multiple endangered species such as golden lion tamarins, cheetahs and tapirs (Keilin). Zoos have always been helping animals and our society, and they have been doing this by providing education to youth, science research, homes for endangered species, and a link to nature. One of the several

  • The Importance Of Rainforests

    885 Words  | 2 Pages

    WHY ARE RAINFORESTS IMPORTANT? Tropical rainforests are among the most important natural features on our planet. Rainforests only cover 2% of the Earth's surface, but are homes to over 50% of all species of plants and animals living here. Rainforest trees help the planet breathe by absorbing carbon dioxide (a Greenhouse Gas) from the atmosphere, and producing the oxygen that people and animals need to survive. If the Earth had lungs like human beings, the rainforests would be those lungs. Rainforests

  • Project Tamarin

    1423 Words  | 3 Pages

    While on this earth, we humans have made a tremendous impact on our environment, both good and bad. Unfortunately, humans have had more of a negative impact than positive, especially concerning the state of our world’s forests. We have been on a tree cutting rampage in order to create more space for the growing human population. While this may sound perfectly fine for many people, doing this robs the animals of our planet their home and their food which is why many species of animals and plants are

  • The Lion Research Paper

    627 Words  | 2 Pages

    in the wind. She is an African lion. Then you see the long pipe of a shotgun sticking out of the bushes. It flashes before your eyes. The bullet rips through the plains, breaking the nearly impenetrable silence. The impact, knocks the lion over. A large red spot is visible on her shiny, golden coat. Why? Why do people kill lions, so they can take a small portion of the lion, and leave everything else? There are so many unique features about lions! Lions are very beautiful. They show us

  • Lions

    632 Words  | 2 Pages

    Lions Physical Characteristics Lions have relatively short-legged, long, muscular bodies and large heads. The male grows on average to 1.7 to 2.5 m (5.6 to 8.2 ft) long, not including the tail, which is 90 to 105 cm (36 to 41 in) in length. It stands 1.23 m (4 ft) high at the shoulder, and it weighs 150 to 250 kg (330 to 550 lb). The mane, which covers the head and neck, sometimes extends to the shoulders and belly. The mane will vary in color and length; well-fed, healthy lions have longer, fuller

  • life of pi

    596 Words  | 2 Pages

    and have an open mind to different religions. His analogies were also quite humorous. For example, when comparing the crucifixion of Jesus Christ to his father feeding him to the lions because the latter killed two llamas, a black buck, a camel, painted storks, grey herons, and "who's to say for sure who snacked on our golden agouti?" In addition, Pi Patel's journey helped him have a great view of life and its value, allowing him to give many anecdotes that make the reader stop and think. For example

  • Into the Lion's Mouth

    3329 Words  | 7 Pages

    Lion's Mouth It is the last Saturday in September and the Brown University lion dance team is about to perform. Eleven students sit on the floor of Leung Gallery. The nine team members walk to the front of the room, seven Chinese, two Caucasian. Each wears a shirt bearing a black and white lion design on the front and the words "Brown Lion Dance" emblazed across the back. The boys who will make up the two lions - Grant, John, Chris and Michael - wear bright yellow pants with orange and gold

  • Shadow The Wolf: A Short Story

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    ears were better than an average fox’s. Shadow the Wolf howled again. Feather the Fox picked up her pace, yipping to her leash to do the same thing, and they obeyed. In the hot savannahs, the King the Lion roared to his pride to prepare for battle. He had also heard the cries of King Orca. His golden mane flared behind him as he sprinted from the Pride’s Tree to the shores of the Eastern Waters, were King Orca reigned. But

  • Big Game Hunting Should Be Allowed

    1994 Words  | 4 Pages

    controversial topic. During the early days of trophy hunting, dwindling numbers of some of the world’s most unique and prized wildlife was not a problem like it is today. When a trophy hunting dentist from Minnesota paid $55,000 to kill a prized African lion, he unintentionally reignited the heated debate concerning big game hunting. Wildlife conservationists and hunters debate the impact of hunting on the economy and the environment. Legal hunting can be controlled without government intervention, and

  • The Leopard

    653 Words  | 2 Pages

    patterning are associated with it’s habitat. 1.     Savannah Leopards – Reddish to orange color 2.     Desert Leopards – Pale cream to a yellow-brown coloring, The ones from cooler regions a more grayish color. 3.     Rainforest Leopards – dark, deep golden coloring 4.     High mountain Leopards – even darker than 3 Black Leopards/Black Panthers are found most frequently in humid forests but are just a color variation and not a subspecies. Variations in color has been the basis for the naming of 24

  • Farewell my Lovely, The Robber Bridegroom, and In the Skin of a Lion: Unconventional Heros

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    Unconventional Heros Farewell my Lovely, The Robber Bridegroom, and In the Skin of a Lion all contain heroes, although their heroism is of an unconventional sort. Despite their non-traditional nature, the characters of Philip Marlowe, Jamie Lockheart and Patrick Lewis are all identifiably true heroes, because they successfully engage, draw in, and 'win over' the reader with their positive characteristics. They are not merely average people with a few heroic attributes. Furthermore, these characters

  • Psychosocially Therapeutic Aspects of The Old Man and the Sea by Hemingway

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    complaint, and most importantly to have maximum self-control. At the end of the story he mentions, "A man is not made for defeat...a man can be destroyed but not defeated." The book finishes with this symbolic sentence: "The old man was dreaming about lions." It is a psychological analysis of Hemingway famous story that we have used it as a psychotherapeutic aid for hopeless and depressed people and also psychological victims of war in a more comprehensive therapeutic plan. The first sentence of

  • Circe: The Dread Goddess

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    crew went ashore on the island of Aiaia hoping to find food and water. Odysseus sent twenty three men to explore the island but only one returned. As the men walked from the beach they could hear sweet singing from Circe’s home in a forest glen. Wild lions and wolves (drugged by Circe) came, wagging their tails, to greet the strangers. They were charmed by her beauty and drank the potions she offered as refreshment. As Circe’s vile drugs took effect, the once valiant men began to change shape and were

  • Childhood Memories of the Mountain

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    and maples making up most of the rest. We move as a group in order from tallest, dad, to smallest, Tim and me. In the middle is Charlotte taking on the role of Big Sis telling her brothers behind her where to step and warning of bears and mountain lions. It takes us two hours to cover the first mile. A good pace for small feet. We stop at a trial junction and sit on a group of large boulders. We eat lunch on what we would thereafter call the “Lunch Rocks”. As soon as our stomachs are filled we

  • Verona

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    opera. At the time, the Arena was built outside of the city walls. More than 30,000 spectators would travel to Verona to watch the ludii, or shows and games, in the Arena. The most popular of the ludii were the gladiator fights, often times against lions. Originally, the faûze was white and pink limestone from Valpolicella. During the Middles Ages, the theater lost its functionality, and people began to use it as a quarry for other buildings. It was not until the Renaissance that people began to intervene

  • Old Man And The Sea Summary

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    particular afternoon, the boy left Santiago, who fell asleep. Lions immediately filled his dreams. As a boy he had sailed to Africa and had seen lions on the beaches. Now, as an old man, he constantly dreamed of the great and noble beasts. He no longer dreamed of storms, nor of women, nor of Great occurrences, nor of great fish, nor fights nor contests of strength, nor of his wife. He only dreamed of places now and of the lions on the beach ... He loved them as he loved the boy. Before