Gadget Essays

  • Smart Gadgets Essay

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    daily. They have for most people become a necessity. “Smart gadgets” such as cellphone and computer tablets are not only used for calling, but they can be used for web surfing, sending messages, and taking notes and so on. Unfortunately, the gadgets somehow are not the best device for the user because it is invasive, take away human choice and fail on human mature adults’ responsibility. These might change human life. “BinCam” the gadget that helps people keep track of things which they are throwing

  • Human Dependence on Gadgets

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    The history of gadgets goes back to those times when humans first started creating tools to make their lives easier. Various devices and appliances were created for specific practical reasons and were perceived as novelties in the beginning, due to the cautiousness in dealing with anything unfamiliar. The industry and technological advances of today has facilitated the invention of gadgets so numerous and varied that today most of the human life aspects are controlled or affected by technology. Once

  • Electronic Gadgets Essay

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    Effects of gadgets on children With the advance of growing of modern technology these days, electronic gadgets has become a part of our life whether at work or at home. Without knowing, gadgets has been exposed to children in an early age in their life. Children using electronic gadgets like smartphones at a younger age are increasingly exposed to certain social and health risks that come with it. Experts have advised that parents who permits their toddlers or children to access electronic gadgets for a

  • Importance Of Smart Gadgets

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    A smart gadget is known to be an electronic device which is interlinked with other networks or devices by making use of different wireless protocols such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, NFC, 3G, etc. They have the capability to work autonomously and interactively. Modern technology has revolutionized the old technology and has made a huge impact on everyone’s life. We make use of smart gadgets in daily lives in different ways. Some of the common examples of smart gadgets are smart key chains, smart bands, smartwatches

  • Gadgets Case Study

    995 Words  | 2 Pages

    Nowadays we're surrounded by gadgets that demand our interest, continuously fragmenting our ability to properly focus on the task at hand. However, living with technology doesn't mean we have to live with an addiction. Mostly this addiction is more to the youngster because they have been exposed to this kind of technology that might bring some injuries to the children and to ourselves too. Take a moment and ask yourself, children nowadays are growing up using gadgets from a very young age so how

  • Overuse Of Gadgets Essay

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    modern age using of technological gadgets is very norm and usual, almost everyone nowadays owns a pair of gadget in their hands. Overusing of the technological gadget can not only be risky to the health, but also to psychological aspect of the child. Overusing causes addiction to the gadget which can be the cause of many children and teenagers procrastinating many things. Especially ignoring their studies and pleasing them with the entertainment that the gadget hold within itself. The internet holds

  • Gadgets Of JAmes Bond

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    The Weapons and Gadgets of James Bond Introduction - Throughout the years, the weapons and gadgets that have come from the hands of the Q Branch, has never turned James Bond down, they are the coolest and are the best in spy paraphernalia. I.     Bond’s choice of equipment A.     Walther PPK B.     Aston Martin DB5 C.     Watches II.     Comparison to some spy gadgets of the army A.     Bond’s popular equipment B.     Military’s popular equipment III.     As technology continues to grow A.     Weapons

  • IT Gadgets and Student Lifestyle

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    forms of IT gadget(s) exist in this rapid change of technology. With so many IT gadget(s) are created, it can be difficult to look at every forms in this study. Thus, the following review of literature focuses mainly on the effects of smart-phones, tablets and notebooks bring to college student lifestyle. The terms of student lifestyle can be breakdown into three parts, which are education, health and social life. Past research had identified the effects of excessive time usage of IT gadget(s) on university

  • The Pros And Cons Of Gadgets

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    is out buying the newest gadgets from phones to computers. While leaving the last generation behind for the dump. Technology keeps everyone up to date and can even make life seem so much easier. Although, as humans produce more advanced technology, the average person wants to upgrade to the latest gadget and are left to get rid of their old gadgets. Not many people think about what happens to devices after they are gone. But what does happen? Is it bad to get rid of gadgets via landfills and is there

  • Gadgets In Education Essay

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    According to oxford dictionary gadgets are small tools such as a machine that have particular functions. E.g. phones. Tablets, watches, laptops and microphones. Desmond Llewellyn says what is brilliant about gadgets is their simplicity anyone can use a gadget, be it to make a call or send an email technology is always the fore front. The essay will discuss how gadgets may improve grades of university students. And allow them to be able to activity at own leisure and to see how technology can help

  • Importance Of Gadgets In Education

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    advancement of education field. Most of students use various types of gadgets such as laptops and IPad in their daily life. In my opinion, laptops are the most suitable gadgets that can be used in the classroom because gadgets such as laptop become essential in everyday life and have changed the way information is gathered. Besides that, by using laptops students will obtain any information that they need in easier way. Moreover, gadget such as laptop is important for studying because it can help students

  • Technology And Gadgets Essay

    1874 Words  | 4 Pages

    The technology and gadgets in business In business field, employers and employees use a lot of technology and gadgets to help them in their business, such as data management, customer service and financial management. It creates efficiency and convenient for them to further spreading their business to other places in a whole new level. We found out that there are several types of business technology categories that separated in terms of their functions, which are: 1) Business hardware In business

  • Gadget Persuasive Essay

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    The End First, there were gadgets like the wooden crank phone, now, due to the evolution of technology, we have Apple’s iPhone with the Artificially Intelligent Siri. A dispassionate apparatus only thinking out of logic, not driven by emotion. In life threatening circumstances an inexpressive machine will only do what it is made to do even if that means exterminating the lives of many. Due to the potential dangers of Artificial Intelligence (AI) its research and development should be slowed or

  • Tech Trends and Gadgets

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    individuals like using different kinds of technology. For them, these advances have made their lives so much better. For one, they can connect with their friends and families anywhere they go, even if they're away from their computer desks. Two, gadgets made their lives more organised thanks to mobile apps, such as Evernote or Bliss Control ( Lastly, business transactions are becoming more efficient thanks to mobile technology. Banks

  • Smartphones And Gadgets Essay

    996 Words  | 2 Pages

    more comfortable than ever. We also can see a lot of improvisation in cars or bike which help us lot in many aspects, whether it comes to the safety, speed or comfort. The area which changing and adopting the new ideas very rapidly is mobiles and gadgets. A decade before now was 512MB RAM was sufficient in computers, but now 2GB is not enough for mobile phones, because in today’s era we are not using the mobile phone which were only able to make calls, and texts. In present time we using smartphones

  • You Are Not A Gadget Summary

    1763 Words  | 4 Pages

    This idea is coined in the term “noosphere” by Jaron Lanier in his book, You are Not a Gadget. He defines this as the “supposed global brain formed by the sum of all the human brains connected through the internet” (Lanier 45). However, this idea can create results more negative than one might imagine. As Lanier puts it, “a continuation of

  • New Gadgets for the New Year

    591 Words  | 2 Pages

    Welcome the ‘New Year’ with new gadgets For once again in the new year of 2014, the market is completely ready to be inundated with new gadgets with newer innovations. The New Year shall be hot for the smart watches. Apple is ready to launch its flexible smart watch causing a bang in the market, while Samsung could launch its flexible phone in other markets of the world after introducing it in Korea. The people mad after gadgets are too restless to know about iPhone of Apple and of galaxy 5 from

  • Rhetorical Analysis Of You Are Not A Gadget

    1160 Words  | 3 Pages

    In the excerpt the author is trying to warn of the dangers of humanity being blurred with machinery or the internet of the 21st century. You Are Not a Gadget by Jaron Lanier is using ethos to convince us of his credibility and the breakdown of the internet. The author expresses that mob rule is threating the individual on the Internet by taking away their humanity and turning them into an algorithm or data. The main argument is that humanity is being lost. The author is breaking down the internet

  • Iphone Vs Gadget Persuasive Essay

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    see people staring at their phones, tablets, smart watches, and other gadgets, completely absorbed in their blueish glow. In developed countries, it has become almost impossible to imagine a person having no smartphone or its substitutes, since the pace of modern life has become intertwined with the usage of mobile gadgets; the variety of models available on the market is overwhelming, and a person facing the need to choose a gadget may experience difficulties. Which model is better? What about the

  • Jaron Lanier's You Are Not A Gadget: A Man

    507 Words  | 2 Pages

    When examining Marshall McLuhan's Understanding Media: The Extension of Man, and Jaron Lanier's You Are Not a Gadget: A Manifesto, it is clear that both men fear the potential consequences surrounding the fast paced evolution of information and communication technologies, particularly the negative effects on humanity. In Lanier's book, he focuses on the distance and lack of face to face communication that occurs due to digital communication, believing that interpersonal relationships become less