Importance Of Gadgets In Education

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Nowadays many technologies have been developed to assist the advancement of education field. Most of students use various types of gadgets such as laptops and IPad in their daily life. In my opinion, laptops are the most suitable gadgets that can be used in the classroom because gadgets such as laptop become essential in everyday life and have changed the way information is gathered. Besides that, by using laptops students will obtain any information that they need in easier way. Moreover, gadget such as laptop is important for studying because it can help students to learn something new in just one click. Figure 1.0

Data communication is the sharing of data concerning the details of the shared data from a device to one or more devices. By using a single server, the information transmission and reception can be managed in such as network acts as Star Topology, Ring Topology or Bus Topology techniques. Besides that, networks such as Local Area Network (LAN) and Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) are commonly used to connect each device during the …show more content…

The Metropolitan Area Network requires a device called Routers for connecting each Local Area Network that involved.
For the technology's application we use to provide such an Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, and so on, to translate it into a learning system. Given the variety of educational applications available in the world now, as long as it is suitable for applications tecknologi learning system so it can be used. Technological capabilities in the use of a laptop is a matter that should be taken into account in order to access the learning system. Therefore, the following technological capabilities is as a form or size needed for a learning system that can be used. Here is one of the abilities of technologies used :

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