Fetish Essays

  • Fetishism, perversion and the Gay Identity

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    Fetishism, perversion and the Gay Identity The contemporary Euro-American idea of identity as coherent, seamless, bounded and whole is indeed an illusion. On the contrary, the self carries many internal contradictions and nuances as a reflection of the many roles that a person plays in various social circles. Identity is partially post-social and socially constructed though rituals and disciplinary acts. In turn Delany challenges the concept of a Gay Identity, an entity of being that could be

  • Sub Categories Of Sexual Deviance

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    the other hand, are not always necessary for sexual performance but only elevate the experience (LeVay et al., 2015). When a fixation on something, or kink, becomes a central and reoccurring matter in an individual’s sexual life, it becomes known as fetish. There are many different varieties of fetishisms, and many of them are social acceptable, with approximately 11% of the population possessing sexual fetishes to some degree (Wincze, 2000). Individuals with fetishes most commonly find certain items

  • That Thing

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    Freud spent a great deal of his time on the unconscious and conscious mind. This cause caused him to develop many theories, some of which are still used in modern psychology and some that are better left forgotten. Whether Freud’s theories are true or not it does not diminish the work he did and how it changed the way we think today. It is plain to see that Freud had an influence on Peter Shaffer’s Equus because oh his use of Freud’s psychotherapy. Because of the traumatic nature of Alan’s attraction

  • Alcohol Fetish

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    As humans, we all yearn to be free, yet we are trapped by expectations, responsibilities and standards placed upon us by the modern world. Alcohol creates freedom and vulnerability for individuals oppressed by the dynamics and speed of everyday life especially in very developed ‘high class’ nations. Alcohol particularly creates this freedom for individuals in disenfranchised populations, where expectations from a foreign “sophisticated” ideology overwhelm the people of the once free nations. And

  • Grimes: Appropriation as Fetish

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    Grimes in her video Genesis reinforces archetypes shown in the popular television show “Sailor Moon” which has often been labeled as Japanese culture using ideology. In the video, Grimes simply appropriates these images without challenging them and in the process spins a problematic take in the music video Claire Boucher also known as Grimes is a female singer. She is a white Canadian woman who had her upbringing primarily in Vancouver before moving to Quebec for her undergraduate diploma at McGill

  • The Pros And Cons Of Squashing

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    Squashing is a new type of fetish that has come about in recent years; it is counted as a sexual perversion. Squashing consists of an obese woman jumping or laying on a smaller person for sexual pleasure. Squashing can put the other person’s life at risk. It can also be harmful to their health; it is not safe for the other person involved. This sexual desire is considered immoral, in my opinion, but everybody has a different view on human sexuality. Squashing requires a larger person that weighs

  • Understanding Transvestic Fetishism: A Rare Paraphilic Disorder

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    A paraphilic disorder, also known as having atypical sexual desires, is transvestic disorder. The essential feature of transvestic fetishism is recurrent intense sexual urges and sexually arousing fantasies involving dressing in clothing associated with the opposite sex. Another term for transvestic fetishism is cross-dressing. A diagnosis of transvestic fetishism is made only if an individual has acted on these urges or is evidently distressed by them. In other systems of psychiatric classification

  • Case Study Of Pro Domme

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    to discuss the source of the specific needs of the fetish. We are a reliable source, or alternatively lady BDSM fetish and experiences in cities around the world. Our goal is to achieve a safe and friendly environment for suppliers and looking for different installations. Whatever the wish, Pro Domme help specialists in their field, to meet specific needs. You can consult our offers for professional dominance, pro Dommes, BDSM, mistress, fetish and find experts in their field. We have a list of professionals

  • Essay On Fetishism

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    When you hear the word “fetish” most people automatically think of something they would consider to be “weird” or “disgusting.” However, most people never stop to think of the origin of fetishes, why people engage in them, and how the people suffering from what is now called fetishistic disorder deal with their urges and feelings in their day to day lives. When put into perspective, fetishes are not what they seem and the people that have them are not so “strange” after all. The term “fetishism”

  • Forensic And Unusual Sexual Practices By Anil Aggrawal

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    Anil Aggrawal, there are about five hundred-forty-seven terms describing paraphilic sexual interests. Anil Aggrawal describes Sexual Fetishism as, “Reliance on some non-living objects as a stimulus for sexual arousal and sexual gratification” (15). A fetish can be both physical as well as a mental aspect of sexuality Just to name a few fetishes and their definitions: • Acrotomophilia Arousal to amputees • Pubephilia Arousal to pubic hair • Nasolingus Arousal to sucking on a person’s nose • Urophilia

  • Eros Eskimo Analysis

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    Eskimo within the larger discourse of Inuit art history. Eros Eskimo can be understood through psychoanalytic theory as a colonial fetish constructed to cope with the threat posed by racial and sexual difference. This paper will examine the context in which the works were created before analyzing how they function as a colonial fetish before finally explaining how the fetish is maintained through disavowal and difference. The reason that Eros Eskimo is such an unusual book is that the Inuit did not have

  • Feminism In Vertigo

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    signifier of the male castration complex. The woman is “displayed for the gaze and enjoyment of men, the active controllers of the look,” yet threatens to evoke castration anxiety. The male unconscious escapes castration by disavowing it, substituting a fetish object so that “it becomes reassuring rather than dangerous” (21). Mulvey describes this phenomenon as fetishistic scopophilia, which emphasizes the physical beauty of the object and converts it into something satisfying in itself. Mulvey argues that

  • Should Pedophili Can It Be Considered A Sexual Orientation?

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    children. As the person under observation would be attracted to a male, female, or non-binary genders, going into the depths of what age group or the features they’re attracted to would be under the category of a fixation or fetish rather than a sexual orientation. A fetish - “Something, such as a material object or nonsexual part of the body, that arouses sexual desire and may become necessary for sexual gratification” (The American Heritage® Medical Dictionary) - relates more to the specific item

  • Looners

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    whatever. (McAwesome) Non- Poppers tend to use the balloons for multiple sex acts but keep them to the bust on their own. They tend to be more protective of their balloon. I could not find the origin of Looners act but I know there are consider balloon fetish. Looners have preferences; like anybody else, they prefer a certain type of balloon. Each preference is unique to the

  • Learning About a Different Culture in Maryse Conde’s Segu

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    Maryse Conde’s novel Segu tells the vivid story of a family hurtled into the chaos of a rapidly changing world. Conde does a phenomenal job of putting readers into the mindset of her many colorful characters allowing readers access to thoughts and motivations behind these characters’ actions. The story is exceptionally intricate and yet the individual stories all feel interconnected back to the Traore family who are the focus point of the novel. Various themes all play a part in the telling of Segu

  • Seeking Asian Woman

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    connect with her, acknowledge her desires in the relationship, and appease her during the time of her needs. Instead, he chases after her and is enticed by her Asian ethnicity, culture, and appearance. This facet of the film functions to depict how the fetish and sexual nature of Steven contributes to his declining relationship with Sandy, as he is unable to recognize her role in the relationship, satisfy her needs, and simply respect her wishes. Therefore, Sandy feels lost in her relationship and struggles

  • Transvestic Fetishism

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    behind closed doors and you may not even be aware of it. Not to worry, it may not involve another woman. This man may be having an affair with female clothing. If so, it is safe to say that this man is suffering from a transvestic fetish. What is a transvestic fetish? Transvestic Fetishism is a psychosexual disorder found mostly in men. To better understand this disorder, we must first look at the definition. Transvestism is defined as dressing in the clothing of the opposite sex to achieve

  • Counter-Hegemony And Cultural Appropriation

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    Essay: Counter-Hegemony and Cultural Appropriation Imaan Shah 25th June 2015 QVC1104 Cultural Appropriation and Sexual Innuendos in Advertisements Cultural Appropriation: “Cultural appropriation is the adoption of elements of one culture by members of a different cultural group, especially if the adoption is of an oppressed people's cultural elements by members of the dominant culture” - Eden Caceda[1] Cultural appropriation is a recent norm that has now become common place in society. Due

  • Pop Culture: The Goth Subculture

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    The late seventies and early eighties saw the beginning emergence of the Goth subculture: a group of social misfits that appear to always find themselves on the outskirts of mainstream pop culture. It is a complex subculture with great depth and beauty where many of its citizens share a profound connection with the darker aesthetic, are predisposed to depression, and are often willing to explore interpersonal and sexual relationships with little inhibition or regard for societal norms. There is rarely

  • Ira Isaacs: Violating Federal Obscenity

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    In 2013 Ira Isaacs was officially imprisoned for violating federal obscenity statutes in the state of California. He produced and distributed four of his fetish films via U.S mail. Three sub areas collectively create the core components in the analysis of this case: obscenity, fetishes and related cases with similar circumstances and outcomes. Obscene speech is the only type of speech that does not need a compelling government interest and is not protected by the First Amendment. This type of speech