Exploratory data analysis Essays

  • Biography of John Wilder Tukey

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    be a Demonstrator in Physical Chemistry even though he was one in Brown University. He went to Princeton to earn his doctorate in chemistry, but he then changed to mathematics and earned his doctorate in 1939. During this time Tukey was working in analysis and topology. In 1970 he was invited to become part of the Brown Corporation, the “governi... ... middle of paper ... ...m & Stryjewski, 2011, p.3) Later then Daniel Carr found Tufte’s variation to be substantially less accurate than the original

  • Exploratory Factor Analysis Essay

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    5 Data analysis methods According to Pallant (2007), the obtained data needs to be analysed and interpreted very carefully in order for the researcher to gain valuable and useful information from the study (p. 100). The researcher should have at least understanding statistical techniques used in the study for data analysis. Moreover, Hair et al. (2003) have also mentioned that it is very important to determine the goodness of the collected data and analyse it accurately because the wrong data will

  • Importance Of Exploratory Research

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    3.3.3 Exploratory Research Exploratory research is referred to that type of research design, which is concerned with dealing with a problem that is not clearly defined and is intended to be exploring the research questions. It helps in giving the study a new angle or looking from a new theoretical perspective to measure something. Moreover, the research mostly focuses on secondary research that is reviewed literature or data that is available; qualitative approach is also used in this. Furthermore

  • Maid Content Analysis Paper

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    The analysis of critical incidents was done using the content analysis technique, also adopted in the studies mentioned above. This type of analysis is suitable for qualitative study of the material, which cannot be applied arithmetic techniques (Barnes, 2014). The maid content analysis technique was thematic analysis. A theme is understood as "a statement about a certain subject she holds a bundle of relations and can be graphically presented by a word, a phrase, a summary. Thematic analysis consists

  • Exploring Research Methodologies: Qualitative vs Quantitative

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    quantitative methodologies have distinct advantages and limitations which can be optimized if researchers correctly identify the most appropriate method for collecting a particular type of data. 4.1 Interviews An interview is a qualitative methodology that is commonly used with qualitative studies to collect data to explain the existence of phenomenon or occurrence of something or scenario. Oates (2006) posits that an interview involves individuals or a group of people in an expository conversation

  • Physical Inactivity

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    physical activity. The areas of nursing practices are to identify the barriers in older people that keep them away from their physical activity. Developing a plan of care and interventions depend on the individual problems. Study Design Qualitative exploratory design is used in this study... ... middle of paper ... ...here are barriers among older adults who stays in LTC centers .The barriers are Physical health problems and physical frailty, Fear of resultant injury or falling, past sedentary lifestyle

  • log analysis

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    various aspects. Log data is voluminous, growing at a very fast rate, with varying structure across various applications, usages, servers, etc. It possesses the key characteristics of the Big Data which include volume, velocity, variety and value. Analytical study of logs support accurate interpretation of the current state, prediction of upcoming state, and suggest certain reactive measures in a scenario. With such a diverse and rich lot of information, statistical analysis will easily monitor the

  • Difference Between Data Science And Data Analyst

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    Data Science and Data Analyst Introduction: Data Science is the art and science of extracting actionable insight from raw data. We can define data science as multidisciplinary blend of data inference, algorithm development, and technology in order to solve analytically complex problems. “Data Science is when you are dealing with Big Data, large amounts of data”. • Data Science is mining large amounts of structured and unstructured data to identify patterns. • Data Science includes a combination

  • Big Data and Traditional Databases

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    Big Data Big Data is a popular phrase used to describe a massive amount of both structured and unstructured data. Big data is difficult to process with traditional database and software techniques because of large quantity of data. Volume, velocity, variability and variety are three characteristics of Big Data. • Volume: Big data implies vast volumes of data. These data is generated by machines, networks and social media the volume of data to be analyzed is massive. Volume refers to the amount

  • Methodology Of Research Chapter 3

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    to a problem is research. The systematic approach concerning overview and the formulation of a theory is also research (Kothari, 2004). Therefore, the objective in this chapter is to indicate how the data would be collected and analysed. The process and methodology of research used to collect the data for this dissertation will be explained in detail in this chapter. 3.2 TYPES OF RESEARCH Research is a process for collecting, analysing and interpreting information to answer the questions. According

  • Qualitative Approach

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    with mass casualty event during Federation Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) World Cup 2022.This chapter will include the aim of this research and the methodological approach used. Followed by the subject selection, data collection and the process of data analysis. This chapter will end with discussion on ethical issue and limitations associated with the study. Aim of research The purpose of the study is to investigate the following research questions: • Does PHCC have a current disaster

  • Quantitative Research Method Is Quantitative And Qualitative

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    For instance, the data gathered by researchers is highly reliable as they used quantitative research method. Moreover, there will be elimination and minimization of judgment subjectivity as quantitative research method is being used (Kealey & Protheroe, 1996). Lastly, allowing for longitudinal measures of subsequent performance of research subjects. Critical Analysis In my opinion, qualitative research method is unsystematic compared to quantitative

  • Ethical Considerations In Data Analysis Methods

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    Data analysis is the method that is used by the researcher for transforming raw data into information that is useful for the study. Two data analysis methods are used by the researcher for conducting analysis. These are as follows: 2.6.1. Quantitative Analysis Quantitative analysis is the method in which the researcher has the opportunity to make use of statistical approaches for achieving reliable and effective results. The aim of quantitative analysis method is to illustrate the collected data

  • Exploring the Utility and Application of Qualitative Research

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    sampling decisions, data collection methods, and data analysis techniques. In qualitative research, the researcher is the primary determinant of both data collection and analysis (Lichtman, 2013). The researcher determines what data to gather and filters it through his or her perception of the situation according to his experience, background, and knowledge. Again, there is more than one way to conduct qualitative research. There are always several ways to interpret the data, so researchers should

  • Brand Methodology

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    Grimmer, 2007). The research displays an inductive approach where the data will be assembled from the literature review and also by further field research such as interviews and observation. One major advanta... ... middle of paper ... ...esearch community have come to the forefront. This study might create some threats to the participants, such as crude or disguised observation (Boote and Mathews, 1999) and deception in data acquiring techniques. Obviously, ethical issues can be raised throughout

  • International Trade

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    perspective. To this end, we adopt the framework of the “functional economic space” (Gatrell, 1983) whose genesis is to be found... ... middle of paper ... ...oi, M. (2003). Shippers’ Port and Carrier Selection Criteria in China: A Discrete Choice Analysis, Maritime Economics & Logistics, 5, 23-39. United States International Trade Commission. (2007). HTS: 2007-07-02 - Revision 2, Official Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States Annotated. http://www.usitc.gov/tata/hts/bychapter/_0702.htm

  • An Investigation: Investigating If Boys Are Taller Than Girls

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    Data Analysis Investigation Introduction During this investigation I am going to find out if boys are on average taller than girls and if their average heights are more dispersed. My hypothesis is: “On average boys are taller than girls and boy’s heights are more dispersed than girl’s heights.” Using the data I have been provided by the school I will carry out my investigation. The data provided is based on pupils in our Co-educational comprehensive

  • Classroom Management

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    giving each member of the group an essential part to play in the classroom activity. Group membe... ... middle of paper ... ...ative and qualitative methods (Rivera, 2013). Timeline Quantitative and qualitative data will be collected at multiple times during a six-week period. The data collection timetable will show the six-week project. References Aronson, E., 2014, Exploring the Jigsaw Classroom, Social Psychology Network, Retrieved from http://www.jigsaw.org.com. Maher, L., 2010, Strategies

  • The Glass Ceiling: African American Women in Management

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    Qualitative data analysis requires a logical approach in order to interpolate data into useful information. Participants, and any further obtainable data that will shed light on the studied phenomenon should base the analysis on the objectives of the study, and the response. Coding the information into useful groups that is provided by either preconceived notions or collected responses will be the basis of this qualitative study. In addition, the classification of data into recurring phenomenon

  • Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design: Choosing Among Five Approaches

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    The following assignment will proceed to analyze the interview data collected for the mini project concerning admiration. To do so, the researcher will gather the data collected, assess it for trends, and present findings and conclusions drawn from them. Furthermore, the paper will attempt to discern larger themes emerging from the data. It will briefly describe the themes and present finding. Themes Before proceeding to analyze the data gathered and discerning potential themes from participants’ responses