Electroplating Essays

  • Electroplating

    550 Words  | 2 Pages

    Electroplating The problem was to discover which electrolyte is the best. An electrolyte is a liquid you electroplate in. Water, vinegar, and vinegar with salt stirred in it were the three electrolytes used. Which is the best electrolyte for copperplating a nickel? Is there a difference between these electrolytes or are they all the same? Electroplating is the process of coating with metal by means of electric current. When electroplating is really used it is more complicated than the

  • Electroplating Experiment

    2202 Words  | 5 Pages

    Electroplating Experiment Aim To find the amount copper gains or loses on the electrodes using different amounts of current each time during electrolysis. How the changing of current affects the electroplating of copper. Introduction Electroplating is generally carried out in order to improve the appearance or corrosion resistance of the surface of a metal by electrodepositing a thin layer of metal ion on it. The metal substrate to be coated is made by the cathode in an electrolytic

  • The Pros And Cons Of Electroplating

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    Electroplating is a process of metal finishing that is used by many industries for several applications. The process includes using a metal to cover another metal by electrolysis in order to prevent corrosion. Electroplating gives a wide range of benefits to industries to improve their products. Industries use metals such as silver and gold to decorate jewelry that gives it a shine in order to depict it as expensive and covered with zinc that protects it. Metals such as steel and chromium are greatly

  • Electrolysis of Water and Copper

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    electrons and allows the current to flow, however the reduction that occurs in cathode gains electrons and galvanize over the coin. The process that continues during electroplating of copper is described as below: (Anode) Cu2+ (aq) + 2e- = Cu(s) (Cathode) Cu(s) = Cu2+(aq) + 2e- The chemical reaction of silver nitrate and copper during electroplating process: 2 AgNO3 + Cu → Cu (NO3)2 + 2 Ag Silver nitrate (aq) also decays (g) when is excited: 2 AgNO3 → 2 Ag + O2 + 2 NO2 There might be some sources of error

  • History, Mechanics, and Safety Concerns of Gold Potassium Cyanide

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    as a reducing agent, in chemical analysis, metallurgy, and in the process of gold extraction. Uses of Potassium Cyanide also extend into pharmacy and photography . In the early 1800’s, Italian chemist Luigi Brugnatelli invented the process of electroplating . He used an invention called the Voltaic Pile (originally discovered by Allessandro Volta). The voltaic pile is a machine that provides a steady stream of electricity, the first device of its kind. Brugnatelli described what he did as taking

  • What Is Corrosion?

    1419 Words  | 3 Pages

    In electroplating the flow of current is used to coat one metal with another such as copper with silver or gold. This is done when electric current is passes through a solution (electrolyte). When two electrodes are connected to a power supply in the form of a

  • Essay On Electrolysis

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    In electroplating electrolysis is utilized to put a thin layer of a specific metal over another metal. This is particularly helpful on the off chance that you need to avoid erosion in specific metals, for instance press. Electroplating is finished by utilizing the metal you need to have covered in a particular metal go about as the cathode in the electrolysis of an answer

  • The Process of Electrolysis

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    Electrolysis is a chemical reaction caused by electricity in solutions. Electrolysis can separate molecules (like separating water into hydrogen and oxygen gas, which is called electrolysis of water), electroplate a metal, can be used for welding, and can even be used for hair removal. Electrolysis was discovered by Alessandro Volta. The materials to cause electrolysis are a source of direct current (like batteries), electrolyte, and two electrodes. A direct current is current, which electricity

  • The History Of Copper Interconnection Technology

    2809 Words  | 6 Pages

    II. HISTORY OF THE INTERCONNECT In 1947 with the invention of the transistor, the role of the interconnect has proven to be a critical component in the design and manufacture of integrated circuits1. Various metals and manufacturing techniques have been employed, from pure Aluminum to Tungsten plugs to the metal that is used in the High Volume Manufacture of integrated circuit today, Copper. To achieve greater functionality and increased speed, different techniques of depositing a conductive metal

  • Atoms And Electrolysis Experiment

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    electrolysis is a rechargeable battery. Electrolysis consists of an electric current passing through a liquid, causing chemical reactions to occur within the liquid. Another example of electrolysis in the real world is the process of electroplating. In electroplating, chemicals are put in water and through electrolysis he chemicals or compounds in the liquid adhere to the metal being electroplated. Electrolysis can also be used to separate compounds and purify impure substances. Purifying a substances

  • Cobalt Essay

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    corrosion caused by intrusion of oxygen, carbon, sulfur, or nitrogen. This could be used for electroplating shiny metals surfaces. Superalloys also make good seals for glass or

  • What is Molecular Biology?

    1731 Words  | 4 Pages

    MOLECULAR BIOLOGY INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND INFORMATION Molecular biology is to characterize the structure, function and relationships between two types of macromolecules, DNA and proteins. This relatively limited definition will suffice to allow us to establish a date for the so-called "molecular revolution", or at least to establish a chronology of its most fundamental developments (Walker, 2009) .At the heart of this definition is the idea of the gene, this concept dates back to the decade

  • Synthesis And Rhetorical Analysis: The Great Alan Turing

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    Persuasive Synthesis and Rhetorical Analysis Paper “We can only see a short distance ahead, but we can see plenty there that needs to be done.” This is a quote from the great Alan Turing. Turing became one of the most influential leaders in advancement for computer science, cryptology, and computer intelligence while also living a courageous life that fought through discrimination and inequality. Mathison Turing was a mathematician, computer scientist, logician, cryptanalyst, and theoretical biologist

  • Electrolytes

    607 Words  | 2 Pages

    Electrolytes Electrolytes are liquids that conduct electricity. Most need to be dissolved into water or another solvent. Battery¡¦s have an electrolyte in them, either as a liquid or as a paste. Liquid electrolytes are used in electrolysis, electroplating, and other chemical processes. When electrolytes dissolve they release positive and negative ions. The released ions carry electric charges between electrodes, in the solution. Cations (a positively charged ion that migrates to the cathode, a

  • Construction: Depletion of Copper, Tin, & Zinc

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    Construction: Depletion of Copper, Tin, & Zinc Building Construction procedures involve the erection of various types of structures. The major trend in present-day construction continues away from handcrafting at the building site and toward on-site assembly of even larger, more integrated subassemblies manufactured away from the site. Construction in the United States is the product of a diverse group of subindistries, with many individuals and organizations involved in the construction

  • The Negative Effects Of Corrosion

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    structures in society such as buildings and bridges. There are several methods to reduce and eliminate corrosion and to prevent such structures from falling apart. However, the methods used in order to prevent corrosion also have negative feedback. Electroplating, or adding a stable non-reactive metal on unstable metals that can corrode, is a common method that is used in a great quantity. The nonstable metals and the electronic waste produced in this process have various negative feedback on the environment

  • Zirconia Essay

    644 Words  | 2 Pages

    material for automobiles appliances, and industrial machinery. Since steels are vulnerable to aggressive chemical environments or atmospheric oxidation, metal coating is necessary to provide various degrees of protection through hot-dipped and electroplating process to tough polymers and flame-sprayed ceramics. In general corrosive atmospheres contain more than one active material, and the coating must resist dissemination by a combination of oxidizers, solvents, or both. Thus, the best hurdle is

  • Understanding Batteries and Electrochemical Processes

    948 Words  | 2 Pages

    charging is controlled by the width of pulses about one second. During the process of charging milli second’s periods allow the chemical reaction to stabilize and due to this no gas is produced and safe charging is happen. Electro plating The Electroplating is the process of a metal coating to a metallic surface by an electrochemical process. The object to be plated is made cathode (negative electrode) of an electrolysis cell through which a direct electric current is passed. The object is dipped

  • Hydrogen Embrittlement in High Strength Steel Wires

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    embrittlement occurs when steel is exposed to hydrogen causing it to become brittle and crack. Hydrogen reduces load – bearing capability and reduction of ductility, there are several hydrogen sources, it can enter the material as a result of electroplating, and the main source of hydrogen in steel bridge cable wires is hydrogen gas in the atmosphere. Molecular hydrogen is dissociated, which produces atomic hydrogen that then diffuses internally and embrittle’s the metal. Hydrogen diffuses rapidly

  • Essay On Segregation Of Waste Water

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    Minor changes in the equipments used can lead to huge reduction in the amount of pollutants. Rather than changing the entire equipment, slight modification can prevent the discharge of pollutants. Modified equipment can process materials efficiently and reduce the number of rejected products. Modification can be redesigning parts of an equipment that can eliminate leakage, installing drip pans to collect leaking process material, etc. 3. Segregation of waste The industrial waste water consists