Essay On Segregation Of Waste Water

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Minor changes in the equipments used can lead to huge reduction in the amount of pollutants. Rather than changing the entire equipment, slight modification can prevent the discharge of pollutants. Modified equipment can process materials efficiently and reduce the number of rejected products. Modification can be redesigning parts of an equipment that can eliminate leakage, installing drip pans to collect leaking process material, etc.

3. Segregation of waste
The industrial waste water consists of process wastes, cooling water and sanitary waste the process of segregation of cooling waste from the remaining portion will greatly reduced the load on the treatment plant. The segregation produces two types of wastes. One waste is very strong but …show more content…

The waste water from different units may not have the same characteristics and hence these wastes cannot be directly fed in to the treatment plant. Waste water characteristics such as pH, BOD, Total solids etc varies for different units of production. In such cases, an equalization tank may be provided to receive and hold the different waste. During the holding time, fluctuations in the values of pH and BOD will be reduced. Blending of cool and hot wastes, acids and alkalies, strong waste and dilute waste nullifies or minimizes their pollution characteristics and renders them …show more content…

These objectives are achieved by discharging the industrial wastewater in proportion to the flow of municipal wastewater in to the sewer or to the receiving streams. It may prove less costly to proportion one small but concentrated waste in to the main flow, according to the rate of main flow than to equalize the entire waste of the plant in order to reduce the strength. Combined treatment of waste waters from a group of industries is being practiced in many countries. In some cases industrial waste and domestic waste are discharged into the same sewer. The rate of flow of industrial waste as well as the domestic waste varies from time to time. So if the generated wastes are directly fed into the sewer there will be high fluctuation in the flow as well as organic loads. Hence, the industrial waste must be equalized, retained and proportionally added to the sewers. This can be facilitated by providing a holding tank with a variable speed pump to control the effluent discharge. It is difficult to assess the flow of domestic sewage periodically and then proportionally discharging industrial waste water into the sewer. Therefore, instead of discharging industrial waste into the sewer many industries are pumping their

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