Downtown Dallas Essays

  • Post-Civil War Black Migration and Settlement in Dallas

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    Dallas' black history became realized in the post-Civil War era. After the war many blacks moved west to the DFW area looking for work in the train yards of Dallas, Fort Worth, and Denton. Many others built small rural agricultural communities outside these cities. More than 30 black communities have been documented in early Dallas. The 10th Street and the Queen City neighborhoods in South Dallas have been preserved. Little Egypt gave way for a northeast Dallas development. Frogtown gave way to

  • John F Kennedy Informative Speech

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    The day was November 22, 1963 in the city of Dallas,Texas with thousands of John F. Kennedy supporters crowding the sidewalks waiting to see the beloved man. John F. Kennedy was scheduled to ride through downtown Dallas in a topless car. As thousands of fans of JFK watched him stroll through the streets, in just a split second a great day would be flipped upside down as one of the most devastating date in history. It all began when John entered his car and started the parade at approximately 11;45

  • Theories Of The JFK Conspiracy

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    assassinated as he rode in a motorcade through Dealey Plaza in downtown Dallas. This caused a national uproar and started a manhunt. Lee Harvey Oswald turned out to be the culprit and got sent to a prison where he would be immediately killed by Jack Ruby, a local nightclub owner in prison for murder. Many believe that Oswald was the one to gun down JFK, however many others have questioned what really happened on November 22nd, in downtown Dallas. This makes the JFK shooting one of the most interesting

  • Police Image

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    seem to be the quickest to publicly speak out against the police. Although movies are not a completely accurate portrayal of law enforcement and their situations, it does show the underlying issues that policeman face. A bad part of town in downtown Dallas is going to have police patrols and responses on a more common basis, its just a fact that won’t...

  • Jfk Assassination Research Paper

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    It was November 22, 1963 in Dallas, Texas. The sun was shining down and thousands of people gathered to watch President Kennedy give a speech. A motorcade containing the president turned southwest down Elm Street to head to the Trade Mart. It was then that the chaos began. Shots echoed through the air and seconds later, it was over. The 35th president of the United States of America had been assassinated. Quickly after the incident, the alleged shooter, Lee Harvey Oswald, was apprehended on suspicion

  • Conspiracy Behind The Assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy

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    John Fitzgerald Kennedy, 46, President for 1,026 days, was assassinated on November 22, 1963 in Dallas Texas. He, his wife, Jackie, the Vice President and many others were in Dallas for a reelection campaign for the upcoming election in 1964 when the horrible incident happened. Sadly, there is no decent explanation of the assassination from the government – The Warren Report is a 26 Volume Report that claims that Lee Harvey Oswald is the lone assassin – I do not agree with this. The CIA was one

  • Port Orchard: A Natural Disaster

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    remember a time when it persisted for 93 days straight. Though at times the weather can be miserable, it keeps the forest green and the air clean and refreshing. Traveling ten miles out of his hide away home, Isaac comes to the downtown area. Right on the water, downtown holds a large marina, home to boats from all over Kitsap County. Small antique shops, a one screen movie theatre, and a few bars are scattered down the main street. The “best candy store in the world” sits on a quaint corner of

  • Self Discovery

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    Metro, studying Literature and History. Not only a student, I am a mother, wife, daughter, sister, friend and female. No, I don’t bring in a paycheck, but my life is fulfilling, gratifying, deserving and challenging. Will I teach, write, join the downtown business crew again, or become a clerk in the bookstore? Maybe I will. Whatever I do, I know I will strive to be a bit more patient, observing the tiniest of details, attempting to be more considerate and understanding of people, honoring their backgrounds

  • How Education Impacts your Health

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    community. For this project I choose New Hope Baptist Church located at 284 Vine Street in Jackson, Ms pastured by Rev. Dock Cooper III. New Hope is located in area code 39206, and approximately 2 minutes from the Interstate 55, and 10 minutes from downtown Jackson. There are several churches located in this zip code (39206); also Highland Village shopping center is one of the more Up-scale shopping centers in Mississippi. This shopping center has over fifty stores, clothing jewelry, sporting and pharmacy

  • Barbiturate

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    name like that? Legend has it that this drug was derived when a 29 year old research assistant, Adolph von Baeyer, was working in his Belgian laboratory in 1863 when he took the condensation of malonic acid and combined it with Urea. Von Baeyer went downtown to a local pub to celebrate where some army officers where celebrating Feast Day of Saint Barbara. So he took the name Barbara and combined it with the chemical that mostly made up this new acid and came out with barbituric acid. In 1912, two German

  • Cows On Parade

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    in the City. Chicago – the Windy City… Famous for its skyscrapers and the Magnificent Mile, this summer Chicago was embellished by a new landmark, or landmarks to be more exact. Nearly 300 cows have found a temporary home in the streets of downtown and its buildings. This extensive public art project, organized by the Chicago Public Art Program , commemorates the city’s industrial history, while bringing a sense of community and beauty to Chicago’s citizens and tourists. In this “parade”, every

  • A Trip To Panama City

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    City Day 1: We arrived at Omar Torrijos airport via American Airlines early in the afternoon. We purchased our required tourist cards (3 balboas, as US dollars are called in Panama) at the airport, then caught a taxi for the 18 mile ride to our downtown hotel. The ride in the battered, un-airconditioned car was rather expensive (30 balboas), but the driver spoke English and was very friendly. We arrived at the hotel and checked in. While my dad was checking in I bought a guidebook in the hotel lobby

  • In Todays Society

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    city in North America and there will be public branding of the Gap name. Almost any major company will participate in public branding of their name. Gap keeps on public branding their name more and more effectively. Sides of buses, large billboards downtown, benches and subway stations will have the Gap name branded all over them. These are examples of public branding. Public branding is good for marketing . This is clearly illustrated by Gap because one of the main reasons for their successful marketing

  • Minorities In The Military

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    group of my fellow Filipino recruits. We decided to catch a bus to downtown San Diego. As we boarded the bus, I stopped in confusion when I noticed a sign with “Black” written at the back section of the bus. Looking for the driver for direction, I was informed by the driver that was no longer enforced. Even with him saying this, I still sat in the middle row since my skin color fell in between black and white. As we arrived downtown, I experience culture shock. The town was colorful and filled with

  • Violence in Cincinnati

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    Violence in Cincinnati In the article, “‘Violence’ in Cincinnati,” Thomas A. Dutton brings up a conversation about the urban area of Over-The-Rhine. He speaks out about how this downtown area has extremely too much violence and there needs to be something done about it. He speaks to the age group of twenty-five and up and to all citizens of Cincinnati. This article was published in 2001 in “Nation” magazine. At this time in Cincinnati, there were many disputes about race. A white officer

  • Cultural Chameleon

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    house tainted by the smell of the ducks and chickens hanging in the window, my voice drowned out by music blaring through Cantonese speakers. Sometime in the five years I had lived in Hong Kong, between speaking a little Cantonese and knowing the downtown streets like the back of my hand, I was promoted from my status as a typical American blonde to a true Hong Kong kid. When I moved away the summer after my sophomore year in high school, I was leaving home and going somewhere completely foreign.

  • Watching the Game at Neyland Stadium

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    watch a game, it will be well worth your time. For someone who has never been to a game, there may be some things you might want to know. To get to the stadium, you travel I 26, when leaving from Johnson City, for around two hours. The exit to go downtown will take you right to the campus. Arriving about two hours before the game can be helpful when finding a parking place. If you have a hard time being on your feet a lot or get tired easily, going later might be for you. Since the stadium is outdoors

  • 1015 Folsom Night

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    as my legs felt heavy to walk through the front door. After a long struggle, then I forced myself to go to a nightclub. My friend recommended me to go to 1015 Folsom nightclub because the songs are funkier. The club is located at Folsom street, downtown San Francisco. We arrived at 1015 Folsom around 11.45pm. Many people were still lining up to get into the discotheque. I didn't know why people like to go to such a dark and noisy place like that. Anyway, people who were there are mostly dressed

  • Evaluation Essays- Ruff Ryders And Cash Money Millionaire Concert

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    concert was held on Thursday March 2, 2000. Some of the hottest rap and r&b artists included in this mix were DMX, Juvenile, Ruff Ryders, Drag On, Hot Boyz, Eve, The Lox, Lil Wayne, Big Tymers, and B.G. It was hosted at the Marine Midland Arena in Downtown Buffalo. Tickets ran anywhere from $40.00 to $55.00 for the five hour long show. The wait to get in was some what frightening due to a check point like station everyone had to be searched at. Police and security guards patted each and everyone down

  • Suspect in USS Cole bombing kills self in Yemen

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    of the USS Cole blew himself up with a grenade late Wednesday as Yemeni security forces closed in on him in Yemen's capital city, security sources said. Authorities had gone to a suspected al Qaeda hideout, a house in a poor section of Sana'a's downtown, and a firefight ensued. The suspect jumped into a taxi, and as authorities tried to stop the vehicle, the man pulled out a grenade and was apparently trying to throw it when it exploded in his hand, sources said. A police statement identified the