Domestic terrorism in the United States Essays

  • My Understanding of Extremism and Domestic Terrorism

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    should be replaced with some kind of authoritarian regime are usually branded extremists. There have been several terrorist acts committed in the United States of America, not by terrorists that live in other countries and despise the American ways and ideas, but by our own citizens who live and work in the United States of America. Domestic terrorism is done by a person or group of persons who reside here, who are not acting on behalf of a foreign power, and who may be conducting criminal activities

  • The Difference between Terrorism and Domestic Terrorism

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    The terms terrorism and domestic terrorism are very similar concepts. There are, however, slight differences in each. Entities that are apart of the Government have slightly different ways of explaining what they believe to be the correct definition of terrorism and domestic terrorism. In this paper the author will offer definitions of the two terms and state which one they agree with the most. The author will also state how the two terms are best differentiated. The Federal Bureau of Investigation

  • Unveiling the Hidden Danger: Domestic Terrorism

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    The Threat Of Domestic Terrorism. Following terrorist attacks perpetrated by Muslims, such as the San Bernardino Attack, in which there are high civilian casualties, there is always an inevitable discussion surrounding the threat of islamic extremism and international terrorism. Such discussions are led by mass media and politicians and many argue demonize all Muslims, lead to xenophobia and islamophobia and do little more than fear monger. Many people also criticize the seeming hypocrisy of covering

  • Prevention of Terrorism in the US

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    Terrorism will happen again regardless of how prepared the U.S. thinks it may be. This means that it is the country’s job to ensure that there is a continuation of measures that should be taken to fight against terrorism. Others believe that the U.S. is fully prepared for another terrorist attack and that enough has been done. The question at hand is, should the U.S. still be concerned about terrorism. The United States needs to be concerned about terrorism to prevent tragedies like 9/11 from happening

  • Counterterrorism Essay

    1853 Words  | 4 Pages

    The threat of the terrorism is a global concern and need to be addressed globally in order for it to have effective solutions. The Bureau of Counterterrorism in the State Department (CT) is responsible for continually monitoring the movements of the active terrorist groups flourishing in different parts of the world for the sake of identifying the potential targets for designation. The review of the potential targets by CT considers the counts of the actual terrorist attacking a group has been fund

  • Five Major Causes Of Terrorism, International And Domestic Terrorism

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    Terrorism: There is no set definition for terrorism, this is because each country have a different definition of terrorism, but it is commonly recognized as violence from groups with political, religious or ideological ideas. Terrorism tries to bring about change with violence and their targets are usually unsuspecting civilians. However, freedom fighters understand terrorism to be violence against the government and government policy to bring about political, and social change to better their way

  • Two Major Causes Of Terrorism: The War On Terrorism

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    Intro: There is no set definition for terrorism, this is because each country has a different definition of terrorism, but it is commonly recognized as violence from groups with political, religious or ideological ideas. Terrorism tries to bring about change with violence and their targets are usually unsuspecting civilians. However, freedom fighters understand terrorism to be violence against the government and government policy to bring about political, and social change to better their way of

  • Is State Terrorism '?: Is State Terrorism A Valid Concept?

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    Is “State terrorism” a valid concept? The threat of global terrorism continues to rise with the total number of deaths reaching 32,685 in 2015, which is an 80 percent increase from 2014 (Global Index). With this said, terrorism remains a growing, and violent phenomenon that has dominated global debates. However, ‘terrorism’ remains a highly contested term; there is no global agreement on exactly what constitutes a terror act. An even more contested concept is whether to broaden the scope of terrorism

  • US Counterterrorism Efforts

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    to the extreme, and will do almost anything to prove that their view is the right one. This extreme act to further an objective is known as terrorism, but what exactly is a formal definition of terrorism? Frank Schmalleger defines it as “[a] violent act or an act dangerous to human life, in violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any state, that is committed to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social

  • Canada's Fight Against Terrorism

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    defines terrorism as “the use of violent acts to frighten the people in an area as a way of trying to achieve a political goal” (“Terrorism”). Terrorism is a problem that all countries should be concerned with. Canada has been one of the countries that are concerned with the safety of people against terrorist attacks. Canada is very concerned with the issue of terrorism, it has a very specific position of counter-terrorism, it believes that violent extremists are the leading cause of terrorism, it has

  • The Differences Between Domestic Terrorism And International Terrorism

    741 Words  | 2 Pages

    There a small but clear differences between domestic terrorism and international terrorism, that difference is where the terrorist act is planned, supported, and carried out. In the case of domestic terrorism, the act must be planned, supported, and carried out all within the boundaries of the United States. The domestic terrorists must also be domicile to the United States and not be current foreign nationals at the time of the act. If the terrorist act is committed with help from a foreign group

  • Domestic Surveillance Pros And Cons

    1038 Words  | 3 Pages

    Congress passing sweeping legislation to improve the United States’ counterterrorism efforts. An example of a policy passed was Domestic Surveillance, which is the act of the government spying on citizens. This is an important issue because many people believe that Domestic Surveillance is unconstitutional and an invasion of privacy, while others believe that the government should do whatever is possible in order to keep the citizens safe. One act of Domestic Surveillance, the tracking of our phone calls

  • Pros And Cons Of Domestic Surveillance

    552 Words  | 2 Pages

    Wednesday Class Paragraph 1: Thesis Domestic surveillance is a very controversial topic that has many benefits yet it can also produce many negative results. The use of domestic surveillance can lead to the infringement or loss of privacy of many people. It perpetuates more hacking being done in encryption backdoors thus leading to cyber warfare, which can result in extinction of all life on Earth, and it strains the power and global trust the United States has as an Internet leader. Also, surveillance

  • Anthrax Attack Essay

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    In October of 2001, the United States was attacked with a form of biological terrorism in which anthrax was hidden in certain letters sent through the postal services. Anthrax, caused by the bacteria Bacillus anthracis, is a common disease received by livestock but is usually very rare among humans in the United States. However, anthrax is a very dangerous disease when contracted by a person and can result in severe breathing problems and death. In the weeks following the 9/11 attacks, the population

  • Our Security Umbrella: Department of Homeland Security

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    After the fear of terrorism grew in the United States do to the Al Qaeda 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon, the US Government found a need for a centralized department that umbrellas all other agencies when it comes to homeland security. The U.S. Government found this umbrella agency with the passage of the Homeland Security Act by Congress in November 2002, the Department of Homeland Security formally came into being as a stand-alone, Cabinet-level department to further coordinate

  • Department Of Homeland Security Essay

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    The September 11, 2001 terrorist attack in the United States changed our world forever. It heightened our nation’s security. This included increased awareness of both domestic and foreign acts of terrorism. As a result, congressional and public interest increased in federal spending for homeland security (CBO, 2005). According to the Congressional Budget Office, funding for the purpose of protecting our US borders and infrastructure is divided among multiple accounts within the federal budget

  • Essay On Democracy And Terrorism

    854 Words  | 2 Pages

    of to terrorism, for the reason that freedom and fear in this quote is like that freedom in the means of democracy as well as fear in the means of terrorism are intended as meanings for democracy and terrorism. They both eliminate each other, which distinguish that only some can win from both of them namely democracy and terrorism. The strategy of the United States of America afterward the incidence of 9/11 is grounded on the impression that democracy decreases as well as minimizes terrorism. Then

  • International Terrorism Essay

    3129 Words  | 7 Pages

    Anti-terrorism Treaties and Development of International Law Written By: Titiksha Mohanty “Criminal acts intended or calculated to provoke a state of terror in the general public, a group of persons or particular persons for political purposes are in any circumstance unjustifiable, whatever the considerations of a political, philosophical, ideological, racial, ethnic, religious or any other nature that may be invoked to justify them.” — Declaration on Measures to Eliminate International Terrorism

  • Understanding Secular and Religious Terrorism in the US

    1023 Words  | 3 Pages

    The United States, like any large nation, experiences its fair share of domestic terrorism. Domestic terrorism comes in two forms, within the United States, secular terrorism and religious terrorism. The broader category of terrorism, of which secular and religious terrorism fall under, is defined as a violent act committed against defenseless civilians in order to incite change. The distinctive difference between secular and religious terrorism is the motivation to commit the act. Secular terrorist

  • Before and After: A 9/11 Eyewitness Account

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    Domestic terrorism is described as “occurring primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the US” (“Terrorism”). Some examples of domestic terrorist groups are white supremacists, animal rights/environmental extremists, and Pro-life extremists (Martin 19). Domestic terrorism also encompasses shootings by a lone individual such as the school shootings at Columbine High School and Sandy