Commensalism Essays

  • Relationships in John Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men and The Movie The Mighty

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    were difficult to accomplish before they had met each other. In the book Of Mice and Men, George and Lennie show how parasitism can take over and rule George’s life because Lennie cannot take care of himself and Crooks, Candy, and Lennie show how commensalism through company and conversation does not affect Crooks, but gives benefits to Candy and Lennie since they are able to discuss new ideas with a new person. Symbiotic relationships in the views of a human-being will have a lasting effect on the

  • Symbiosis In Nature

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    Symbiosis in nature In Christianity, it has been said that we really do need each other. God has reflected that idea in His creation. Many animals really do need each other in order to survive. For some, it’s obligatory, for others, it is not essential in order to survive. Symbiosis is a truly unique process in nature. The eventual outcome of any symbiotic relationship is usually for the best of either or both parties. One must look at this phenomenon at the right angle. For, from the evolutionary

  • Essay On Symbiosis

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    close and long-term associations between two distinguished organisms, unaware of the harm or benefit caused by the interaction. Animals all over the world are involved in symbiotic relationships. The types of symbiotic relationships are mutualism, commensalism, and parasitism. ("Symbiosis." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 13 May 2014. Web. 15 May 2014). Foremost, in a mutualistic relationship, both organisms benefit. One example of a mutualistic relationship is that of the oxpecker (two species of bird

  • Symbiotic Relationships In John Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men

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    dream, show mutualism. Mutualism is a relationship with two people benefiting. Crooks, the African American stable hand, shows commensalism. Commensalism is when one person benefits from the relationship but the other is unaffected. And Curly's Wife shows an example of amensalism. This means that one partner is harmed and the other is unaffected. With this, Mutualism, commensalism, and amensalism are all relationships that George and lennie, Crooks, and Curley's wife all share.

  • Lion King Ecological Succession

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    This is an example of a commensalism relationship; which means that one benefits and the other is neither helped nor harmed. In this case, Rafiki is the one who benefits because he gets a shelter out of the tree, and the tree is neither helped nor harmed from him living in the tree

  • Bald Eagle Research Paper

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    A Bald Eagle Ecology article states that Helminth parasites live on bald eagles to receive nourishment while disrupting nutrient absorption. The following photo shows an enlarged image of a Helminth parasite. Commensalism in Bald Eagles Bald eagles create nests in a variety of trees, according to an article on symbiosis on Weebly, one of the most popular trees that they nest in is a Acacia tree. This is a commensalistic relationship because the bird benefits by

  • Are Mutual Relationships Really Beneficial?

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    beneficial, or is it just a ruse?”. How you tell which kind of relationship you have can be difficult. Many kinds of relationships take place in the world, some more than others. There can be a mutual relationship, a parasitic relationship, and commensalism. No matter what you do, or try to do, each relationship will be in the world for as long as there are people on it. Every day an organism is in one of the relationships. In a mutual relationship, both organisms benefit from each other. The organisms

  • A Compare And Contrast Essay On Wolverines

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    ticks and deer. The wolverine’ relationship with ticks is parasitic. This is because they tick benefits by feeding on the wolverine’s blood while the wolverine looses nutrients in its blood and may get diseases. They also have commensalism relationship with deers. It is commensalism because the wolverine benefits from the reindeer digging down through the snow to get food while the reindeer is

  • Relationships In John Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men

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    A mother and daughter, boyfriend and girlfriend, a loser and his Yu-Gi-Oh cards, relationships can be found everywhere; including the novella Of Mice and Men. Of Mice and Men is a realistic fiction novella written by John Steinbeck. Throughout the novella there are several examples of different kinds of relationships which in “Living in Sym” has discussed and explained. Three relationships types found in the novella are mutualistic, quasi-pathogenic, and commensalistic. Of Mice and Men has the

  • Ecosystems In An Ecosystem

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    There are many types of ecosystems”Some are them are immense biomes and other can be minor ecosystems like a puddle or a tree trunk”, but wouldn't it be amazing too have a ecosystem the size of a pop bottle. Luckily this is not a hallucination Ecosystems like these are called ecocolumn which are basically a simulation of a medium ecosystem synce it contains a small aquarium on the bottom and a terrarium in the top. By doing these we are going to be able to see the relationships between the consumers


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    case, organisms may have the same habitat, but different niches. There are three types of relationships involving the interactions between organisms. They are mutualism* (mutually beneficial association between different kinds of organisms), commensalisms* (a relation between two kinds of organisms in which one obtains food or other benefits from the other without damaging or benefiting it), and parasitism* (an intimate association between organisms of tow of more kind; especially: one of which

  • Interspecific Competition In A Biological Community

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    A biological community is all the populations of organisms living together and potentially interacting in a particular area. A community has its own properties, just as a population has certain characteristics, such as density and dispersion pattern. Its defining characteristics are its diversity, its prevalent from of vegetation, its stability, and its trophic structure. The variety of different types of organisms make up the diversity of a community. It is consisted of two components. The first

  • Tundra Ecosystem Essay

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    the tundra, organisms experience all 3 of the types of symbiosis: mutualism, commensalism, and parasitism. An example of mutualism, for example, is the lichen. Lichen is made up of algae and fungus. The algae goes through photosynthesis to make food for the fungus, and the fungus retains water and minerals to protect the algae. The two organisms benefit, making it mutualistic. Another symbiotic relationship is commensalism between traveling caribou and arctic foxes. When caribou dig up under the snow

  • Importance of Monera

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    chemicals. Symbiosis : The interdependence of different species, which are sometimes called symbionts. There are three main types of symbiosis, based upon the specific relationship between the species involved: mutualism, parasitism, and commensalism. Symbiosis that results in mutual benefit to the interdependent organisms is commonly known as mutualism. An example of mutualism is the coexistence of certain species of algae and fungi that together compose lichens. Their close association

  • Ecosystem Report On Ecosystem

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    GRACE GRUNDY RESERCH REPORT ON ECOSYSTEMS SCIENCE INTRODUCTION: An ecosystem includes all living things eg. Plants, animals and all living organisms. They are in a given area (ecosystem) collaborating with each other and their non viable environments which include the weather, sunlight, climate, soil and the air (atmosphere) around them. The foundation for ecosystems is called the biosphere. The biosphere determines the whole of the earth system. Simply, an ecosystem means an ecological system

  • Ecosystem Essay

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    Ecosystem services are natural processes that benefit humans and many other varieties of life. Impacts that can effect an ecosystem are warming temperatures, changes in precipitation, plants, wildlife, invasive species, pests, and agricultural. Ecosystems consist of biotic and abiotic factors. Biotic factors are biological influences on organisms and abiotic factors are nonliving influences on organisms in the ecosystem. Biotic factors are humans, plants, animals, fungi, and microorganisms. Abiotic

  • Biological Interactions Between Animals

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    Interactions between organisms are called a biological interaction. Within these interactions, there are positive but also negative interactions that can be beneficial to some, harmful to the other and even neutral for the organism. The interaction between organisms can be break down to three big categories and amongst those categories, it can be break down to small subcategories. First major relationship between organism that is most common and what defines the law of nature is prey-predator relationship

  • First Hand Investigations

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    Why is the sky blue? Why are sumo wrestlers so fat? How does the chicken cross the road with so much traffic? The answers of many questions that trouble us can be found by doing first hand investigations. In science, first hand investigations allow scientists to discover new things and explain old things. Through these, they are able to form hypothesises, models, experiments, theories and even laws. First, when observations are made, hypothesises are formed. To test these hypothesises scientists

  • Tropical Rainforest Research Paper

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    cocoa trees, orchids, victoria amazonica lilly pads, fig trees, palm trees, and many, many more. And with all these producers and consumers, there is definitely many symbiotic relationships in the rainforest. Most of the symbiotic relationships are commensalism and mutualism. I say mutualism because for example, when a monkey goes and gets banas frem and banana tree, the monkey is benefiting by getting the food it needs. Then when the monkey is done with the banana they throw it back to the forest where

  • Symbiosis Essay

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    Symbiosis The technical definition of nutritional symbiosis is “the relationship between two or more organisms in which they share their shelter and nutrients.” There are three different kinds of symbiotic relationships, parasitism, mutualism, and commensalism. Although in some cases, not everyone is benefited by these relationships (depending on the type of symbiosis that is occurring) symbiotic relationships are a way organisms have truly learned to survive, reproduce, grow and benefit from what others