Collecting Essays

  • Philately and Stamp Collecting

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    Philately, the study of stamps, differs from stamp collecting, although both hobbies appear synonymous with each other. Not every philatelist collects stamps, however, and many collectors hoard rare stamps without getting involved with the tiny details behind each commemorative adhesive postmark. Building a comprehensive stamp collection may require a basic education in philatelic literature to assess the worth in its current form. Stamp collectors will accumulate postage stamps for their historical

  • Pez

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    Pez was invented in 1927 in Vienna, Austria by an already accomplished candyman named Edward Haas III. The word "Pez" comes from the German word for peppermint, which is phefferminz. You take the first, middle, and last letters, put them together and you get Pez.      When Edward Haas first invented Pez it was originally a breath mint for adult smokers, thus the first dispenser which came along in 1947, naturally, looked like a cigarette lighter. In 1952 Edward Haas brought his business to America

  • David Hille Research Paper

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    David Hille, who is around 72 years old, lives in suburb of Cleveland, Ohio. He enjoys his days reading, playing chess, and garden care. In free time, he also likes to watch baseball. He is Indians fan, Cleveland’s very own baseball team. He lives with his wife, who is five years younger than him. His only son, lives with his own family nearby, GUY often visits them and tries to help his granddaughter with her homework. Unlike other elder people I know, he likes the computer up to certain extent

  • The Art of the Postage Stamp

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    the postage stamp. Caught in my busy routine, I rarely stop to closely examine these gems. A square inch canvass can often reward the viewer more than a mural will. With his unique Picasso meets Dali style, Hans Erni rekindled my interest in stamp collecting. Born in Lucerne, Erni shared my Swiss heritage as well as boasting a considerable amount of artistic prowess. More than 90 postage stamps from Switzerland, Liechtenstein, and the United Nations feature his designs (American Sport Art Museum).

  • Family Coin Collection

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    handed down in our family for generations. I first gained interest in collecting coins when I was a young boy. I and my grandfather would look through each other’s collections often. I think between my own interests and the connection with my grandfather, I have gained a passion and love for coins and rare money. Not just for the passion of collection but also for the sake of keeping the tradition alive. I first started collecting coins at about nine years of age.That same year I started to expand

  • Joseph Cornell: Collecting Art

    559 Words  | 2 Pages

    Joseph Cornell Collecting art is about looking at the world around you and collecting objects, image and ideas. The point of this essay is to prove why artists explore collective art making approaches to communicate meaning. A perfect example of a collector would be Joseph Cornell. Joseph Cornell was born in New York. He was the oldest child of four including two sisters, Elizabeth and Helen, and a brother, Robert who suffered from cerebral palsy. Cornell dedicated his life to caring for Robert

  • Collecting Information on Employees and Prospective Employees

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    How much information should be collected on employees and prospective employees? Collecting information presents risks that employers will be faced with when employees commit torts outside the scope of their jobs. Also, not collecting the proper information could result in risks depending on the case. These questions will be analyzed based on collected data and employer actual or constructive knowledge. In order to precisely elaborate about the risk and such, I will look at the employee monitoring

  • Collecting Scientific Research Data

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    short paper Phillips (2010), attempted to explain the development of the use of observation by the research industry and the way the industry has begun to self-regulate themselves in order to maintain public confidence. With the various methods of collecting scientific research data coming under scrutiny when it involves researching the human, it is only logical that with the advancement of the internet and how humans use it, that internet research should also fall within these guidelines. Over the

  • What is the Limit between Collecting and Hoarding?

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    serious like being a hoarder? Why do people even start collecting things and what makes an object collectible? These are just some of the questions I will analyze in this paper. Before going any further, the definition of the topic should be discussed to understand the problems with it. The meaning may be obvious to most people, but when looked at in the dictionary, many flaws arrive. A collection means the act or process of collecting; a group of objects or works to be seen, or kept together

  • Collecting the Evidence From a Crime Scene

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    Collecting evidence from a crime scene is a crucial aspect of solving crimes. Before evidence can be seized, there must first be a court order approving the search of the crime scene and the seizure of the evidence found at the scene. Standard protocol for officers is for them to always use latex gloves, avoid plastic bags, double wrap small objects, package each object separately, and to collect as much evidence as possible. It is better to have too much evidence than to not have enough. There are

  • Mardi Gras Made In China Analysis

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    collect is to bring things together. However there is an art to collecting, as it is not simply just bringing miscellaneous things together. There is a common theme for the objects and together they serve as a special meaning to their collector. In both texts “The Museum and the Public” by Stephen Weil and Walter Benjamin “Unpacking My Library” by Walter Benjamin, and in the film “Mardi Gras: Made in China”, the purpose of collecting is to tell a story and to showcase the significance of the objects

  • Sneaker Sneaker Essay

    1118 Words  | 3 Pages

    Sneaker Collecting Raise your hand if you or someone you know has a keen or high interest in sneakers. Sneaker Collecting and sneakers have become a modern and interesting hobby, and have become a prominent or popular aspect of Pop culture. If I were you, knowing all this, I would want to know something about this new trend. Sneaker collecting provides a sense of self expression, can be a form of income, and makes you in tune with Pop culture. Sneaker collecting gives everyone a different feeling

  • Evaluating Sources

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    Although while researching my ultimate goal is collecting sources, I also use this opportunity to further inform myself on my chosen topic, viewing many unique reports and different options on a variety of sites. Trying to find unique and diverse sources is one my highest priorities when preparing to write

  • Why Are Baseball Cards Important

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    Collector’s Item: Baseball Cards. People collect different kinds of items, such as cars, comic books, action figures, watches, records, and many more. Collecting might be addictive, but has developed into a healthy hobby for collectors. Collecting items that stand as valuable to collectors makes them feel optimistic about them and may turn into an income. One example would be sports cards, in this case baseball cards; baseball cards exist as collectible items for anyone and any age. When people buy

  • Affordable Housing Essay

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    main aim of these parking donation meters is to collect money for those who live on streets. (Sanburn, para.1). This fact mentions that charitable money collecting meters at parking areas also provides support to homeless people because these charitable donation meters may fulfil the basic needs of those people who live on streets by collecting money or change from us. In the article “Donation Meters Are the Best Way To Give Spare Change to the Homeless” the author states that a large number of developing

  • Kidney Function

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    paper ... ...pituitary to release antidiuretic hormone (ADH). The release of ADH into the bloodstream brings about the following: § ADH make the distil convoluted tubule and the collecting duct more permeable to water. § This allows more water to be reabsorbed from the distal convoluted tubule and the collecting duct into the region of high solute concentration in the medulla. § This produces a smaller volume of more concentrated urine. If the blood has a high water potential (less

  • Touch Dna Case Study

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    and tested. When collecting touch DNA samples, there is little training required.2 A evidence technician or a crime scene specialist is not mandatory in collecting touch DNA evidence.2 Swabbing and tape lifting are the two major types of DNA evidence collection. With many studies, different forms of tape lifting were tested. In one study in particular Scotch Magic and Scenesafe FAST were tested against each other. It showed that the Scenesafe tape was more effective in collecting DNA profile evidence

  • My Love For Old Items During The 1930's Depression

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    eyes. As an adult my love for old items has not changed. The only exception is now I enjoy collecting larger, more meaningful vintage pieces. In my later years I have grown a taste for specific items which include collecting 1930’s Depression Era furniture, vintage sewing machines and World War II memorabilia. For a long time, I thought my love for all things old diminished. Long were the days of collecting scrappy pieces of paper. But, this all changed when I saw my first 1930’s depression era piece

  • The Importance Of Global Competition

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    What is Global Competition? Global Competition “exists when firms originate, produce, and market their products and services worldwide” (Kerin, Hartley,181). Global competition is formed by services or products provided by companies who are competing to serve customers. I feel Global Competition is important for the reduce of poverty and growth. Global Competition broadens the competitive landscape for marketers. To meet the demands of global competition the marketers must agree among two or more

  • Privacy And Government Surveillance

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    and more companies are using big data as a strategic resource to differentiate their businesses and gain the competitive advantage. This culture lead to rapid development of data collecting and analytic tools to drive business intelligence that would help organizations make better decisions. The development of data collecting methods and tools has also increased public concerns for privacy and security. Much of the