Cervical fracture Essays

  • Pre-Hospital Immobilization of Trauma Patients

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    It is appreciated that the given case study contains other factors such as psychological trauma and the impact of blood loss. However this essay is going to explore the efficacy of pre hospital immobilisation utilising cervical collars and extrication/ orthopaedic stretchers, reflecting on an account from the paramedic’s practice. A modified framework of Gibbs Reflective cycle (1988) will be used. Including Description, Feelings, Evaluation, Conclusion and Action Plan. This essay is supported throughout

  • Analysis of the art of Pablo Palazuelo

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    dormant sensibilities. Geologic form was unearthed before me in this manner several years ago during a visit to the Museo de Arte Abstracto Español in Cuenca, Spain. The Lunariae series of Pablo Palazuelo caught my eye. At first glance I saw a brittle fracture system, not unlike ones I had mapped in a surface outcropping of rock or in an u... ... middle of paper ... ...uries ago were forgotten and foresees those not yet born" (Energy, Matter and Form essay, Soledad Lorenzo, 9). Palazuelo's presentient

  • Essay On Car Body Manufacturing

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    i. Car Body Car bodies are usually made of steel or aluminium. They both have different properties and prices ranges that make it ideal. Aluminium has a lower density meaning the car will be lighter than if it was made from steel. It also doesn’t corrode easily so a car made of aluminium will last longer than that made from steel as the steel contains iron which will corrode. In saying this aluminium is much more expensive, and although it has better properties is may take the price of the car up

  • Cervical Injury Essay

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    following: 6 ○ Injury to vertebral and paravertebral structures (fractures, dislocations, ligamentous tears, and disc disruption/subluxation) ○ Spinal cord injury (traumatic central cord syndrome secondary to cord compression or vascular insult) ○ Vascular injury (vertebral artery or carotid artery dissection) ○ Soft tissue injury around cervical spine (cervical strain/sprain) CLASSIFICATION • Cervical Injury classification25 ○ Major cervical injury – Radiographic or CT evidence of instability with or

  • Cervical Spine Injury Research Paper

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    Introduction The cervical spine is a very important aspect of the body. It is responsible for protecting the spinal cord, supporting the head while allowing movement, and facilitating blood flow to the brain. Cervical spine injuries occur most commonly from diving among the recreational sports. Among organized athletic activities, football is also a sport that the injury commonly occurs in. Injuries have also occurred in ice skating, hockey, rugby, snow skiing, baseball, gymnastics, soccer, and other

  • Maxillofacial Trauma

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    incidence and epidemiological causes of maxillofacial trauma and facial fractures varies widely between different regions of the world due to social, economical, cultural consequences, awareness of traffic regulations and alcohol consumption. Reports from distinct regions in Turkey also have different etiological findings.[1, 2] According to the reports from developed countries [3-6] assault is the leading cause of facial fractures followed mostly by road traffic accidents, pedestrian collisions, stumbling

  • Cervical Cancer

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    Cervical cancer malignant cancer of the cervix uteris or cervical area. It may present with vaginal bleeding but symptoms may be absent until the cancer is in its advanced stages, which has made cervical cancer the focus of intense screening efforts using the Pap smear. About 2.2 percent of women carry one of the 2 virus strains most likely to lead to cervical cancer. One of the symptoms of Cervical Cancer is very Unusual amount of discharge. Treatment consists of surgery in early stages and chemotherapy

  • Neck Pain Research Paper

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    population. Indians, males had a higher prevalence of 55.7% compared to females (44.3%) (Ndlovo, 2006; Slabbert, 2009; Muchna, 2010). Neck pain is categorised clinically as either non-specific or pathologic. Non-specific neck pain is pain in the cervical spine without any identifiable evidence of disease

  • The Significance of Modulus of Elasticity and Fracture Toughness for Resine Composites

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    Group 2: The significance of modulus of elasticity and fracture toughness for resin composites Kelly Griffith, Lance Gunter, Joshua Haentges, Erik Hageman, Zohra Hasham, Nellab Hashimi Modulus of elasticity is defined as the comparative stiffness of a material. A stiffer material will have a higher elastic modulus. Fracture toughness is the amount of stress required to propagate a preexisting flaw. It describes resistance of a material with a pre-existing flaw to fail. These two properties will

  • Nasal Fracture Research Paper

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    Nasal Fracture A nasal fracture is a break or crack in the bones or cartilage of the nose. Minor breaks do not require treatment. These breaks usually heal on their own in about a month. Serious breaks may require surgery. CAUSES This condition is usually caused by a blunt injury to the nose. This type of injury often occurs from: • Contact sports. • Car accidents. • Falls. • Getting punched. SYMPTOMS Symptoms of this condition include: • Pain. • Swelling of the nose. • Bleeding

  • Mandating the HPV Vaccine for Sixth Grade Girls

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    people in the United States that are infected with HPV, and there are about 6.2 million new HPV cases each year (Vamos, McDermott, and Daley 303). Even though most HPV cases are non-cancerous, two of the HPV strains are known to cause 70 percent of cervical cancer, and the other two strains cause 90 percent of genital warts cases (Javitt, Berkowitz, and Gostin 384). Mendenhall, Elisa, and O'Mara stated, "Because of the cancer link, the strains that are the greatest medical concerns are those that are

  • Pros And Cons Of Hpv Vaccine

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    Even if your child is a virgin until they get married, their partner might not be and your child would then be at the same risk in adulthood as they are now as a teenager. If someone could then tell you that a vaccine could prevent a majority of cervical cancer for your child later on in life, then that is a pretty big deal. This vaccine also prevents contraction of the STD and its genital warts.” (Flores, Joey). This medical professional is in the majority with the consensus of her peers, but it

  • Secondhand Smoke and Cancer

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    Newspapers 1.     "When these new data for cervical cancer are considered in light of similar results from previously published studies, our      findings suggest that passive smoking may be firmly linked with cervical cancer," wrote lead author Anthony J. Alberg. "Our      study of two large cohorts found that women who lived with smokers had a percent or greater risk of developing cervical      neoplasia." excerpt from Second hand smoke, cervical cancer linked. UPI NewsTrack, Jan 5, 2005

  • Henrietta Hamster Case Summary

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    Memorandum of Research Results STATEMENT OF FACTS: Henrietta Hamster lives in Brooklyn, NY, and works in Manhattan. Normally, Henrietta takes the subway into work ($2.25 each way), but once a week she commutes home in a unique way. For some time, Henrietta has been seeing a psychologist for counseling (for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) but was often late for or missed her appointments. She recently switched psychologists. A van, equipped with a carpeted office and easy chairs, picks her up from work

  • HPV Research Summary

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    vaccination among males with quadrivalent vaccine reduced the incidence of condylomata acuminata. In trials, the HPV9 vaccine has shown to be superior to the HPV4 vaccine in preventing invasive cervical cancer (ICC). Rethmuiller etal. (2015) found that the HPV9 vaccine could prevent 90% of ICC, cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN), and anal cancers. In a phase III efficacy trial showed that HPV9 was 96.7% effective preventing > CIN2, vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia grade 2 or 3, and vaginal

  • Cervical Cancer Informative Speech

    739 Words  | 2 Pages

    smear to screen for cervical cancer. How your GP screens for cervical cancer is changing and it's important for women to understand what the changes are and why they're happening. What is cervical cancer? Cervical cancer is a disease that occurs when the cells in the cervix, or the opening to the uterus, start growing out of control. It's the 14th most common cancer diagnosed in women in Australia and nearly 1000 women will be diagnosed with it in 2017. Almost all cervical cancer is caused by a

  • Pap Informative Speech

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    Pap smear (also called a Pap test) is a screening procedure for cervical cancer. It is a simple, quick and relatively painless screening test. The Pap smear, test for the presence of precancerous or cancerous cells on the cervix, the opening of the uterus. Pap tests are very accurate and regular. Up to 80 percent of women diagnosed with invasive cancer of the cervix have not had a Pap smear in the past 5 years. A Pap test reduces cervical cancer rates and mortality by 80 percent (Kelbach 2015). Many

  • Informative Essay On HPV

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    What’s the most effective HPV treatment? These questions have become common questions for most women today. Why is that? It’s simply because HPV (human papillomavirus) creates nearly all cases of cervical cancer. The cervix is a small and tapered lower part of the uterus which opens into the vagina. Cervical cancer is a prevalent STI (sexually transmitted infection). Around 14 million people get infected each year. Many people who get HPV infections though, never experience any signs or symptoms and

  • Passionate Anti Smoking Tobacco Essay

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    kids and their stupid genes they got from their lovable parents . there are 4000 chemicals in 1 cigarette. These are the only the smallest fraction of diseases you can get: Lung cancer, cancer of voice box throat and mouth , cancer of pancreas, cervical cancer, stomach cancer, liver cancer, kidney cancer, blatter cancer, leukemia, coronary, circulatory, high blood pressure, LDL, Pneumonia, influenza, the common cold, Peptic ulcers, Tooth decay, Gum disease, Osteoporosis ,Sleep problems ,Cataracts

  • Spinal Stenosis

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    related to spinal stenosis the signs and symptoms of lumbar spinal stenosis, how the condition is diagnosed, and the treatments available for the condition. Spinal Stenosis Spinal Anatomy The anatomy of the spine has three major regions: the cervical, the thoracic, and the lumbar. Your spine is a long column of bones (aka vertebra) that stretches from the base of your skull to your tailbone. The vertebrae supports and stabilizes your upper back, while at the same time allowing you to move freely