Catgut suture Essays

  • How to Use Bandages

    862 Words  | 2 Pages

    irritation, swelling, or see redness around the area, please call the doctor’s office. We do not want the area to get infected. Bleeding, swelling, fever, pain are all things that should be reported. The patient is instructed to return in 7 days for suture removal. However, any concerns prior to that time should be reported to the doctor’s office. References Kinn’s, 2011. The Medical Assistant: An Applied Learning Approach. Sanders- Elsevier, Publisher, St. Louis, MI. Information retrieved on

  • Essay On Suture

    786 Words  | 2 Pages

    stress without mechanical support. A wound may be approximated with adhesive tapes, staples, or sutures. Adhesive tapes Adhesive tapes are applied for approximating the edges of lacerations, repair and/or support in

  • Suture Nonabsorbable Wounds

    1174 Words  | 3 Pages

    physician applies the suture he/she uses a thread to perform the wound closure. Sutures can be nonabsorbable or absorbable. Absorbable sutures are when the body breaks down the suture over time and eventually dissolve. But usually nonabsorbable sutures are preferred because then the physician knows that the suture won’t dissolve before the full healing process is done. When the staples are used they may be circular staples to close the wound it depends on the wound. Sutures or staples are most likely

  • Kitten and Puppy: What´s Atresia Ani

    1841 Words  | 4 Pages

    1. Introduction: Atresia ani is a congenital defect of anorectum that can affect kitten and puppy. Affected animals will have abnormal routing of feces or anal canal closure (Bright & Bauer, 1994). It is uncommon to found atresia ani case in small animals and the true incidence of atresia ani cases cannot be determined as most of the affected newborn kittens or puppies will be euthanized due to the hypothesis that surgical repair for atresia ani is usually unsuccessful (Prassinos et al.,. 2003;

  • Islamic Pharmacists

    1176 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Government paid for all medical expenses for the Muslims, anyone could get treatment whether they were rich or poor (History alive 112). The medical practices in the Islamic world date back to the earliest days of Muslim rule, when Muslims greatly contributed to the world of medicine. Islamic medicine helped to improve the world today through complex surgeries, influential medical discoveries, and contributions of hospitals. Back in the Golden Ages of Islam many surgical operations were very

  • Female Genital Mutilation

    1643 Words  | 4 Pages

    Imagine a young girl; the harsh African sun is kissing her bronzed skin. The warm golden sand tickles her petite and tattered feet. The immense gold earrings she wears beats against her slender neck. Her stature is of a queen, yet she walks to an uncertain death. She stands in front of a small hut, or a tent. She glances back and sees the majestic sun that had once kissed her neck now set and somewhat leave her abandoned. She exists alone in front of that diminutive hut or tent and out comes a man

  • Joseph Lister:My World History Game Changer

    1415 Words  | 3 Pages

    Around the world, Joseph Lister is considered to be the “father of modern surgery” (Pitt & Aubin, 2012). Joseph Lister was a surgeon in England that not only influenced the surgery techniques of surgeons in England, but who also played a major role in the sterilization techniques that surgeons use in our country. He realized that the infections and deaths that occurred after surgery were caused by bacteria and was able to come up with a sterilization technique that would minimize the deaths of the