Bree Essays

  • The Horse and His Boy by C.S. Lewis

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    sell him to a slave trader. In order to escape, Shasta needs a horse, so he goes to the stable where the slave trader's horse is tied up. Upon stealing the horse, he discovered that this horse in no ordinary horse, but rather a talking horse named Bree. They waited until the men went to bed, and then they made their escape. As they were traveling, they were chased by a lion. As they were running from the lion, they ran into another horse and rider, who they later find out to be a young girl named

  • Bree Caxton's In Can I See You Again?

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    living death.” In Can I See You Again?, the main character, Bree Caxton, is forced to find a fake boyfriend in order to promote her book, due to the fact her boyfriend of four years dumped her the day before the first interview. Her publisher tells her that in order to come off as credible she must have a boyfriend herself. Her book is about love, her job involves matchmaking, but she ends up losing the one person she thinks is her true love. Bree also finds out that her Grandmother

  • Not-So-Desperate Housewives

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    aired in October of 2004 on ABC television network, the controversial pilot episode sparked interest in over twenty-five million viewers. On a seemingly quiet, average suburban street titled Wisteria Lane, four women – Lynette Scavo, Gabrielle Solis, Bree Van de Kamp, and Susan Mayer – became instantly connected by the suicide of Mary-Alice Young, a fellow neighbor and poker club member. While the reason behind Mary-Alice’s death remained unknown for several seasons, the show began to unfold a juicy

  • Desperate Housewives

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    Housewives. Using this television show, I will be able to show and analyze how women are represented in the media and why they are represented this way. Desperate Housewives is a fictional based show about four women known as Susan Mayer, Lynette Scavo, Bree Van De Kamp, and Gabrielle Solis. They live in what most consider a “normal” suburban area; however, with each episode a secret or mystery is told and unfolded. These mysteries may come in the form of a death or a new person moving onto Wisteria lane

  • Ethical Dilemmas As A Community Services Worker: Case Study

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    dilemmas that relate to Bree and Fiona in the case study, these include. Fiona and I are currently working a double shift which can leave us tired, irritable and less likely to follow our duty of care. Fiona admits to have a personality clash with Bree which can be a conflict of interest and lead to a prejudice against Bree. There is a breach of confidentiality as a resident tells Fiona of Bree’s drug history and Fiona uses that unconfirmed information to confront Bree. Confronting Bree with her past drug

  • Klute Film Analysis

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    Alongside, the frightening tune, a pattern of low-key lighting mixed with not revealing the identity of the man whom Bree is fearful of and who Klute is looking for, is evident whenever the music starts. Combining the two patterns with the non-diegetic music gives the audience a sense of mystery, thrill, and fear as they respond cognitively by trying to uncover who is after Bree. Michael Small was the musical mastermind behind the eerie soundtrack of “Klute”, his first Hollywood film. Small elected

  • Commentary on Film: TransAmerica

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    about a transgender woman, Bree. Prior to transition Bree went by Stanley. The entire film revolves around Bree and her ultimate goal of getting vaginal construction surgery. She says to her therapist, “It will be the happiest day of my life.” Unfortunately, as the therapist is about to sign off on Bree’s surgery, Stanley receives a call from a county jail in which a young man by the name of Toby is calling for help and claims to be the son of Stanley. The therapist tells Bree she must deal with her

  • Feeding The Monster Crank Sparknotes

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    birth father and her mother was extremely reluctant. Once Kristina got there she realized why she was never allowed to visit. When Kristina comes back she is not the same. Kristina is slowly dying away while Bree takes over. Bree is Kristina’s other side that no one knew about; not even Kristina. Bree is the exact opposite of Kristina, she likes to party, have sex with boys, do drugs, and do things Kristina would have never even dared to think about doing; which includes battling an addiction to Meth

  • Shasta's Relationship In The Horse And His Boy

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    them? These questions were answered by Aravis, Hwin, Bree, and Shasta with no hesitation. Their answer was to put the other person before themselves. The crew in The Horse and His Boy show endless amounts of loyal companionship throughout their merciless journey. Their friendship is shown by never leaving anyone behind, risking their own lives for one another, and remaining selfless through all of their merciless trials. Aravis, Hwin, and Bree first showed their companionship while Shasta was mistakenly

  • Essay On Klute By Laura Mullvey

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    character, Bree Daniels, sees herself at the

  • Crank, Crack, Whatever You Want To Call It, in Ellen Hopkins’, Crank

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    characters in the novel include Bree, Kristina’s wild alter ego, Adam, or “Buddy,” whom she meets while visiting her father, Brendan, Chase Wagner, her mother, father, and other friends and family members who experience her crazed evolution. This “evolution” of Kristina begins when she leaves her home in Nevada for a short vacation with her father in New Mexico. She begins as the perfect daughter, but on her trip to visit her absent father, she disappears into her alter ego, Bree, who is her exact opposite:

  • Land Of Stories: A Grimm Warning Summary

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    it into the world safely, but secretly the brothers betrayed the army and told the Fairy Godmother to close the portal while the Army was inside of it and trapped them inside. On the trip after listening to the stories Conner’s crush, A girl named Bree who had also been invited on the trip,

  • Complex Characters In The Book, Crank, By Ellen Hopkins

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    People change everyday, whether it is from good to bad or for the better. People often say to themselves, maybe, if I didn't do “blank” this wouldn't have happened. However, the reality is, it happened, and there is no way to change that. Why go around throwing maybe’s around if you cannot change it? Authors purposefully make readers ask those questions. Authors love to create complex characters, characters that go through change. In Ellen Hopkins’ book, Crank, is the perfect example. Ellen Hopkins

  • Albert Camus' Philosophy in The Plague

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    are told that Camus "sought to convey [...] the feeling of suffocation from which we all suffered and the atmosphere of threat and exile in which we lived" (Bree, 1964:128). He was, of course, speaking of the horrors of World War II. But "at the same time [he wanted] to extend [his] interpretation to the notion of existence in general" (Bree, 1964:128). Camus' interpretation of existence is revealed in his philosophical essay The Myth of Sisyphus in which he discusses the absurd and its consequences

  • Desperate Housewives

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    its original airing on October 3, 2004 and introduces the four central characters of the show: Susan Mayer, Lynette Scavo, Bree Van de Kamp and Gabrielle Solis, and their families and neighbors on Wisteria Lane. The main mystery of the season is the unexpected suicide of Mary Alice Young, and the involvement of her husband and teenage son in the events leading up to it. While Bree tries to save her marriage, Lynette struggles to find time and energy to cope with her children, Susan fights with Edie

  • Cyberbullying In Sarah Darer Littman's Backlash

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    bullyinging in the book is expectations Breanna’s mom had of her and then bullied her into following them. When asked about creating Christian DeWitt’s profile by the police Bree was told by her mother not to tell the police anything about it she decided to go against her mother’s wishes. Her mother’s response when finding out Bree didn’t do what she wanted her to, “‘Can’t I trust you to do anything right, Breanna?’ Mom says in a voice as cold as her anger is hot, completely unmoved by my tears. I’m

  • Analysis of Television Series Desperate Housewives

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    Desperate Housewives is a hit television show about housewives and their every day lives. It is a comedy, drama and mystery series. The show takes place on a fictional street called Wisteria Lane. The show follows the lives of a group of women as seen through the eyes of their neighbor, Mary Alice, who committed suicide in the very first episode. The series records thirteen years of the women's lives over eight seasons. The women on Wisteria Lane work through domestic conflicts and marital life,

  • Chapter 1-6 Summary Of The Lord Of The Rings The Fellowship Of The Rings

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    and sends him to Bree with Sam, with plans to meet him there after Gandalf goes to Isengard to meet the head of his order, Saruman. Saruman reveals that the Nazgûl, or Ringwraiths, have left Mordor to capture the Ring and kill whoever carries it; having already turned to Sauron's cause, he then imprisons Gandalf atop Orthanc. Gandalf is then forced to watch as Saruman orders his orcs to build weapons of war and create an elite Orc army called the Uruk-hai. While traveling to Bree, Frodo and Sam

  • Erin Bowman Character Analysis

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    Taken by Erin Bowman “The future belongs to the curious. The ones, who are not afraid to try it, explore it, poke at it, question it and turn it inside out” –Unknown. Throughout the novel, the author, Erin Bowman, shows that curiosity is found to be unfortunate which influences people to break rules, since it was not always meant to be pursued. Being too curious can lead to complications, new innovations and discovering private knowledge. Firstly, curiosity can discover confidential information

  • Room 421: A Short Story

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    Thacker closes the door. “For once, this week, you make it just in time,” Mr Thacker mutters. He has always hated me. All I do to him, or at least in his class, is talk; nothing actually harmful. I walk over and take a seat between Mackenzie and Bree. The three of us became friends last year. Mr Thacker walks to me and says, “ First you barely make it to class on time then you are talking. You’ll have enough social time later. Take out your books and why don’t you read the first paragraph?” “Sure