Feeding The Monster Crank Sparknotes

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Paper Assignment Mitzy Ceballos Feeding the Monster Crank is a book about a young girl who seems to be lost in her own world. She has yet to find out who she really is. This girl has barely hit puberty and maybe being a late bloomer has caused her to make up for the time lost. Like any other teenager she can’t seem to understand why her mom is so strict, and especially why she is so in love with a husband who acts as if he has no backbone. Kristina is her name. Kristina is a young girl; at the age of 17 her life has been pretty average. Having two siblings, a sister who is confused about her sexual orientation, and a younger brother who has all the attention for being the new baby of the family. A stepfather who acts as if he has no flaws; …show more content…

Kristina wanted to visit her birth father and her mother was extremely reluctant. Once Kristina got there she realized why she was never allowed to visit. When Kristina comes back she is not the same. Kristina is slowly dying away while Bree takes over. Bree is Kristina’s other side that no one knew about; not even Kristina. Bree is the exact opposite of Kristina, she likes to party, have sex with boys, do drugs, and do things Kristina would have never even dared to think about doing; which includes battling an addiction to Meth. When Kristina arrives to Albuquerque, New Mexico. She automatically has second thoughts and wants to go back home, there’s no home cooked meals and if you’re hungry you better order out or go to the local diner for a meal. Her dad is never home, he always seems to be drinking, getting high or both. Seeing as he is unemployed and working under the table while being a Type II Alcoholic he has a lot of free time. One day Kristina meets a boy named Adam. Adam and her …show more content…

The first thing that hits her mind when she arrives in the airport is where can she find Meth. She starts having really bad anxiety because she fears that she will not be able to get a fix, at least not as soon as she wants it. Bree starts having withdrawal symptoms because she goes a whole week with out having Meth in her system and she starts acting out a lot. When her friends try calling her to talk about her trip and she’s very irritable she blames it on Jet lag, which for a while makes sense because she was in New Mexico but it was only a couple of hours in difference. She starts suffering from Sleep Deprivation because she has no access to Meth, and without it she’s falling apart. Kristina looks for a source and when she finds one the same dose that used to get her high no longer does. A stronger Tolerance to the drug has occurred and she needs to buy a larger amount of Meth to feel the high. Without a job she starts dipping into her savings and saving up for a car is no longer her goal. Kristina fiends for the monster so much that it’s affecting her relationship with her friends, parents, and siblings. Her mom tried to sit down and ask her what was going on, at one point she thought she was depressed because she would just stay locked inside her room. But once she would go from happy because she had just gotten her fix to angry when it wore off her mom feared she was

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