Boston Legal Essays

  • Analysis of NBC´s Blacklist

    907 Words  | 2 Pages

    How many shows on television do you know that offer a guilt-free antihero as its protagonist? Well, I certainly cannot think of many, and I believe that is the inaugural case as to why NBC’s The Blacklist has been this Fall’s number one show. The idea behind it is that an ingenious, criminal mastermind for some apparent reason starts to assist the FBI catch the world’s most wanted criminals, some of which they did not know existed. Although I am already a fan of the show, I do think that The Blacklist

  • A Critique of Thomas B. Stoddard’s Gay Marriages: Make Them Legal

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    Thomas B. Stoddard’s “Gay Marriages: Make Them Legal” is a successfully written argument with some minor flaws in technique. Stoddard uses this article to present his major claim, or central thesis, on the reasons gay marriage should be legalized. He presents his argument using minor claims. In a lecture on February 2, 2005, James McFadden stated a minor claim is the secondary claim in an argument. Stoddard uses minor claims in his discussion of homosexual people being denied their rights by

  • Irish Immigrants in Boston

    2774 Words  | 6 Pages

    Irish Immigrants in Boston The life of Irish immigrants in Boston was one of poverty and discrimination. The religiously centered culture of the Irish has along with their importance on family has allowed the Irish to prosper and persevere through times of injustice. Boston's Irish immigrant population amounted to a tenth of its population. Many after arriving could not find suitable jobs and ended up living where earlier generations had resided. This attributed to the 'invisibility' of the

  • The Boston Massacre

    2709 Words  | 6 Pages

    The Boston Massacre was and is still a debatable Massacre. The event occurred on March 5, 1776. It involved the rope workers of the colonial Boston and two British regiments, the twenty-ninth and the fourteenth regiments. Eleven people were shot in the incident; five people were killed and the other six were merely wounded. The soldiers and the captain, Thomas Preston, were all put on trial. All were acquitted of charges of murder, however the two soldiers who fired first, Private Mathew Killroy

  • Ponzi: The Boston Swindler

    3331 Words  | 7 Pages

    1920s based on a theoretical arbitrage in international postal reply coupons. “Fifty percent profit in forty-five days!” was the claim of Charles Ponzi. Ponzi was a purported financial wizard. In the summer of 1920, he ran an “investment company” in Boston. He claimed to reap great profits by trading postal reply coupons. Nonetheless, the investment scheme was a fraud. Ponzi was using investors' money to pay off earlier investors, while keeping some for himself. In the end, he had collected $9,500,000

  • Virtual Child Pornography Should be Legal

    589 Words  | 2 Pages

    Virtual Child Pornography Should be Legal This nation has several issues over which most people's minds freeze up, with the disastrous drug war probably leading the list. I don't share a feeling of squeamishness and horror when it comes to drugs: What I don't want, I don't take, it's that simple. And I don't spend time fretting that my neighbors might be toking, or snorting, in the privacy of their homes. Child pornography is something else; it pushes all kinds of emotional hot-buttons

  • Legal Ownership of the Parthenon Marbles

    2146 Words  | 5 Pages

    Legal Ownership of the Parthenon Marbles The controversy began almost one hundred years ago. Between 1801 and 1812, Thomas Bruce, 7th Earl of Elgin and British Ambassador to the Ottoman Empire, removed several sculptures from the Parthenon in Athens and shipped them to England, where he sold them to the British Museum in 1816. 167 years later, Melina Mercouri, Greek Minister of Culture, requested that the “Elgin” Marbles be returned. This request sparked one of the greatest debates the art

  • KaZaA is Ethical and Legal

    2795 Words  | 6 Pages

    KaZaA is Ethical and Legal INTRODUCTION The Internet is undoubtedly one of the greatest innovations of the past hundred years. The Internet provides a means for people all over the world to share information readily and rapidly. Like all technological innovations, the Internet has provided a better means for information to be exchanged. The down side of this is that the Internet can be used to transmit illegal information more easily. KaZaA is an Australian company that offers a means

  • Social and Legal Definitions of Slavery Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave

    3959 Words  | 8 Pages

    freedom makes his more tangible bonds all the more painful. Because he fought for this freedom long before being ranked among free Northerners, Douglass maintains, in his narrative for the white abolitionist movement, an inner independence of social and legal definitions of slavery and freedom.

  • Luck, Moral Guilt and Legal Guilt

    1681 Words  | 4 Pages

    Luck, Moral Guilt and Legal Guilt The question of whether luck should play a role in our assessment of other people is fundamental to human society. Our judicial laws express the view that we are responsible for our actions-in other words, luck does have a bearing on the determination of legal guilt; since legal guilt is theoretically based on moral guilt, this means that luck is usually considered to have a bearing on moral guilt as well. However, there are serious difficulties with this system

  • The Legal and Ethical Issues of Online Gaming

    3198 Words  | 7 Pages

    Abstract:  This paper describes the new market growing around online gamers: professional gamers, wagered tournaments, and buying and selling virtual items. After outlining and describing several prime examples, the paper then discusses the legal and ethical ramifications of the virtual world having monetary value.  It shows that despite the positive effects of drawing more people into the gaming community, playing games for money compromise what many consider to be the purity of the gaming experience

  • Legal Development of Abortion

    1311 Words  | 3 Pages

    Legal Development of Abortion This essay traces the development of abortion law in English and American society up to the time of Roe v. Wade in 1973. Beginning with Biblical citations, the essay researches the Early Church Fathers on the issue; the American colonies; developments of the 1800's which caused change, and so on. Up to the time of the Protestant Reformation, the English society inherited its traditional anti-abortion law from the Church practice of 1500 years standing; which

  • Euthanasia Should be Legal

    1102 Words  | 3 Pages

    Euthanasia Should be Legal Euthanasia is the intentional causing of a painless death. Euthanasia should be legal in every state. It is already legal in some areas and if put to a vote in every state, it most likely would become legal. Every state resident should be given the opportunity to vote on the issue. It should also the right of a competent patient to decide his own life, or death. If it is within an individual's rights to commit suicide it should be legal to ask for help if needed.

  • Natural Crimes and Legal Crimes

    1071 Words  | 3 Pages

    Natural Crimes and Legal Crimes Crime is an act in violation of a law, unlawful activity, an unjust, senseless, a disgraceful act or condition. A natural crime is an act that is harmful to the society in which one lives. Natural crimes are crimes in any society at any age, and whether or not the crimes are committed by people who are in authority or not. Crimes are forms of unloving behavior that cannot and should not be overlooked. Any natural crime against an individual is a crime against the

  • E-commerce – the legal considerations

    1343 Words  | 3 Pages

    E-commerce – the legal considerations ===================================== There are lots of legal considerations and I've tried to include some of the main ones. Although e-commerce can mean a lot of things, here I've related it to actually selling items on a website (although a lot of the legal considerations would need to be considered even if you were not selling on the web. Data protection considerations ============================== The Data Protection Act lays down lots of

  • Ethics/Legal/IEP Essay

    1411 Words  | 3 Pages

    Ethics/Legal/IEP Essay In the treatment of those individuals labeled as disabled, be it physically, mentally, or a combination thereof, we are faced with many challenging ethical questions. The first and foremost of these is, what is ultimately, “the right thing to do.” While we may or may not agree on the answer to this question, as well as those that follow, many advances have been made in our society to deal with disabled individuals in the most humane and ethical way possible. What is the

  • John Winthrop A Success Or Failure

    1711 Words  | 4 Pages

    Starting a colony is not an easy accomplishment but John Winthrop proved that he was capable of gathering people, taking them to a new country and settling in a town. John Winthrop was a good leader. He was raised in a wealthy family and his father was an excellent businessmen. Winthrop was following into his father’s footsteps which lead to taking over his father’s business. Attending college at the age of 17 converted Winthrop into a great leader and noble hardworker. Having these characteristics

  • Petersham Proposal

    747 Words  | 2 Pages

    Petersham Summary The locals consider Petersham to be part of old school West Sydney. There are several heritage terrace homes in Petersham surrounded by several nice neighbourhood parks, including the large and popular Petersham Park where the Fanny Durack Aquatic Centre is located. If you enjoy Portuguese food, the local cafes and restaurants offer authentic dishes from the culture. Other cuisines across the suburb are available to suit different foodie tastes. One of the primary elements that

  • City Upon A Hill Quotes

    1034 Words  | 3 Pages

    “...for wee must Consider that wee shall be as a Citty upon a Hill, the eies of all people are uppon us; soe that if wee shall deale falsely with our god in this worke wee have undertaken and soe cause him to withdrawe his present help from us…” Winthrop’s idea of “a City Upon a Hill,” was a model society for everyone else. It was based upon a solid Christian foundation, of serving God, being unified, and no one being better than thy neighbor. America is nothing close, nor will it ever be close to

  • John Winthrop A Model Of Christian Charity Summary

    514 Words  | 2 Pages

    As a dedicated Puritan, John Winthrop believed in the necessity of following God’s rules. “God Almighty... ”, Winthrop highly uses the name of God in his “A Model of Christian Charity” from 1630. While preparing to a new life in the newfangled colony, the soon to be the first Governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony was determined to build a better life to his supporter based in God’s fundaments of living. Winthrop believe in use the power of God to create a strong and compliant colony. His vision