Billabong Essays

  • Billabong Essay

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    Billabong International Ltd. is a typical surf-wear manufacturer out of Queensland, Australia that generates roughly 80 percent of revenue outside of its home country. Despite serving several nations, the U.S. account for nearly 50 percent of its $800 million annual income (Hill, 2011). Founded in 1973 surfboard shaper Gordon Merchant and his then partner, Rena, Billabong saw early success, and expanded abroad in the late 1980’s. In the 1990’s, the lover for surfing grew into a sport, as did Billabong’s

  • Billabong Identity

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    Billabong • Back ground Billabong was founded on Australia's Gold Coast in 1973 by surfer and surfboard shaper Gordon Merchant and his then partner, Rena. Those early days were rather inauspicious, with the pair designing boardshorts at home, cutting them out on the kitchen table and then carting the finished product around to the local surf shop to sell. The business found immediate traction, with surfers drawn to the superior functionality of the Billabong boardshorts. They were also far more

  • Billabong Accounting Report

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    Billabong International Limited is an Australia-based company which wholesales and retails surf, snow, skate, sports apparel and equipment (, 2010). The following report on Billabong is written for a current investor. The scope of the analysis spans 5 years from 2009 to 2013 and covers profitability, efficiency, liquidity, solvency and gearing ratios. The limitations of the analysis is that the data provided is in the month of July and the company’s financial health may fluctuate

  • Billabong Business Culture Essay

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    Business culture factors influencing Billabong’s operations, include values, rituals, rites and celebrations. Billabong has various values shaping the business. The company has a code of conduct that all employees must abide by. The code of conduct includes values such as integrity, honesty, trust and teamwork. All Billabong stores require across the board structure plans and regulations. Each store runs slightly different depending on the manager as long as across the board code of conducts are

  • Rip Curl Essay

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    share internationally. Quiksilver faces direct competition from three other similar brands: Billabong, Rip Curl, and Volcom. Billabong International, which is Quiksilvers closest competitor in terms of market share, holds 34.0% of the total action sports market worldwide (In the Midst of Change at the Big 4 Surf Brands). In the United States, it was number one in the sale of board shorts (Billabong). Billabong is comprised of other brands such as Element, Von Zipper, Nixon, Two Seasons, Sector 9, RVCA

  • Banjo Paterson's Waltzing Matilda

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    over one's back.’ The narrative song ‘Waltzing Matilda’ tells the story of a swagman living in the Australian outback during 1895-1900’s, the story tells: In verse 1- A swagman is resting under a eucalyptus tree on the banks of a watering hole (Billabong). He is singing to pass the time. He has a fire lit and is boiling something in a tin can. (Most likely tea) In verse 2- While there, the swagman notices a sheep wandering by, he catches

  • Swagman's Waltzing Matilda

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    work was scarce and the poem talks about a swagman who was looking for work. He was called swagman as he carried his swag on his back. The Swagman build a camp for all night near a billabong, below the shade of a coolibah tree and put tea to boil for himself on the campfire. A sheep came down to drink from the billabong and the hungry swagman caught the sheep in the intention of eating it for diner. The swagmen shove the sheep into his tucker-bag to restrain and stop it from running away. Nevertheless

  • Personal Experience: Australia´s National Identity

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    Today I am going to tell you about my opinion on Australia’s National Identity. For countless years the entire world has visualised Australians as a pack of outback country bogans, with a limited education and a strange addiction to vegemite and beer. Australians are a strange collection of people who only ever greet each other by using phrases such as ‘G’day Mate’ and ‘How ya goin’, whilst also throwing in as many strange and unintelligent phrases an possible. This is definitely not the natural

  • Saltwater Crocodile Case Study

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    found in countries and areas with warmer climates, most likely around Sri Lanka and the east coast of India, Burma, Southeast Asia, Australia, Vanuatu, the Solomon Islands and the Caroline Islands. They live in coastal areas of swamps, rivers and billabongs; generally spending the tropical wet season in freshwater rivers and swamps, and moving downstream to estuaries during the dry season. The crocodiles compete fiercely with each other for

  • Oodgeroo Noonuccal's Poem 'Aboriginal Charter Of Rights'

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    So, are all people created equal? Good Day, everybody. On behalf of the Mount Gravatt show and to represent NAIDOC week, I will be giving you some insight into the cultural background of the Indigenous people of Australia. This has been portrayed in the deep, protest plea for Aboriginal Human rights, the poem, ‘Aboriginal Charter of Rights’ by, Oodgeroo Noonuccal in 1962. Aboriginal people have been identified as the continuous civilization on Earth. Oodgeroo Noonuccal, an educated Aboriginal woman

  • Descriptive Essay: My Hero's Journey

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    3am like always. Street lights lined the still moderately busy street as I ran towards the only person who loved me. Huffing and puffing, I reached the large iron gates which bordered the centre of death. The cold concrete filled my vision, grey like always. Some had intricate designs. Some were mountains displaying their wealth and some were just simple with only the letters as a symbol of their live. As I walked towards the brown murky river, I passed others who once walked this earth with

  • The Outsiders: Location-Based Stereotypes

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    Throughout literature, cinema, and even history, location-based stereotypes have had an impact on the way the story unfolds. One of the most famous novels that involve these location-based stereotypes is S.E. Hinton’s award-winning novel, The Outsiders. The characters in this novel form opinions about each other based on where they are from. This opinion based on where someone is from doesn't just happen in this novel. It happened in 1619 when slavery started and people felt they could just take

  • Fashsion Statement

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    company that makes sunglasses for the surfer, coastal alike. These clothes were not acquired in any special way, nothing more or less ordinary than anyone else. I tend to shop at stores that sell surf and skate brand clothing. These brands include Billabong, Quicksilver, Split, Osiris, Dickies, and many similar brands. Stores that sell these brands are found almost everywhere, but I tend to spend most of money at Tilly’s and Chick’s. When others decide what outfit to wear, they are making a statement

  • Tropical Rainforest Research Paper

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    Close to the Equator What is a rainforest? A rainforest is a dense forest rich in biodiversity, found close to the equator in tropical areas, and can have up to an inch of rain a day. Rainforest are found in countries you might not believe like Africa, Asia, Australia, and Central and South America. Rainforest are found between the Tropic of cancer and The Tropic of Capricorn. Biodiversity in rainforest is extremely high and rich. Biodiversity is the name for all living things—like plants, animals

  • Business Plan: Surf and Skate Shop

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    Business Plan: Surf and Skate Shop I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY If I were to start my own business, my dream would be to build a surf and skate shop on the Southern California coast. My business would be located on beachfront property in the surrounding area. This business plan will cover two main subjects, 1: an Analysis of the Business Situation, and 2: the Planned Operation of the proposed business. The first topic will cover the subtopics Trading Area Analysis and Competition in the area for my business

  • Andrew Barton Banjo Paterson Research Paper

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    Andrew Barton Banjo Paterson is an extremely well-known Australian bush poet who wrote many world-famous ballads such as Waltzing Matilda, The Man from Snowy River, Clancy of the Overflow and The Man from Ironbark. He was also a journalist, horseman, lawyer, scholar, solicitor and even a war correspondent soldier in World War I. Paterson was born on the 17th of February, 1864, in Narrambla; a place near Orange, New South Wales. He was the eldest of the seven children who were born to Andrew Bogle

  • Misrepresentation Of Indigenous Australian In Australia By Baz Luhrmann

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    The film Australia by Baz Luhrmann displayed numerous misrepresentation of Indigenous Australians. King George or better known as the “magic man” according to Nullah demonstrates an inaccurate and stereotypical view of Aboriginal Australians as being mysterious and spiritually powerful. Australia depicts Aboriginal Australians as being in touch with nature which is a positive stereotype. Nature plays an important role in the Aboriginal culture since they live off of the land by hunting, gathering

  • I am Just Like Everyone Else

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    It's 9:38 p.m.. I guess I've put this off long enough... not that I want to sound unenthusiastic, but it just feels weird. When I looked over the prompts nothing really struck me: I really don't want to drag on about my plastic trophies, or try to convince you that I am the one student that would change your school entirely. The only thing left was to write about a hardship that I had overcome... funny thing though... I couldn't think of many hardships. I mean, a lot of things have happened to me

  • Creation: Which Religion's Story Is True?

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    about 40,000 years ago, bringing with them their own traditions, languages, and beliefs, including their story on how the world was created. They believe that “the earth was featureless, flat, and grey. There were no mountain ranges, no rivers, no billabongs, no birds or animals – in fact not one living thing. (Resture).” Then, Baiame, ‘maker of things’, decided to introduce the Dreamtime. Dreamtime was a point, a time frame, in the Aborigine history where giant ‘Beings’ were released to roam the unshaped

  • Product Development Essay

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    generation and evaluation that is causing a powerful growth for the engine of green clothing. As of recently green clothing is being produced and promoted more and more, and is involved in companies like Volcom, Patagonia, American Apparel, and Billabong. Along with many more leading the green clothing movement. These companies influence the industry, allowing them to develop new methods and ways to experiment with dying, printing, and converting fabrics. The reason is connected with the graphic