Bile duct Essays

  • Enchiladas

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    It was a bright and sunny day, the skies clear, and everything was right in the world. Just an ordinary day nothing special, but if only that were true. The day may have been clear, but the hearts of a few hand full of people were not. Instead they were shrouded in darkness and despair, for the one we all had loved has left this world and us behind. People came from far and wide to see her one last time, to see my grandmother’s face one last time. When I heard the news of what had happened, at first

  • Gallstones

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    stored hardens into pieces of stone like material. Also, gallstones can form anywhere in the intrahepatic, hepatic, common bile, or cystic ducts. The liquid, called bile is used to help the body digest fats. Bile is made in the liver, and then stored in the gallbladder until the body needs to digest fat. At that time, the gallbladder contracts and pushes the bile into a duct which carries it to the small intestine, where it helps with assimilation. Gallstones are yellow liquid made of fats and cholesterol

  • Small Intestine Simulation

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    Regulation of bile into the small intestine During the digestive period, intestinal phase signals stimulate the release of bile into the small intestine. This release is regulated by 3 main regulatory factors, secretin, cholecystokinin and gastrin. The liver makes bile continuously. When there is no food in the small intestine, the hepatopancreatic sphincter (the entrance of the common bile duct and pancreatic duct into the small intestine) is closed and the bile backs up into the gallbladder. When

  • The Causes of Gallbladder Attacks

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    reservoir for the bile on the posteroinferior surface of the liver, between the right and the left quadrate lobe, from its neck the cystic duct projects to join the common bile duct’. The function of the gallbladder in the human body is to solve and concentrate bile, which is produced by the liver and is necessary for proper digestion of fats. What are Gallstones? Gallstones form when the liquid stored in the gallbladder hardens into pieces of stone-like material. The liquid, called bile is used to

  • Gallstones Research Paper

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    the hepatic ducts, through which the bile is lead to the gallbladder. As part of the digestive system the gallbladders jobs is to store bile that the liver yields. As the stomach releases its contents into the small intestine, the gallbladder then releases bile that helps with digestion into the bile duct. If bile has too much salts or bilirubin, it can harden and create gallstone ranging sizes at one to three millimeters. Being that the pancreas is also connected through the bile duct, when a gallstone

  • Gallbladder Essay

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    inferior and posterior to the liver. The gallbladder and its connecting ducts are referred as the biliary system. The biliary system is involved in the production and transportation of bile2. Bile is produced in the liver and when it is secreted, it flows through the cystic duct to the gallbladder to be stored. The gallbladder is a storage unit for bile. The job of bile is to emulsify fat. Also in the gallbladder, hard deposits of bile can form. Those hard deposits are called gallstones and they can be

  • Ascariasis Essay

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    Ascaris lumbricoides is an infectious and parasite that contaminates a quarter of the world's populace. Ascariasis is a type roundworm that exists in a human body. It has also been mentioned to frequently name as the massive, intestinal roundworm. Ascariasis is really the largest intestinal roundworm found in human body. Ascariasis takes place in the countryside areas of the southeastern United States even though it’s uncommon the U.S. This infectious parasite decreased melodramatically after the

  • The Digestive System: The Digestive System

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    This pear shaped organ contracts while we eat, then sends bile to the small intestine (WebMD (2).) Pancreas- The pancreas creates a juice that breaks down carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. "The pancreas delivers digestive juice to the small intestine through small tubes called ducts" (NIH (5).) The pancreas is not considered part of the GI tract, but it is a necessary organ needed for the digestion and absorption of nutrients

  • Analysis Of The Digestion Of Carbohydrates By Salivary Amylase

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    each test tube, you need to add three mL of vegetable oil. Now for test tubes numbers one and two, you need to add five mL of water. Only for test tube number three add two mL of lipase enzyme. For only test tubes number two and three, add a pinch of bile salts. Once this is all done, mix the tubes by flicking the bottoms. Afterwards, place all three tubes in a water bath for only thirty minutes. Once this is all completed, you can then record and analyze the

  • Essay On Hovercraft

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    Many people find themselves where there is a geographical barrier between their next goal. They might be riding on a golf cart and find a pond between them and their next hole, or there might be an annoying hill they have to climb up to sled? Well their worries are no more for a hovercraft is a very versatile vehicle which can move over water and scale hills! Hovercrafts have been in the midst of human life for over 60 years. The idea first patented in 1952 and was derived from a British invention

  • Safety: Handling Material By Hand

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    panels, while not particularly heavy, can be awkward to handle and carry, and the wind can catch them. Use good lifting techniques and body position when you lift or move the panels. Installation often requires working at unusual angles while accessing duct systems. Eye protection Making minor modifications to the panel system or routing out for the insulation can create airborne dust and particulates. Wear safety glasses with side shields (Z87-1). In windy conditions, you might need to wear mono-goggles

  • Echinococcosis or Hydatid Cyst

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    Echinococcosis or Hydatid cyst is a parasitic disease caused by an infection of tiny tapeworms (Image 1). This infection can be naturally transmitted between humans and other animals. It can be transmitted by digesting feces, contaminated meat or other products. It is considered one of the most significant groups of communicable diseases. There are three different types of echinococcosis which can affect both human and animals; but only two are most commonly seen in humans and animals. The two are

  • Resimilation: A Key Components Of The HVAC System

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    pre-fabricated Heating, Ventilating and Air-conditioning sheet metal duct. Fiberglass insulation is used in air-conditioning duct systems for thermal and acoustic purposes and helps prevent moisture from building up in the duct.

  • Of Digestion In The Process Of Digestion

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    Digestion is a process that involves the breakdown of nutrients in order to be thoroughly absorbed by the body. The cephalic phase includes smelling, seeing, and thinking about food, which is the preparation for digestion. This is operated by the parasympathetic nervous system, which prepares the gastrointestinal tract (GI) by increasing saliva, gastric secretion, peristalsis, and the increased blood flow to the GI tract. Digestion then begins in the mouth, where salivary amylase assists with the

  • Write An Essay About The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Cholecystectomy

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    A cholecystectomy is a common surgical procedure for patients in the hospital as well as a surgical treatment for patients with calculus or acalculus cholecystitis. This surgery usually requires less than 24 hours of hospital stay postoperatively. Nurses’ postoperative care for the patients is frequently anesthetic recovery and analgesic management. Certain factors regarding care and treatment can improve the patient’s health outcomes. Two types of surgeries may be performed for a cholecystectomy

  • Creative Writing: Deadly Justice

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    DEADLY JUSTICE Prologue The full moon shined revealing the man’s face. He stepped back until darkness sheltered him. Lights in the bar dimmed. He saw her shadow pass the window obscured by the Miller Lite sign. He sneered, he was about to extinguish her light. He chose this bar because of the sign. True there were other bars with the Miller Lite signs in their window. However, this was the only one in Washington D.C. where the barmaid was named Miller; at least as far as he knew. Tonight Shannon

  • Duct Tape

    889 Words  | 2 Pages

    world can be fixed with one of two items; if it moves and it shouldn't, use duct tape. If it doesn't move and it should, use WD-40. The product we chose for this assignment is duct tape. In this paper we will discuss what duct tape is used for, who creates and supplies duct tape, what duct tape does, why we think duct tape is useful and how we think duct tape will be around and useful in five years. Since it was invented, duct tape has been used for many other purposes. In fact, it has so many now that

  • Critical Lens: Critical Lenss

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    Critical Lens Essay John Steinbeck once stated, “It is the responsibility of the writer to expose our many grievous faults and failures and to hold up to the light our dark and dangerous dreams, for the purpose of improvement.” In others words, people should expose the many flaws and failures that every human has. By revealing them and making it eye-catching, that person can recognize that flaw and work to improve their flaws and failures. The journalistic novel Random Family by Adriene Nicole LeBlanc

  • Hovercraft Project

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    To prevent the material between the vent holes from ripping, you can use duct tape to reinforce the holes. XI. Flip the hovercraft over so the plastic sheet is now on the bottom. XII. Place the leaf blower into the hole that was cut for it on the top of the hovercraft and turn it on. You may need to lift the wood off the ground slightly to let the air flow into the plastic skirt. XIII. Seal the hole around the blower with duct tape if too much air is escaping. XIV. To test the hovercraft, place it

  • Castleman's Disease Research Paper

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    Lymphatic Disorder Castllesman’s Disease CD In most cases, Castleman’s disease is characterized by a single, solid growth within lymphatic tissue in the chest, stomach, or neck. The growths may also occur in other lymphatic tissue throughout the body. Castelman’s Disease is not cancer, but, a lymphoproliferative disorder. It is a condition resembling lymphoma but without recognizable malignant cells. It shows as isolated masses of lymphoid tissue and lymph node hyperplasia, usually in the abdominal