Bacterial growth Essays

  • Bacterial Growth and Its Phases

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    Bacterial growth is defined as the division of one bacterium, resulting in two identical cells. This process is referred to as the binary fission that doubles the bacteria population. All three cells are identical. The bacteria go through a growth spurt in order for it to survive and grow. In order to show a bacteria growth curve, scientists create a perfect habitat to predict the bacteria’s growth curve. The growth curve gives the scientists an idea of how certain bacteria will act and how

  • Bacterial Growth Essay

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    different types of bacteria are able to survive and reproduce in different types of environment. Some factors that affect the growth of bacteria include temperature, presence of certain gases and pH of the medium it is in. In this experiment, the variable that was changed was temperature. Temperature is one significant factor that affects the growth of bacteria. Each bacterial culture has its own minimal, maximal and optimal temperatures. Bacteria thrive at their optimum temperature and are only able

  • Bacterial Growth Lab Report

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    Therefore, the aim of this experiment is to understand the use of different ingredients for preventing bacterial growth and to find which cleaner is most value for money in regarding prevention of bacterial growth. It is hypothesised that if the price of the cleaner varies but the ingredients are similar then similar results will still be observed. To confirm this hypothesis the results will have to show similar results to each other independent of the cost compare to the petri dish with no cleaner

  • Impact of Refrigeration on Bacterial Growth in Mayonnaise

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    refrigeration and covering of mayonnaise on the growth of bacteria. Abstract. Growth is characteristic feature of life; this simply means the regulated and coordinated enlargement in biological mass over time. Bacterial growth involves division of one cell of the bacteria into two cells in a process known as binary fission. Specific conditions are required for the survival of bacteria. Most bacteria require environments that are moderate, suitable and assure optimum growth. The common conditions that need to

  • Bacterial Vaginosis

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    Introduction Bacterial vaginosis is known to be the most common cause of abnormal vaginal discharge in women of childbearing age (Hay, 2010). Bacterial vaginosis is the result of the substitution of normal vaginal lactobacilli with anaerobic bacteria Gardnerella vaginalis and Prevotella, Peptostreptococcus and Bacteroides spp., which will result loss of the normal vaginal acidity (Turovskiy, Sutyak Noll, & Chikindas, 2010). Bacterial vaginosis is the main trigger of vaginal discharge or malodor in

  • Essay On Gardnerella Vaginalis

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    Gardnerella vaginalis started a controversy due to different interpretations of its clinical significance, taxonomic position, and Gram stain reaction. The organism was first named Haemophilus vaginalis. However, it lacked some of the characteristics the Haemophilus species required. It was then referred to as Corynebacterium vaginale. It was later changed to Gardnerella vaginalis when a new genus was necessary (Catlin, 1992). This paper will focus on the characteristics of G. vaginalis and how it

  • Breastfeeding and the Sexual Objectification of Women

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    beneficial to both mother and baby and the environment as well. Breastfed children are less likely to have ear infections, allergies, vomiting, pneumonia, urinary tract infections, chronic digestive disease, insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, bacterial meningitis, research also indicates that breastfeeding may help protect against Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), women who were breastfed as infants have a lower rate of breast cancer, and breastfeeding helps promote bonding between mother and

  • Investigating the Optimum pH Bacterial and Mammalian Amylase Digests Starch Solution

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    Investigating the Optimum pH Bacterial and Mammalian Amylase Digests Starch Solution [IMAGE] Biology Coursework Monique Noel 12T Finding the Optimum pH Bacterial and Mammalian Amylase Digests Starch Solution. Introduction I am investigating the optimum pH bacterial and mammalian amylase digests starch solution. To do this I will conduct an experiment using bacterial and mammalian amylase, subjecting them to varying pH levels and record at which pH level the enzyme

  • Unknown Lab Report

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    Results The unknown bacterium that was handed out by the professor labeled “E19” was an irregular and raised shaped bacteria with a smooth texture and it had a white creamy color. The slant growth pattern was filiform and there was a turbid growth in the broth. After all the tests were complete and the results were compared the unknown bacterium was defined as Shigella sonnei. The results that narrowed it down the most were the gram stain, the lactose fermentation test, the citrate utilization test

  • Microbial Pigments Essay

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    fermentation and factors for growth (pH, temperature, oxygen

  • Essay On Microbiology

    1989 Words  | 4 Pages

    of microbiology lies the bacterial cell, one that differs from those of a plant or animal because it lacks a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles which, in turn are traded for pili, flagella, and in some cases a cell capsule. Bacteria that are capable of causing illness or disease are called pathogens, pathogens work by releasing toxins in the body or directly damaging the host’s cells. An article by Lise Wilkinson explains that the earliest categorizations of bacterial cells first occurred in the

  • Lab Test: Unknown Bacterium

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    this investigation was to identify an unknown bacterium. “At any time there are millions of bacteria living around, on, or inside us” (The Plague). Bacterium can’t be identified by merely looking at it. Many bacteria have the similar appearances in growth. “In most cases, detection is based on the reaction of an enzyme with a certain substrate” (Sigma-Aldrich). Identification is usually based on the results of the bacterium’s cells metabolic capacities. Some bacteria are harmless and are part of our

  • Gram Staining Procedure

    763 Words  | 2 Pages

    Gram staining is the most essential and all around used staining technique in bacteriology lab. Gram staining was firstly presented by Christian Gram in 1883. This method is utilized to distinguish between gram positive and gram negative bacteria which have consistent differences in their cell wall. Gram positive bacteria stain blue-purple and gram negative bacteria stain pink-red. There are a few objectives as to why we ought to do this experiment; to gain knowledge of the differences between gram

  • Purple Bacilli Research Paper

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    Results Observing under 1000X magnification, the gram stain depicts purple bacilli, as seen in Figure 1. Figure 2 depicts growth of a light brown, opaque bacteria on a Phenylethyl Alcohol Agar (PEA) plate. As seen in Figure 3, the blood agar plate shows brown growth surrounded by a very thin clear area. Figure 4 shows an endospore stain of the gram-positive unknown. It depicts green endospores surrounded by pink bacilli. Figure 5 depicts a slant of gram-positive isolate, which appears as an opaque

  • Biochemical Test Lab Report

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    In today's medicine, correctly and quickly identifying a patient's illness is essential for proper treatment. In order to execute this, biochemical tests of various magnitudes are used to identify what a patient may be infected with. In our lab, we received an unknown sample of urine. After several biochemical tests, we determined our unknown specimen to be Enterobacter aerogenes. This particular bacterium is gram-negative, with rod shaped morphology. In order to determine whether our specimen

  • The Advent of Penicillin

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    development. It is because penicillin and its derivatives have played such a vital role in everyday medicine that it is such an important topic. Penicillin works by virtue of its beta-lactam ring that specifically binds to microbial enzymes in bacterial cell walls, and keeps the cell membrane structures from linking up. Eventually, if the bacterium keeps dividing, the cell membrane will become increasingly weaker and lyse. The beta-lactam ring is very simple in and of itself, but its ability to

  • Qnt 351 Week 1 Lab Report

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    The dichotomous keys show process of elimination taking place and several steps that were performed to the two unknown bacteria. Bacteria number one was concluded to be either S. aureus or E. faecals. As shown, a gram stain was performed to bacteria 1, because it helped in separating the bacteria into Gram negative or positive. Bacteria 1 was Gram positive bacteria, so the next step was to eliminate the bacteria that were bacilli, because under the microscope the bacteria was shown to be cocci. Then

  • Experiment to Test Two Different Concentrations of Dettol Disinfectant in Soil (sand) Bacteria Growth

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    bacteria growth. Hypothesis- I think that the concentrations with the most Dettol disinfectant will stop bacterial growth the most. Out of all the percentages I think the 100% disinfectant will stop the bacteria the most, this solution would be made from 10ml of Dettol disinfectant and 0ml of water. Variables- The independent variable in this experiment are the amounts of Dettol disinfectant used for each petri dish, the dependant variables are the measurement of bacterial growth that grows

  • Isolation Of Bacteria

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    Isolation of bacteria includes several techniques by which different bacterial colonies from a mixed culture can be separated. This isolation is important as it helps in studying the particular organism with its distinguished traits. Bacteria are in habit of living in an association with other organism/bacteria as this association will help in the better survival of an organism. These microbial populations will cooperate together and achieve better nutrients for each other because the waste of one

  • Gram Staining In The Late 1800s

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    typically when you’re sick, you go to the doctors. If your doctor happens to suspect that you may have an infection, he or she may order to have a culture, and/or a gram stain done to check for bacteria. If it happens to be that you do have a bacterial infection, your doctor can then have a gram stain done on the bacteria to see if the bacteria in your infection are gram negative or gram positive bacteria. A gram stain can be performed on various types