Avid Essays

  • AVID Reflection Essay

    711 Words  | 2 Pages

    Are you an upcoming 7th grader deciding if AVID is an elective you would like to enroll in or you just don't know much about? Well, AVID stands for Advancement Via Individual Determination. It’s a college preparatory program aimed to close the achievement gap by preparing their students for college and success in the real world. Some of AVID’s curriculum focuses on studying skills such as taking Cornell Notes, tutoring, doing in-class tutorials, listening to guest speakers, and going on college field

  • AVID Standout Award

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    I believe that I am the best choice for the AVID Standout Award because I am a hard worker, a leader, and I give back to the community. I have always been a student that doesn't give up when they are struggling and wants to keep learning. I personally believe that a good education is the first priority of any human being because education has brought us where we are today in the world. During my career as a student, I have moved schools a total of six times. It is a challenge to adapt to a new school

  • Makeup Essay Lab Quiz

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    Makeup Essay 2 The only reason that I missed my lab quiz was because I own a company named Loan Modification Relief Center. What we specialize in is saving clients from loosing their homes to foreclosure, sale dates and help put them in a better situation. On the day of the 2nd lab quiz, I had 3 clients that were about to loose their homes and I don’t pass that job on to anyone else simply because I have that old school mentality that if I don’t do it myself it wont get done right. Since my name

  • AVID Reflection Essay

    550 Words  | 2 Pages

    AVID is a fun and educational elective that prepares me to go to college. AVID has also been helping me reach goals that I would had never expected to achieve.This elective has been really helpful for me but at the same time I am having some trouble in keeping up with work for class.I get a lower grade in AVID than in any other classes, so AVID is bringing my GPA down due to all the work. If I stay in AVID, then I don’t get the choice of any other electives besides Band, Chorus, and Orchestra. If

  • AVID 12 Exam

    744 Words  | 2 Pages

    I chose to discuss why competition is a good thing and how it makes sports and other aspects, even in everyday life, better. I will focus on key points such as the difference between being successful and not being successful based on competition and will power along with a drive and goals. I will also talk about how genetics of a winner and how natural selection plays a factor in determining a worthy competitor. I will point out some of the main reasons for competition in both sports and life. I

  • An Avid Board Game Player

    1236 Words  | 3 Pages

    With taking a firsthand view at this community we can better understand its ability to stand the test of time, and still grow even when faced with the fast paced virtual world. To better understand this it imperative to take a look into the mid of an avid board game player. Comparing this with the knowledge of the culture that I have experienced will give me a view of this mysterious phenomenon. This led me to set up a personal interview with a diehard Magic the Gathering player to discuss what draws

  • I Am A Avid Gamer

    1135 Words  | 3 Pages

    I am a very avid gamer; I spend up to 4 hours a day engaged in some sort of game. Sometimes that game is on my phone or a handheld device but, more commonly, I spend the majority of that time glued to my computer screen. As a new freshman, I joined the gaming club on campus, Gamers of OSU (GOSU). At GOSU, I met my now roommate, my now boyfriend, and a large group of people I am proud to call friends. It just so happens that most of the friends are men. I am never surprised that the company I keep

  • Professional Esports : An Avid Gamer

    925 Words  | 2 Pages

    As an avid gamer I have been intrigued with professional esports for better part of 4 years and it would always grind my gears when people said it didn’t take any skill or effort like a sport. However in reality it takes just as much skill or effort, if not more to compete in esports. As esports becomes more predominant in our culture and around the world I believe it deserves the recognition and respect that any other sport would receive. Did you know that some colleges have made esports teams

  • High School AVID Teacher Essay

    622 Words  | 2 Pages

    determine our path is society. High school AVID teachers show you that your GPA is not just a number, but a indiction of our strengths. They are the ones who help us find are path in life. High school is where you decide your future. It is where you choose whether you go to college or you dive right into work force.I believe that with the right guidance, you can be pushed to accomplish thing that you didn't think was possible. I want to be high school AVID teacher so I will be able to help teenager

  • When I Joined Avid Essay

    513 Words  | 2 Pages

    joined Avid, because I knew it would help in college.Joining AVID in high school helped prepare me for college readiness and success in life. If i hadn’t joined avid i would be walking out of high school clueless to what to do next. I believed the program would have me better prepared for life after high school. Avid provides you with everything you need to know about college, and the skills needed to succeed in it. Avid helped me out in a lot of ways. Time management was a huge thing in Avid. You

  • Avid Final Exam #20

    667 Words  | 2 Pages

    Do you think kids get more and more violent after playing video games? I think that kids do get more violent and learn more negative things from video games. Such as when kids play games like Grand Theft Auto 5 and Call of Duty they want to shot and kill people. Games like Call of Duty and Grand Theft Auto are rated M for a reason. An M rated game means mature, so you have to be 17 or older to purchase. Young 13 year olds should not be playing these games and getting so much negativity out of the

  • Why I Want To Be An Avid Essay

    575 Words  | 2 Pages

    Education is something I believe in. When it comes to school all I think of is being a future student of Old Dominion University. Ever since the 7th grade ,when I joined the avid program, I have had the dream to go to college. Teachers at Windsor Oaks Elementary school showed me how fun learning is. Plaza middle school instilled in me that knowledge is key to everything. Green Run High School is helping on my way to success. Education is not just the kind of things I do at school, but instead it

  • Personal Narrative: My Field Experience With The AVID Class

    559 Words  | 2 Pages

    For my field experience, I went to Fort Caroline Middle: the AVID Program. I had no estimate what to expect as a future educator as I’m only given limited background on what to expect. I’ve arrived early, and was curious what students I would cultivate with. In addition, I have grown fears consciously that I won’t be able to perform the tasks like my guided teacher has taken. I created self-doubt for me to worry about, and was curious if the students I work with are intimidating or will discriminate

  • The Buy One Get One Free Coupon Story That Converted Me To Becoming An Avid Coupon User

    569 Words  | 2 Pages

    The economy is making it difficult for many us to do everyday shopping for necessities, let alone the ability to splurge on luxuries. An amazing way to save money is using coupons. I know exactly what you’re thinking. I also was one of those people that grunted and groaned every time I had to wait for someone to sift through their enormous stack of coupons. But that was before I had an eye opening experience at the grocery store one day. A lady if front me handed the cashier her stack of coupons

  • Milpitas Pantry Research Paper

    510 Words  | 2 Pages

    This year in AVID, all 8th grade students went on a trip to the Milpitas Pantry. This field trip for AVID wasn’t just to go look around and a have the day off, it had a purpose. As AVID students, we were given the assignment to create a video, along with three classmates, that explained the benefits of donating, or not, to the Milpitas Food Pantry. Our video would then be shared throughout TRMS and everyone would get to see. From watching the videos, Students learn that donating to the Jack Emery

  • My First Week Of High School

    516 Words  | 2 Pages

    First week of high school Fun, scaring, exciting are the feelings of my first week of school. This is a brand new experience of my life having to leave my friends and teachers in middle school behind. New school, new friends and new teachers are all part of this new school year. This one is different though, it’s the first week of high school. Most freshmen like me that enter the school are scared. I think the first week of the school is the easiest since there would not be a lot of homework and

  • Argumentative Essay: Is This Generation Really More Informed?

    820 Words  | 2 Pages

    In the AVID article entitled “Is this generation really more informed” Darcy Paider and Syeda Sameeha explain whether this generation is really more informed or not. Many may say that this generation is more informed because of all the new technology that this generation has and all the sources right in our hands, but do we really take in that information do we take the time to read the news or is it just there. I do not believe that this generation is more informed, we may have all the information

  • Richard Rodriguez Memoir

    1758 Words  | 4 Pages

    I conform to Rodriguez ideologies that to succeed in a world controlled by those who spoke English, to succeed in the public arena, Rodriguez learned that he had to choose the English language over the Spanish language that was spoken within his home. I am also the son of immigrants, who was alienated from my Mexican heritage. However, I agree that we are all immigrants and that Latin American culture will not disappear as long as Latin American people immigrate to the United States. Similar, to

  • Is Technology Killing Our Friendships Analysis

    796 Words  | 2 Pages

    “Technology is just a tool. In terms of getting the kids to work together and motivating them, the teacher is most important” (Bill Gates). Based on the AVID weekly article, When is and isn’t it ok to be on your smartphone: the conclusive guide by Caitlin Dewey and the Scholastic Scope article, “Is Technology Killing Our Friendships?” by Lauren Tarshis, although technology can be very helpful in certain situations, it can also have serious negative effects on our relationships. When is and isn’t

  • Self Reflection Paper For High School

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    expected for a high school freshman, the rigor of both college and charter high school course was much more than I could have anticipated. However, I successfully managed the situation by using the techniques taught in AVID. From freshman year to this very moment, I have participated in AVID. Through this course, I have gained and demonstrated a solid understanding of