Animal Planet Essays

  • Entertainment Is Not Evil

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    Entertainment holds the attention and interest of an audience; it gives pleasure and delight, it lets people forget about any problems in their lives. Entertainment was specifically designed for the purpose of keeping an audience's attention. Long ago people started with: art, music, wall paintings, and stories. Entertainment has been around for far too long to hold the capacity to ruin such a concept as a society. It at times may portray itself as necessities for life .People thrive upon the happiness

  • The Creation of The Universe, The Earth, and Human Beings

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    so he could be seen from far and wide. The stars feared him and so again began to behave in an appropriate fashion. He also was very hot and warmed the once cold universe so that life would be possible. Then, Thrakath and Tria decided to make planets.

  • Sex Drugs Disasters And The Extinction Of Dinosaurs Summary

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    the aliens attempting to destroy our planet. The aliens continued to move toward the end of our colonization. When they were done using our planet, they would destroy it to keep others from going there and discovering what the aliens had learned from our planet. That was just typical government behavior though. There are numerous times in history where humans did the same kinds of things. The aliens came back one last time to collect their things from the planet and leave. They took many of the dinosaurs

  • Extremeophiles In The 1970's

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    essential for our bodies. We absorb sunlight through our skin and produce essential vitamins and minerals that our bodies need. The sun also warms our planet making living conditions tolerable. Without the sun our planet would be extremely cold and impossible to live on. Plants and animals also need the sun for existence. In fact, humans, animals and plants need the sunlight, for it is the main source for the creation of our food. Imagine living in temperatures as high as 200°F or as low as 100°

  • Should We Colonize Mars?

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    that is in the coral reefs. According to ABC news, 90% of the coral reef has been destroyed in the past two years. “Weitrering,2017” Also tons of cute little animals are dying out. If all the animals die out, a lot of people would be affected, like in not fully developed people use them as currency or transportation, or on farms and such, animals are a big part of the work force. The Earth is getting hotter each year by different amounts. If the world keeps getting hotter, doing work will get more difficult

  • Drake Equation Research Paper

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    This symbol represents how many planets per star system exist in the habitable zone. Roughly, I think it is about 0.22. The habitable zone is an area where the temperature is just right for liquid water to exist. Water is a key essential for intelligent life and in order for intelligent life to exist, there has to be liquid water. In the mission Kepler, Kepler has actually found 603 planets, 10 of which are Earth size and orbit in the habitable zone, where conditions

  • Mantis Shrimp Essay

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    The mantis shrimp can perceive both polarized light and multispectral images; they have the most complex eyes in the animal kingdom. Human eyes have color receptors for three colors (red, green, and blue); the mantis shrimp has receptors for sixteen types of color, enabling them to see a spectrum far beyond the capacity of the human brain. Seriously, how cool is the mantis shrimp? What might they be able to see that we cannot? What are we missing? When I read about the mantis shrimp and its awesome

  • By the Waters of Babylon and Planet of the Apes

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    By the Waters of Babylon and Planet of the Apes Comparitive Essay The short story by the waters of Babylon and the movie planet of the apes were both futuristic stories.  They also both showed the evil sides of today’s man and the chaos and mass destruction that we are capable of accomplishing.  They portrayed today’s man as selfish, violent, and full of hate and rage.  By the waters of Babylon was written from the point of view of a boy close to becoming a man who knew nothing of his past civilization

  • Argumentative Essay: Stars In The Universe

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    hundreds of billions of planets. Let alone the other billions of galaxies in the observable Universe (Kerr, "Alone in the Universe"). Considering those numbers, it is very likely that we are not alone. You could even say it's arrogant to believe we are the only planet able to inhabit thriving life forms. Despite that you may not be able to see anything in the sky at this moment, there is an endless amount of stars with the likelihood of being orbited by additional planets. As specified by NASA

  • Delroi Chanz: A Short Story

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    Chanz; the new planet. 4,000 years ago, when everyone lived on Earth, this amazing, beautiful, bigger, better planet was discovered. It had a beautiful ocean; wonderful islands dotted around the ocean. The world smelt like honey when they first landed, and the sky was big, and beautiful; there was always a bright, yellow sun in the summer, and two moons at night. And the grass was soft, and bright. It was amazing; there is an entire museum just for it. The plants and animals they found were

  • Persuasive Essay About Aliens

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    This planet is Mars. People are always filled with all kinds of expectations and illusions about Mars. A film Mars attack in 1996 can show people's longing for and study of Mars, because at that time, science and technology did not allow us to know whether or

  • Write An Argumentative Essay On How The Moon Was Formed

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    formed. There are many theories, but that is all that they are. Two of the biggest, most supported theories are that of the planet Theia and the theory that the moon was formed from loose debris, from Earth's formation, gathered together by gravity. Although, no matter how the moon was formed, all life on Earth benefits from having it. Not only does it affect living animals, humans, and plants, but non-living things too! There are many facts about the moon, and with those facts comes knowledge of

  • Pros And Cons Of Colonizing Mars

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    the stars. As dreams manifest to reality, the possibility of becoming a space-faring species looms just beyond the horizon. The concept of interstellar colonization will come to fruition in the very near future, beginning with the neighboring red planet. Mankind will greatly benefit from colonizing Mars because it will transcend conventional thinking and unite Earth as one people, provide access to unlimited sources of raw materials, and during an event of a global catastrophe preserve humanity.

  • The Life Of Planet Earth

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    Planet Earth is home to millions of species of life, including ourselves. It is unique in the Solar System because it is the only planet which is able to support a great variety of life: from basic living micro-organisms to highly sophisticated and intelligent human beings. The planet provides the necessary resources and products to support the biosphere that can support the global living organism’s population. Yet, what factors allow Earth to sustain life? Life as we recognize it requires specific

  • The Influence Of Astrology: Maimonides

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    affected by the stars and planets in the superiority. Moses Maimonides, original name is Moses Ben Maimon, known as Rambam. The charities in religion and philosophy, and medicine have affected similarly Jewish and non-Jewish scholars. Maimonides was born in a famous family from Cordova Spain, and Moses educated and learned with his scholarly father, Maimon, and other leaders and soon he surprised his teachers with his extraordinary wisdom and flexibility. People have star and planet signs that relates to

  • Does Life On Mars Exist

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    has life on it .There has already has been species that were discovered living outside earth like bacteria’s and virus (Ebola) came from space. Life doesn’t have to be only humans but to anything living outside of earth whether it’s a planet, bacteria or an animal. Four lines of proof that do help life did exist on Mars is that a shooting star was discovered and the calcium carbonate it contains originated from Mars, the mineralogy and science of the carbonate globules are good with biologic

  • Marvin The Martian

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    is very similar to the image we associate with a UFO today and it was before the idea of UFOs, could it have been extraterrestrial lifeforms visiting our planet? Sightings are also described in the bible, Sanskrit scrolls and even on ancient cave paintings. Religions like Buddhism and Hinduism believe we may reincarnate as beings of another planet, formally known as

  • Advantages Of Mars Colonization

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    only life, but a new branch of individual evolution. The time to colonize Mars would certainly be required when the Earth becomes uninhabitable as the global warming rises up. When that happens, Mars has the potential to become the most habitable planet in our solar system. Nevertheless, even with positive extrapolation of robotic manufacturing techniques, Mars will not have the labor required to make it fully self-sufficient; until and unless its population is in millions. Thus it will be necessary

  • Persuasive Essay On Mars

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    humans understand why humans and other animals exist, in this vast universe. Also, if humanity understands why Earth is so plentiful with life, and Mars is not, they could figure out where other forms of life exists in the universe, and what makes a planet habitable. If NASA were figure out what makes a planet habitable, and how to locate habitable planets, they could send people to habitable planets they discover, and continue sending people to other habitable planets to make humans an interstellar race

  • Argumentative Essay On Alien Theory

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    has been discussed by curious experts, who are still undecided on the matter. “Was the earth visited in ancient times by intelligent creatures from space? Did these creatures transmit to us the knowledge that raised us above all the other animals on this planet?” Scientists have created a theory; Ancient Alien Theory, attempting to explain the unusual events that have occurred in the past. Ancient Alien Theory states that long ago extraterrestrials with superior knowledge landed on the earth,