Alpha Kappa Alpha Essays

  • The Role Kappa Alpha Psi Has Played in My Life

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    Kappa Alpha Psi Inc. has played a large part in my life in a short amount of time; this organization has granted me the opportunity to attend college through a scholarship. The scholarship that I was granted was through the alumni chapter in Fayetteville; it required letters of recommendations, a transcript, an application, and an essay on what I believe “Achievement in every field of human endeavor” means. Once I received the call that was telling me to meet the representative to receive a letter

  • Sorority Application Letter

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    fraternity based on the stereotypes these organizations uphold, well I chose to differ. I told myself if I ever decided to become a member of a sorority it would be based solely on their ethical standards, history, and values they are founded upon. Alpha Kappa Alpha, Incorporated consists of ladies of distinction and exemplary character who excel in scholarship, leadership, and service, which are qualities I have chosen to uphold. From my perspective, I encourage myself to maintain a respectable appearance

  • Alpha Sorority Personal Statement

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    To be a woman of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc. is to be resilient, poise, and gracious. To be a woman of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc. is to be an inspiration to others through your actions. To be a woman of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc. is to be of service to all mankind. The mission of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Incorporated is to cultivate and encourage high scholastic and ethical standards, promote unity and genuine friendships among college women, aid in issues concerning girls and women

  • The Black Greek Life in College

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    The smell of carnival foods, music blasting through the tall speakers, and the crowd going wild is the first thing one hears as one enters the stadium. Shortly, one hears the sounds of clapping, stomping, and yelling as the Greek organizations compete for the grand prize, title of recognition, and bragging rights. People are dancing and supporting their favorite groups as they perform the routines the groups have been practicing for days. The final group performs and walks off stage drained with

  • Delta Sigma Theta Sorority

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    When I think of a Delta woman, I think of a compassionate, community-oriented, and diligent individual. During my childhood, I was not blessed with the opportunity of having a sister. Longing for that “sisterly bond” that Delta women acquire is what ignited my interest towards becoming a member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated at a young age. As I got older and evolved more into my dream of being a Mortician, which happens to be in a male dominated field, I want nothing more than to be

  • Red Dress Gala Business Analysis

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    This past October, Alpha Phi, a sorority here at the University of Arizona held its 11th annual Red Dress Gala. Held on parents weekend, the Red Dress Gala is a casino-style event filled with an auction, fun games and dancing. This event is held to not only benefit members and their parents, but to raise money and awareness for Women’s Heart Health. This year, the chapter's goal of raising $50,000 was easily attained through a multitude of methods. Ticket sales and the auction contributed to a significant

  • Alpha Sigma Alpha Research Paper

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    There are many reasons Alpha Sigma Alpha exists. The purpose of ASA is to foster close friendships between members and to develop women of poise and purpose. The vision of Alpha Sigma Alpha is to cultivate values and ideals in women who are known for their character and concern for others. ASA inspires women to lead, to serve and most of all to make a difference. Alpha Sigma Alpha promotes high ideals and standards for its members throughout their lives by emphasizing balance among our four aims

  • Why I Want to be an Alpha Phi Alpha

    574 Words  | 2 Pages

    Why I desire to be an Alpha man, a question that rolls around my thoughts since being invited to an informational. Out of all the organizations that exist from college fraternities to masonic lodges that cater to those of my cultural background the Alpha’s have always stood out as special, important and significant. In today’s society the romantic notion of college educated black man has almost no appeal unless affiliated with sports. Yet there is a storm brewing under the current of business,

  • Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Analysis

    585 Words  | 2 Pages

    If granted the opportunity to become a member of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity. I expected to become a better man once finishing the member in take process. Throughout the process I expect to develop many different skills that I can carry throughout life. I would like to become more professional as well as to enhance my networking skills. I expect to become more hands on in different charity events that I’m not familiar with. I would like to improvement my personal status and security, and the meeting

  • Fraternities

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    According to Irving Klepper, the first fraternity (Phi Beta Kappa) was founded for "social and literary purposes" at the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia on December 5th 1776. After half a century of existence, it became and has since remained a scholarship honor society. Throughout the nineteenth century, many new fraternities were founded, but none of these were permanent. Then, in 1825, the Kappa Alpha Fraternity (now Kappa Alpha Society) was born at Union College. Two years later

  • Booker T. Felder

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    annually by Lewis Adams Lodge No. 67 Prince Hall, Friendship and Service to the Community award, Advisor to the Atlanta-Tuskegee Alumni Club, Personalities of South Award in recognition of Achievements and Outstanding Service to the Community, Alpha Kappa Mu Regional Director’s Award, Award for Excellence in Fashion Design (Iota Omega Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity). . To this day, Felder can be found directly across from the main gate running Felder’s. I was impressed to learn about his wonderful

  • Brave New World

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    specially designed bottles. The Hatchery destines each fetus for a particular caste in the World State. The five castes are Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, and Epsilon. Gamma, Delta, and Epsilon undergo the Bokanovsky Process which involves shocking an egg so that it divides to form up to ninety-six identical embryos, which then develop into ninety-six identical human beings. The Alpha and Beta embryos never undergo this dividing process, which can weaken the embryos. The Director explains that the Bokanovsky

  • Stock Analysis

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    profitable stocks amongst a myriad of potential alternatives is a daunting task to say the least. In order to narrow my choices from thousands to two, I examined several aspects of companies I was interested in. Among these were, company overview, alpha and beta ratings, price ratios, price charts, and company headlines. After evaluating this information, I chose Intuit INC (INTU) listed on the NASDAQ and Johnson and Johnson (JNJ) listed on the NYSE. Intuit, Inc. Intuit, Inc. is a provider of small

  • Book Review: Half Brother By Kenneth Oppel

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    For my final MIRR, I decided to do the book Half Brother, by Kenneth Oppel. This book is from the perspective of a boy named Ben Tomlin. He’s just been dragged along to live in British Columbia because of some experiment his dad is taking place in, about teaching chimpanzees sign language. His family receives a new chimp named Zan to use for “Project Zan”, where they are to teach it sign language to see whether or not chimps can learn ASL (American sign language), as well as raising him as they would

  • Explore and compare how the male characters in ‘Death of a Salesman,’ ‘A Streetcar Named Desire’ and ‘A View from the Bridge’ conform to their soc...

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    Eugene August wrote how ‘Death of a Salesman’ is a profoundly male tragedy, one in which its protagonist is destroyed by a debilitating concept of masculinity . Willy Loman embodies deluded values, hopes and aspirations that originate from the American dream and infiltrates them into every aspect of his life. His highly inflated dreams of success and prosperity contrast with his emotional instability, which tragically lead to mortality and mutability. ‘A Streetcar Named Desire’ on the other hand

  • Proteins

    978 Words  | 2 Pages

    structure often contains long stretched out chains of amino acids called strands that line up together to make sheets. These are called beta strands and the sheets are called beta-pleated sheets. A protein may contain either or both alpha helices and beta pleated sheets. Alpha helices and beta pleated sheets are joined by less clear structures often grouped together under the name of coil. Some small proteins may be made of coil. Shape is also important. Proteins are coiled and twisted, giving it a

  • The Solar System

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    (15,000,000° C; 27,000,000° F) and pressure (340 billion times Earth's air pressure at sea level) is so intense that nuclear reactions take place. This reaction causes four protons or hydrogen nuclei to fuse together to form one alpha particle or helium nucleus. The alpha particle is about .7 percent less massive than the four protons. The difference in mass is expelled as energy and is carried to the surface of the Sun, through a process known as convection, where it is released as light and heat

  • Army Alpha Testing

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    assessment. In developing the mental tests, the psychologists subscribed to the position that one could be quite intelligent, but illiterate or not proficient in the English language. Based on this reasoning, two major tests were developed, the Army Alpha for literate groups, and the Army Beta for illiterates, low literates or non-English speaking (Yerkes, 1921). Both tests were based on the theoretical position that intelligence was an inherited trait, and the assumption was made that native intelligence

  • Boules

    3821 Words  | 8 Pages

    enslavement of Afrikans around the globe. This black "secret society" is called the Boule' aka. Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity Incorporated, founded May 15, 1904. This is the 1st black fraternity in america and was before the 1st black "college" frat, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Incorporated. The origin of the Boule' is what we are going to concentrate on and by the end of this 2-3 part series, you will be able to decide whether they are bruthaz or not.

  • Protein Synthesis

    787 Words  | 2 Pages

    Protein Synthesis Protein synthesis is one of the most fundamental biological processes. To start off, a protein is made in a ribosome. There are many cellular mechanisms involved with protein synthesis. Before the process of protein synthesis can be described, a person must know what proteins are made out of. There are four basic levels of protein organization. The first is primary structure, followed by secondary structure, then tertiary structure, and the last level is quaternary structure