Alex Drake Essays

  • Gender Roles In The 1950s

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    The world was a very different place sixty years ago. The men came home from the war to take back the work force from the women and sent the women back into the home to follow traditional domestic roles. All aspects of life had to be cookie cutter perfect, to include the gender roles. The roles of both genders have been portrayed by the BBC Television show, Call the Midwife, as they use to be in the 1950’s. The men were the breadwinners of their family by working arduous hours, protect their family

  • Antigone Plot

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    Prologue: The prologue begins with Antigone meeting her sister Ismene near the central door of the palace. Antigone speaks of their family suffering because of their family curse and how King Creon has declared that their brother Eteocles was to be burried with military honors, while their brother Polyneices body shall lie in the fields, never to be honored but to be left for animals to eat. Antigone reveals to Ismene her plans to bury their brother Polyneices against the laws of King Creons. Ismene

  • Breaking Bad: The Transformation of Walter White

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    A dismal 1.4 million people tuned in to watch the pilot episode of Breaking Bad in January of 2008, but an astonishing 10.28 million viewers tuned in to watch the Breaking Bad finale (Kissell). This exponential increase in viewership can be attributed, partially, to the development of the characters in the show, especially Walter White. As fans of the show tune in each week to watch, they begin to see that Walter is not at all like the meek schoolteacher they initially thought he was. Truly, the

  • Analysis Of Haas And Flower

    1962 Words  | 4 Pages

    Haas and Flower created an interesting point when I read “Rhetorical Reading Strategies and the Construction of Meaning “. In the reading, Haas and Flower, provided multiple propositions to apply, however a key one certainly caught my eye. Haas and Flower proposed various arguments, yet their main idea implied that there needs to be an increase in rhetorical reading. I came to the conclusion that increasing rhetorical reading was their main point due to a statement in the text. “We would like to

  • Sophie Treadwell’s "Machinal"

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    Sophie Treadwell’s Machinal is an expressionist play written in 1928, based on the real life trial and execution of Ruth Snyder.* Machinal tells the story of how the youthful spirit of a young woman can be suffocated to the breaking point amidst the harsh industrial 1920’s. If done in the style of the Epic Theatre, Machinal can take on a totally different meaning, especially when being staged for the audience of today. When staged in the Epic Theatre Machinal now reflects the complacent, non-beings

  • Langston's Additions

    790 Words  | 2 Pages

    Considered the most faithful screen adaptation of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice, the 1995 BBC adaptation nevertheless takes liberties in adding scenes and dialogue. In most cases, the storyline justifies these supplementary features. These scenes provide extra information on characters that many readers may not discover. The added scenes and dialogue in BBC's Pride and Prejudice serve to enhance the viewer's understanding of the historic novel by further describing inter-character relationships

  • Drake Graham Research Paper

    3032 Words  | 7 Pages

    The music of rapper Aubrey Drake Graham, better known as Drake or Drizzy, has helped him to transcend the impoverished circumstances of his childhood life while giving him the opportunity to express his emotions, feelings, and impact of those circumstances on him. Drake’s background is not something to feel bad about, but there was indeed much struggle within it. He was born as Aubrey Drake Graham on October 24, 1986, in Toronto, Ontario. His parents were Sandi Graham, a teacher, and Dennis Graham

  • An Analysis of Yeats' The Second Coming

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    images" (Drake 131); words and phrases, such as "surely" and "is at hand" in lines 9 and 10, "turning" in line 1, "is loosed" in lines 4 and 5, and the very title, "Second Coming" in lines 10 and 11, are repeated, creating an onomatopoeic effect suggesting the repetitive movement of the gyre (Bornstein 203). Similarly, repetitious or paired images give the same effect, as Yeats seems to cycle through his "falcon" ("The Second Coming... ... middle of paper ... ...tin's, 1966. Drake, Nicholas

  • Aubrey Drake Graham

    1077 Words  | 3 Pages

    Aubrey Drake Graham was born in Ontario, Canada. He first became famous for playing a role in the teen TV series, Degrassi in 2001. This went on for 7 years and slowly transitioned into what he is most know for now, rapping. With almost 2 million albums sold, 14 BET awards, 2 Grammy’s and a recent contract with Nike’s Jordan Brand has Drizzy Drake on top of the Hip-Hop world. The song “Look What You’ve Done” from the album Take Care, released November of 2011, is more emotional and personal than

  • Drake Research Paper

    727 Words  | 2 Pages

    Introduction Drake is a 30 year-old Canadian-born rapper, singer, songwriter, and an actor. He has been through some tough and rough incidents in his life, but he has finally become a successful artist who competes to stand at the first place in Billboard chart. Regarding his success as an artist, we will discuss three aspects of his personality using Big-Five Personality Test — a type of test that examines different taxonomies that all the individuals have: Openness, Conscientiousness, and Neuroticism

  • Drake Essay

    1501 Words  | 4 Pages

    Drake , whos originally named Aubrey Drake Graham , Drake is a canadian rapper , singer , songwriter , record producer and actor , born and raised in Toronto , Ontario. He was born October 24 , 1986. His father , Dennis Graham is african american from Memphis , Tennessee. Dennis was a drummer who worked with Jerry Lee Lewis. Drake's mother , Sandi Graham is a jewish canadian. Drake played a role in Degrassi , a teen show. He played Jimmy Brooks , a basketball player in a wheelchair. He starred in

  • Research Paper On Vera Drake

    684 Words  | 2 Pages

    Vera Drake Vera Drake is a film nominated for several Oscars, and a completely successes for Mike Leigh, who is both director and writer. The film is set in London in the early 1950s. Vera Drake lives with her husband Stan, and her two grown children Ethel and Sid, in a small middleclass flat. Vera is a domestic who cleans the houses of rich women, while Stan works at a mechanic shop run by his brother Frank. Vera has a heart of gold, and is cheerful at anytime, even though she got plenty of

  • Argumentative Essay: The Issue Of Bullying In Our Schools

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    Bullying in Schools Many people feel that some of the major issues that plague our schools are drug/alcohol use or violence, yet no one recognizes the significance of school bullying. For the victims of bullying, they go to school everyday facing harassment, taunting, and humiliation. For all potential educators, it is very important to realize that bullying is a problem, so that they can work to prevent it in the future. Since being at Middle School, I have realized how prevalent

  • Degrassi: Next Class Essay

    614 Words  | 2 Pages

    Apart from being known as the vehicle that started off baby Drake, baby Nina Dobrev, and baby Shenae Grimes’ respective careers in the entertainment industry, the Degrassi television franchise is also known for being home to dozens of dynamic fictional high-schoolers. Degrassi: Next Class, the latest installment in the celebrated Canadian franchise – and the first to air on Netflix – is no different; like its predecessors, it sports a horde of young characters, some captivating and some that could

  • The Character of Kent In King Lear

    2583 Words  | 6 Pages

    Clark finds historical and political allusions, especially for the years 1589-1590, I find personal ones. For King Lear is a play of internal, personal tragedy. With this in mind I strongly disagree with her statement, "I consider Kent represents Drake." (P. 869 n.) Therefore I sought another contemporary of Oxford's who would fulfill the characteristics and qualities of the Earl of Kent. In looking tor this prototype, I drew upon J. Thomas Looney's methodology. (See Shakespeare Identified, p. 80

  • Drake

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    you a lot about your destination.”(Drake). This quote trying to explain how wherever you go in you life you will always learn new things and eventually you will find you destination and everything will end up being ok. Drake was an important figure in American history because he became the first unsigned Canadian rapper to have his music video featured on BETs and Drake is only the second artist to have his first two top ten hits in the same week. And lastly Drake has also proven to people that he

  • A Clockwork Orange Ultra-Violence Analysis

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    totalitarian society, and the protagonist Alex often spends his nights committing ‘ultra-violence’ with his droogs, and is eventually arrested for murder, and forced to deal with constant dehumanization by the State, as a result of his aversion therapy through the Ludovico Technique. This classical conditioning was an act of violence that the government attempted to use to

  • A Clockwork Orange Free Will Essay

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    referenced various times throughout Anthony Burgess’ novel A Clockwork Orange; however, the phrase "a clockwork orange" is only mentioned in the novel when it is associated with government. From the very first page it is established that the main character, Alex, is a rebellious 15 year old whose interests include violence and classical music. However, his criminal tendencies do not sit well with the government. While being incarcerated, he is subject to torturous experimental conditioning by the government

  • The Need for Brutality in A Clockwork Orange

    4660 Words  | 10 Pages

    fatuous to defend the novel as nonviolent; in lurid content, its opening chapters are trumped only by wanton killfests like Natural Born Killers. Burgess' Ted Bundy, a teenage Lucifer named Alex, is a far cry from the typical, spray paint-wielding juvenile delinquent. With his band of "droogs," or friends, Alex goes on a rampage of sadistic rape and "ultraviolence." As the tale unfolds, the foursome rob a small shop, beat the proprietor and his wife unconscious and then undress the old woman for kicks

  • Authority in Portnoy's Complaint by Philip Roth

    1997 Words  | 4 Pages

    efforts to seize the opportunity to be the authority in each relationship left him more frustrated and eager to control the downward spiral he called life. At the base of his family was Judaism. Their identity was firmly rooted in their religion. To Alex all he saw when he looked in the mirror or at other kids, at the furniture in people's homes, the way they spoke, was Jewish and not Jewish. His facial features and his name became sources of resentment and things he desperately wanted to change. Thoughts