Abuja Essays

  • The Concentric Zone Model: The ZONE I Is Changed?

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    NOW. Spurned by the oil boom prosperity and the massive improvements in roads and the availability of vehicles. Nigeria since the start of democratic rule has become increasingly urbanized and urban-oriented society. The Federal Capital City being ABUJA, is the capital city of Nigeria where the seat of power is located and the arms of government

  • Solid Waste Management Essay

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    Nigeria with a population of approximately 140m, has recorded 5.5% annual increase in urban cities which poses as a cause of large waste generation (Solomon, 2009). “One obvious consequence of rapid urbanization is the growing generation of solid wastes, and many city authorities face unprecedented challenges in managing these, including problems coping with their collection and disposal”(Ogu, 2000 pg. 103). Solid waste has being identified as a significant issue faced in Nigeria with piles of waste

  • The Darfur Peace Agreement In Darfur

    613 Words  | 2 Pages

    marginalisation and exclusion and socio-economic development to rec- onciliation. The central aim was to increase the local population’s sense of ownership of the peace process, thereby legitimising it. Meanwhile, the inter-Sudanese peace talks in Abuja that culminated in the DPA were plagued by differences between the AU and UN, the other partner in the peace process. While the UN favored a step-by-step approach...

  • Pursuing a Career in Internal Medicine: A Personal Journey

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    I have always looked forward to the day I would begin a residency program in Internal Medicine. Prior to my admission to Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Nigeria, I was motivated to pursue this path. My early childhood experiences and academic background including a Public Health degree in progress have all contributed to shape and maintain my quest for a career in Internal Medicine. I am confident that I am ready to embark on this journey. I grew up in the south-eastern part of Nigeria where both the

  • Personal Experience In Internal Medicine

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    I have always looked forward to the day I would apply for a residency in Internal Medicine. My experiences from even before I got admitted to Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Nigeria to date have shaped the specialist I aim to be and I am confident my background has prepared me to succeed in this pursuit. I grew up in the south-eastern part of Nigeria where both the nuclear and extended family is close-knit. The gentle but professional way my uncle, a family physician took care of any ill member

  • Case Selection Process In Nigeria

    958 Words  | 2 Pages

    Due to the relatively under-explored research topic and contemporary nature of the phenomenon under investigation of the internationalisation process of SSA firms from Nigeria a case study approach is deemed appropriate for this study. A case study provides the best approach for this study because of the case firms ‘relevance to the research question, research objectives, context and theoretical positioning of this study and small sample size of the study (Silverman, 2013, Yin, 2014). Also, a case

  • How to Spot a Fake Polo Ralph Lauren

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    couldn’t hide his excitement on his recent vacation in Dubai and how he had discovered a “cheap source” for the popular Polo by Ralph Lauren polos, t-shirts and shirts. He also mentioned that he had also made arrangements for periodic deliveries to Abuja from this Dubai based retailer. I was silent for a while. The thought of losing a customer to another retailer hurts, but of course that’s a part of business I have learned to consistently deliver great and unequalled service and quality and perhaps

  • Our Lady Of Perpetual Help Catholic Church

    544 Words  | 2 Pages

    The new rains of the spring bore down mercilessly against the bonnet of the black Jeep as we passed through the crooked roads of Abuja. Eugene sat in the back seat, his arms crossed so tight you would think his white top would snap. His facial expression was almost cadaver like, lacking liveliness and complete emotion. The rash on his skin added to his corpse like appearance, calloused bumps covering the entirety of his face. As we drive by , slowly but surely, I spot the old church Eugene and I

  • Genocide In Darfur

    653 Words  | 2 Pages

    The root of the conflict that led to genocide in Darfur stems from a conglomerate of problems which involve social, economic and especially ethnic and tribal issues. Most of the blame has been directed towards British colonial policies, and as some would assume that the causation of war would be centered on religious persecution, this simply isn't the case. During the British rule in the latter part of the 19th century, a perpetuating cycle of neglect in the vast southern region of Sudan was quite

  • False Knowledge Vs Ignorance Essay

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    KADUNA STATE LAND GRABBERS, THEIR SUPPORTERS AND OUR GENERAL INTERESTS "False knowledge is more dangerous than ignorance" - George Bernard Shaw My people will s...ay "matambayi baya bata"; which is literally saying those who ask will never get lost. And that is why I like people who are not too ashamed or egotistical to ask when they are lost as to why certain things happen or why they didn't, people who ask to know what happen and what didn't. Because only then will they know what actually happen

  • Roll Back Malaria

    2454 Words  | 5 Pages

    2010, Global Malaria Programme Insecticide-treated mosquito nets: a position statement [Homepage of WOrld Health], [Online]. Available: http://www.who.int/malaria/publications/atoz/itnspospaperfinal/en/index.html [2010, 6/16/2010] . WHO 2000, The Abuja Declaration and Plan of Action: an extract of the African summit on Roll Back Malaria [Homepage of World Health Organisation], [Online]. Available: http://www.rollbackmalaria.org/docs/abuja_declaration_final.htm [2010, 6/17/2010].

  • Terrorism In Nigeria Essay

    630 Words  | 2 Pages

    over 200 girls (children) in the country which has now become an international issue shall be the focus of my discuss. The Federal Republic of Nigeria is a Country in the continent of Africa, comprising of 36 states and its Federal Capital Territory, Abuja. Nigeria is often referred to as “the Giant of Africa” due to its large population and economy, an oil rich nation with an estimated population of 174,507,539 million people, 10.61% of that population is said to be children due to the high fertility

  • My Parents Heritage

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    Land of my parents’ heritage, Nigeria is where my story begins. Where my parents first met is in Abuja, Nigeria. The name of my parents tribe is Igbo. We are the third largest ethnic group in all of Nigeria. Called to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ, my father set plans to travel to the United States. This calling was the only reason I was born in the United States. From Nigeria my parents traveled to Switzerland, then from Switzerland to the United States. When my parents first arrived in the

  • Cosmetic Surgery Essay

    2600 Words  | 6 Pages

    INTRODUCTION Practices designed to enhance appearance by making a physical change has a long and distinguished history. These practices date back to the time of the Pharaohs and are described in most primordial groups and essentially all of the higher cultures.[1] Tribesmen in Brazil wear disks and plugs as jewelry in perforated and progressively stretched lips and earlobes. Scarification of the skin as a method of beautification or a mark of distinction is popular amongst several African tribes

  • Restaurant Franchising In Nigeria Case Study

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    jollof rice, moin-moin, salad and chicken, pounded–yam, Eba among others, unlike other operators MR. BIGGS had put into consideration the cultural mores of the country hence, the success story recorded. Unarguably, Lagos, Port Harcourt and to a degree, Abuja are currently the prime targets of these emerging markets. It is difficult to escape noticing the colorful edifices and

  • Domestic Terrorist Group Analysis

    755 Words  | 2 Pages

    For my paper I chose to evaluate the differences/similarities with two groups in the U.S. and two domestic terrorist groups in another country. For my domestic terrorist groups I chose the Ku Klux Klan and the Earth Liberation Front. For my foreign terrorist groups I chose Hamas and Boko Haram. I chose these groups because of their relevance in current times. The fact that these groups have been brought to my attention by the American media has stricken my interest. We as a planet need to acknowledge

  • Essay On Nigerian Culture

    2197 Words  | 5 Pages

    What is culture? Culture refers to the cumulative deposit of knowledge, experience, beliefs, values, attitudes, meanings, hierarchies, religion, notions of time, roles, spatial relations, concepts of the universe, and material objects and possessions acquired by a group of people in the course of generations through individual and group striving So what really is Nigeria culture? Nigerian culture is as multi-ethnic as the people in Nigeria. The people of Nigeria still cherish their traditional

  • Genocide In Darfur

    899 Words  | 2 Pages

    While other attempts were unsuccessful, The Darfur Peace Agreement (DPA) was in comparison moderately successful. The DPA, also known as the Abuja agreement, was signed on May 5th, 2006 by the Government of Sudan and one faction of the SLA. The other faction of SLA was left out, which hindered the success of the agreement. The DPA created a regional governing body, the Darfur Regional Authority

  • Risk Of Statelessness

    1000 Words  | 2 Pages

    2.5 Population at risk of statelessness There are certain groups of individuals who are not exactly stateless but are certainly at risk of being stateless. Individuals whose births are unregistered or have not yet applied for enabling documents such as identity documents (IDs) or passports, birth certificates cannot be described as ‘stateless’ – they may be able to access nationality should they approach the relevant authorities. However, when combined with other factors, these set of people are

  • Medical Practices in Third World Countries

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    The Global Health Council, in its article Infectious Diseases cites “poverty, lack of access to health care, antibiotic resistance, evolving human migration patterns, new infectious agents, and changing environmental and developmental activities” as the contributing agents of the widespread of disease within third-world nation. While these agents are unquestionable in their own right, one more agent – that can possibly be derived from the above agents – needs to be added to their ranks. This agent