4chan Essays

  • Anony Anonymous's Role In The Cyber World

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    With the way the world is shaping technology and the cyber world are becoming larger each day. Things started to change around the year 2003 when the (would be) leading role in the cyber security world would form. Anonymous has been shaping itself more each day to the get the brand of being internet anarchists and wearing the signature Guy Fawkes masks. Some even dub the group as the protectors of the internet fighting crime where they believe is morally right. The anarchist view of Anon was that

  • If 4chan Succeeded, What’s stopping us?

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    new life. 4chan started out as a simple website where people could post content regarding anime. Soon, it imploded to millions of users and dozens of topics. 4chan managed to realize its potential by making use of the internet, which is cheap or free to use, and can be accessed almost anywhere around the world. There are seven billion people on this planet as of now. With the diversity, humor, anonymous aspect of it, free usage, social bonding potential, and spontaneity available, 4chan of course

  • Quinn's Depression Quest

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    Depression Quest released in the spring of 2013, created by video game developer Zoe Quinn to serve as an interactive game about clinical depression and its struggles. The game was a hit and received positive reviews from the online gaming world soon after. However, the game garnered backlash from several online users whom believed that Quinn’s game had gained positive reviews unfairly. After rumors began surfacing online about the legitimacy of her reviews, Quinn was harassed for several months

  • Argumentative Essay: In Before Banned

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    of every article to make sure that the facts could be trusted. Information on the website can be edited by registered users only, and all edits must be checked and approved by an administrator before going live on the site. Poole, Chris. "4chan." 4chan. Oct.-Nov. 2003. 18 Apr. 2013

  • Social Media's Role In The Boston Bombing

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    to be haywire, the documentary Nova: Manhunt - Boston Bombers, mentioned that innocent people started getting accused of carrying out the bombing themselves because of false information being put out by users on sites such as Twitter, reddit, and 4chan

  • Witch Hunts: The Role Of Violence In Social Media

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    The event concerned a post on the anonymous image board, 4chan, which resulted in the other users tracking down and identifying the original poster and reporting him to the police. The poster asked for instructions on how to manipulate his younger sister into having sex with him. I am not aware of the entire situation

  • jkljk

    697 Words  | 2 Pages

    Research Paper Over the years a lot of people use internet for many reasons. One website used a lot is YouTube. YouTube can have positive impacts, as well as negative impacts. YouTube contains a lot of narcissism, adult footage, and racism. One of the reasons YouTube has a negative impact on society is narcissism. Narcissism is when people are excessively interested in themselves, to the point that they think they’re able to get famous. “The internet’s democratization of access to publicity makes

  • Freedom and Constraints in Social Media

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    . ... the concern of social limitations aren’t entirely present. Twitter provokes ignoring social standards and previous obsession with image in order to allow for greater ideological development, without going becoming too extraneous. Because 4chan and other anonymous sources can be deemed as sites that follow a more severe and extremist pattern that results in more primitive thought because of the lack of restraints. We can safely assume that since Facebook elaborated on the creation of social

  • Trans And Non-Binary People Persuasive Speech

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    Trans people are those who are born male, but later on in life identify as female, or vice versa. Non-binaries are those who do not fit into 'male' or 'female', but may identify as both, a mix of the two, or neither. Forty-nine percent of trans people attempt suicide at some point in their lives, and one in twelve trans or non-binary people are murdered just for being trans.1 More than a quarter of trans people have also said they required anti-violence services, but the majority of violence is never

  • An Essay On Anonymous Counter Culture

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    as annoying or a douche at least on the website 4chan, Anonymous’ home website. It is meant as a playful suffix (knowyourmeme.com). Anonymous is the group that started the changing of the definition of fag. That is one of many examples as to how they are a counter-culture. In the mainstream-media the word fag is very derogatory in its nature. Kobe Bryant was fined for calling a referee a “f@*&ing faggot”. That is why on the internet website 4chan, and with the group Anonymous, the context that person

  • Waifu/Husbando Research Paper

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    people actually end up loving a particular character's personality enough for them to remain in their memories. Sometimes it could not even be about the fact that they love a particular character's personality, individuals I have conversed with (on 4Chan) really feel an association with the characters they are infatuated with, and think they were made only for them and

  • Brutality In V For Vendetta

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    Recent discourse surrounding 911 calls have surfaced, suggesting that communities work to solve a conflict/an issue together rather than calling 911 (especially when the victim or perpetrator is Black) in order to save them from the genuine possibility of being killed. Lopez also found that thirty-one percent of people killed by the police are Black even though only thirteen percent of the United State population is Black (Lopez). Tyranny in literature reflects the tyranny found with police brutality

  • Essay On Memes

    1220 Words  | 3 Pages

    Are memes really a hate symbol now? Most common folk now sees them as a racist joke. Although even some may be mean spirited, this cannot be said about all of them. Some of the memes can actually be rather funny and not mean spirited in any way. Some of these memes are directed for a specific group of people like, for example; the PC master race people, or the basketball juju on that beat that are all over the internet. Although they get seen as mean, the memes are are not the real problem that is

  • Fake News Satire

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    News satire has been around for much of modern history, raising awareness about controversial issues through parody and providing humorous relief from the stern nature of journalism and news. Satire can be easily distinguished from real news just from their humorous edge; however, fake news does not possess this quality. Although fake news is known as a neologism, the concept behind it is far from being new. In a broad sense, fake news is the circulation of disinformation, not to be confused with

  • Spongebob Meme Essay Examples

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    Four hundred years from now, when children listlessly shuffle into a murky classroom and haul their textbooks - or whatever the 25th century equivalent of a textbook is - from their backpacks to begin the study of our civilization, they’re going to learn about how we expressed ourselves and our feelings about the world in which we lived through these weird little things called “memes”. A meme, for those of you who don’t know how to access any website but this one, is a comical picture or short video

  • Why Anonymous Should Be Banned

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    Anonymous Anonymous is not an organization. Anonymous is an idea, and when people come together and believe in an idea they become a group, or a movement. Everybody can be “anonymous”, whose members are often called “Anons”, and there is no leadership. Anonymous fights for freedom of speech and are often against the government. As an Anon said "We stand for freedom and for freedom of speech, for the power of the people and for their ability to demonstrate against the government, we stand for non

  • Celebrity Privacy And Mental Health

    2113 Words  | 5 Pages

    Privacy for Mental and Physical Health The recent Celebrity 4chan hack that released hundreds of private photos of celebrities has called into question the ethics of the paparazzi and created a controversy on Celebrity privacy. With the Internet full of gossip columns and tabloids that cover every aspect of celebrity’s lives, from interviews and exclusive photos to stars caught with no make-up on or walking their children to school it creates questions about privacy. Is there a line where some information

  • The Pros And Cons Of Computer Vulnerability

    716 Words  | 2 Pages

    In computer security, a vulnerability is a weakness which allows an attacker to reduce a system 's information assurance. Vulnerability is the intersection of three elements: a system susceptibility or flaw, attacker access to the flaw, and attacker capability to exploit the flaw. To exploit vulnerability, an attacker must have at least one applicable tool or technique that can connect to a system weakness. In this frame, vulnerability is also known as the attack surface. (Wikipedia). With this previous

  • Drones Technology Persuasive Speech

    997 Words  | 2 Pages

    Ever since technology has taken a role in our life the lifestyle has changed, compared to what it used to be at least a couple of decades ago. There is a massive growth in technological advancements, resulting in an extreme shift in daily affairs. The introduction of drones have overwhelmed the society with its applications, ranging from including but limited to military, logistics, and entertainment. It provides great benefits including convenience and it also has a novelty factor to it that grabs

  • Hannibal: The Book by by Thomas Harris and NBC Series

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    NBC’s Hannibal’s first episode, Aperitif aired on April 4th, 2013 to 4.36 million viewers. The show is based on the acclaimed crime, horror, and drama books by Thomas Harris. The NBC series stands as a reboot for the cinematic Hannibal franchise, which became popular after the success of the 1991 cinematic adaption of Silence of the Lambs in which Anthony Hopkins famously portrayed the character of Hannibal Lecter, although the first Hannibal film was actually the 1986 film Manhunter, an adaption