The Negative Effects of Technology on Society

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Technology has more negative effects on today’s society than positive. Due to technology in the past few decades Canine Shock Collars have been increasingly popular. Students in school pay more attention to texting than they do their classes. Violent addictive video games have made their way into American homes. Parents encourage their children to not text as much, but them to face the problem of constant communication. The Internet gives the students easier ways to cheat in school, and reinforces laziness. Internet Porn gives every bored male a chance to look at the seediest film in the comfort of his own home. Technology has taken the innocence and mystery away from the American family.

Canine shock collars allow citizens who have lack knowledge the ability to so call train a dog. The collars basically give the dog sometimes a warnig beep or sound, then if proceeding to do the action an electric shock to the neck. Hunters usually use this device to teach Canines to be aggressive to other animals and as punishment for wrongdoings when hunting. Shock collars can make Canines fearful of other animals, territorial, and also aggressive towards owners (Emmerson). The technology of shock collars allows humans to torture mans best friend, with electric shocks through the neck.

In every class I find myself sitting next to a student that is constantly texting, making it almost impossible for myself to concentrate. The teachers also hold some blame, they to are always attached to their Blackberry’s. Punishments are set up for these students and teachers attempt at enforcing them. Texting brings in a whole new way to distract the whole classroom from the teacher. In a recent study nin...

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...Joes to torture animals in so called training. Texting in school by students and teachers takes away valuable class time. Videogames become addicting and let people become numb to violence. Parents and their strive for constant communication, also holds them responsible for the technology epidemic. The Internet makes cheating and multitasking inevitable. Internet Porn easily allows crude films in the American home. Technology cannot be reversed so now we have to suffer with consequences of technology.

Works Cited

Emmerson, Paul. “Shock Collars, part 2.” By Gwyr. 28

March 2010.

Mc Naughton, Angelique. “Texting in Class a Growing Problem.” 7 December 2010.

Singel, Ryan. “Internet Porn: Worse Than Crack?” 19 November


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