Tablets Vs. Textbooks

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”Books will soon be obsolete in the schools...Scholars will soon be instructed through the eye. It is possible to touch every branch of human knowledge with the motion picture” (Thomas Edison). An idea that was destined for failure has now been made into the key source to get students and teachers more interacted while in a classroom setting. Tablets such as the iPad and the Microsoft surface have made this idea possible, showing students that there is another alternative to the traditional method which would be a printed version of the textbook. Tablets are portable computers that use a touchscreen as its primary input device, meaning that both keyboard and mouse are both physically located on the screen. Early Tablets were built to be used with a pen, today however tablets can be used with just one finger or multiple fingers with the support of multi touch input. Tablet have had a positive input on society especially students in school that are looking to get their work done in an engaging way and, not by moving a pen or pencil like it’s been done for decades. Tablets have proven to be the better tool for learning among students.

Tablets can help improve the way students attain their studies. According to Cam Lincoln “Students who used the iPad version of the textbook scored 20 percent higher on standardized test versus students who learned with traditional textbook”(parag.2).This demonstrates that, students who used the iPad version of the textbook learned more effectively than the students who learned with traditional textbooks. The iPad clearly shows that it can help improved test scores. According to National Association for the Education of Young Children “for children with minimal exposure to technology or limited engli...

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...ournal." Mobile Study: Tablets Make a Difference in Teaching and Learning --. David Nagel, 20 Nov. 2013. Web. 22 Apr. 2014.

"If You Wonder How Broken Our Education System Is, Have I Got a Solution for You." 2machines. Margaret Rock, n.d. Web. 22 Apr. 2014.

"Teaching With Tablets | Inside Higher Ed." Teaching With Tablets | Inside Higher Ed. Stephanie Hedge, 4 Nov. 2012. Web. 22 Apr. 2014.

"Teaching with Technology." Center for Teaching and Learning. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Apr. 2014.

"Print Textbooks Vs. E-Textbooks." Investopedia. Andre McNeil, 13 Sept. 2012. Web. 22 Apr. 2014.

"As Costs of Textbooks Rise, E-books Emerge as More Affordable Alternative." The Daily Illini. Brittany Gibson, n.d. Web. 22 Apr. 2014.

Greenfield, Jeremy. "Have You Noticed: Ebooks Are Getting Cheaper." Forbes. Forbes Magazine, 09 Jan. 2013. Web. 22 Apr. 2014.

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