Synthesis of Carbon Nanotubes at 600°C via Floating Catalyst Chemical Vapor Deposition Method

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Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are widely synthesized at high temperatures using floating catalyst chemical vapor deposition (FC-CVD) method. It is important to reduce the synthesis temperature of CNTs to prevent the self-pyrolysis of hydrocarbon to enhance the growth of CNTs. This work was addressed to synthesize CNTs at low temperature using some improvements on the technique used. In-situ monitoring device was used to monitor the temperature profile in the reactor and thus, to initiate the reaction. The preheating temperature was investigated in the ranging of temperature between 150°C and 300°C at 50°C interval. Benzene and ferrocene were used as the Carbon source and catalyst precursor, respectively. Estimating the minimum pyrolysis temperature of benzene was carried out in the absence of catalyst. Based on the results of characterization methods, multi-walled CNTs with high purity have been synthesized at synthesis temperature of 600°C. This work offers relatively low synthesis temperature of CNTs which gives real opportunity to synthesize CNTs for microelectronic applications.

Keywords: Carbon nanotubes, Floating catalyst, Preheating temperature, In-situ monitoring, Thermo gravimetric analysis


Over the past decade, carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have received a huge interest from scientists due to nanoscale dimensions and promising physical properties (1), (2). Various methods have been used to synthesize CNTs, such arc discharge, laser ablation, and chemical vapor deposition (3), (4), (5). Chemical vapor deposition (CVD) is considered the best compared to other methods due to low cost as well as it offers lowest synthesis temperature (6), (7). This method can be conducted via supporting catalyst or floati...

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