Symbiosis In Nature

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Symbiosis in nature

In Christianity, it has been said that we really do need each other. God has reflected that idea in His creation. Many animals really do need each other in order to survive. For some, it’s obligatory, for others, it is not essential in order to survive.

Symbiosis is a truly unique process in nature. The eventual outcome of any symbiotic relationship is usually for the best of either or both parties. One must look at this phenomenon at the right angle. For, from the evolutionary point of view, over a long period of time, animals just “learned” by themselves that being involved in a symbiotic relationship is advantageous. This belief, of course is absurd. God created the process of symbiosis in creation in order to give witness to the fact that a universe so complicated and so beautiful had to be made by a omnificent being. Any scientist, unless running away from the plain fact, has to admit that the universe really had to be created intelligently.

Symbiosis may be defined as any relationship between any two species.

Webster’s “American Dictionary of the English Language” defines it as “The living together in permanent or prolonged close association of members of usually two different species, with beneficial or deleterious consequences for at least one of the parties.

Science identifies several distinct types and styles of symbiosis found in nature. Burwell Wingfeild, a biology teacher at Virginia Military Institute, describes these phenomena in Despicable Species: Cowbirds, Kudzu, Hornworms, and Other Scourges as best being categorized using the “plus-minus system”: the plus sign (+), the minus sign (- -) and the neutral sign (0). The plus sign stands for benefit, the minus sign stands for lo...

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... path. All organisms are in association with another organism at any given time whether they like it or not. Symbiosis is a natural part of life that falls deeply within the expectations of what we call “normal” and what God calls “a magnum opus” (a great and spectacular work of art). In this paper I went through the list of official categorizations that scientist have devised to categorize the process of living together in association, otherwise simply known as symbiosis.

Works Cited

Lembke, Janet Despicable Species: Cowbirds, Kudzu, Hornworms, And Other Scourges

New York: Lyons Pres, 1999

Wingfield, Burwell as cited in”Despicable Species: Cowbirds, Kudzu, Hornworms, And Other Scourges”, not edited.

New York: Lyon Pres, 1999

Webster, Noah American Dictionary of the English Language

California: Foundation for American Christian Education, 2000

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