The Study of Forensic Entomology

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Introduction Forensic entomology is the study of how insects and the dead are correlated together. The history of forensic entomology dates all the way back to the thirteenth century in China. Through an extensive of research and trial and error, future examiners and entomologist, were able to learn about the post-mortem interval and also the general cycle of insects in a body at a given time of the interval. Since this time, entomology has evolved into a reputable method of forensic evaluation. Technology has improved over the years, and has opened the door for more extensive analysis and evaluation of insects that are a product of dead and decaying corpses. As a result of these improvements, insects can offer a lot of information about the corpse, such as if it was diseased or also the cause of the death. History In the thirteenth century, Chinese lawyer Sung Tzu, provided a case in his book “Hsi yuan chi lu” a stabbing near a rice field and then the next day blow flies were present around the body. Several centuries later, in nineteen seventy six, the concept of blow flies attraction to blood was confirmed by Leclercq and Lambert when they found blow flies laying eggs in the blood of a corpse only six hours after the death (Hart, 2010). Maggots have been witnessed and noted since the Middle Ages. The study of maggots during this time, and even through the present, offer insight to what the maggot does to the body at different intervals of time, and also the life cycle of a maggot. Many have described that maggots eat away internally, which leads to weight and size reduction, but often leave the skin itself intact and preserved. During the eighteenth and nineteenth century, exhumations (digging up buried bodies) were taking p... ... middle of paper ... ...n the criminal justice field, is figuring out the post-mortem interval of a deceased body or of a neglected individual (Hart, 2010). Conclusion With an extensive history, dating all the way back to the thirteenth century, forensic entomology, has become an important factor in helping figure out the post-mortem interval of a deceased or neglected individual. It is important to understand the context and cycles of various insects in order to accurately measure this post-mortem interval. Research is constantly being done to ensure that the science of forensic entomology stays up to date. Since the thirteenth century, the discipline has crossed many bridges and molded into a helpful assistance to the criminal justice field. Even though it did not become popular in the United States until the mid-seventies, it has found useful to the criminal justice field. References

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