The Strength of a Woman Revealed in The Color Purple by Alice Walker

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Strength of the Black Woman Revealed
The Color Purple is a 1982 Pulitzer Prize winning novel written by Alice Walker that tells the story of an African American woman living in the rural south during the first half of the twentieth century. At the beginning of the novel the main protagonist, Celie, is introduced as an emotionally scarred young girl but by the book’s end she is an independent, strong, and happy woman. Although the critics agree to disagree about many aspects of this novel one thing is clear, The Color Purple affirms “It’s not about supplication it’s about power. It’s not about asking, it’s about demanding. It’s not about convincing those who are currently in power; it’s about changing the very face of power itself.” (Crenshaw) The Color Purple is a prime example of the resiliency of the black woman.
In Walker's personal view, the black woman's history falls into three stages; the woman suspended, the artist thwarted and hindered in her desires to create, living through two centuries when her main role was to be a cheap source of cheap labor in the American society, and the modern woman. (Washington, 139) The feminist Alice Walker writes in a very peculiar pattern. Her female characters progress in a common three stage sequence: the suspended woman brutally dominated, and spirits and bodies harmed, the disillusioned woman desires most to be a part of conventional American life, and the contemporary woman states the qualities of the evolving model. Before Celie, makes her way into the sequence she is a child that is, enthusiastic to learn, love, and enjoys life. She and her sister ,Nettie attend school on a standard basis, complete their housework, and still find time to talk as sisters, and to just spend some q...

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... of the happy resolution." (Harris, 160) Born again feminists receive their dues in Albert and career-minded women are acknowledged in Shug. This two hundred and eighty eight page novel contains enough between the line information to double its size.
The Color Purple, a story of one woman, named Celie, who triumphs through adversity to discover a skillful, content, and proud woman hidden inside of a young timid girl, is one that brings hope to any woman. A novel written by Alice Walker, it has been reviewed many times over, but even though the critics analyze and pull apart what very well could just be an enjoyable yet thought provoking story, they agree that one thing is clear, The Color Purple affirms the idea that the survival and liberation of the black woman can only come through learning from our past misfortunes and manipulating them to meet beneficial ends.

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