Stolen Generation in Australia

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“I was at the post office with my Mum, Auntie and cousin. They put us (me and my cousin) in a police vehicle and said they were taking us to Broome. (…) They pushed our mothers away and drove off, while our mothers were chasing the car, running and crying after us.”

That was the one of many accounts that happened throughout the whole of Australia between 1900 and 1972. This particular account was referring to the series of events that happened in 1935 where the police used deception and brutality to remove the children from their mothers and families.

A Federal and State policy stated that they would “assimilate” Aboriginal children into the European society and culture, as this was considered as “child welfare” at the time.

This policy had two options, the first, to assimilate the Aboriginal children to the European society, and the other was to ensure that the Aboriginal would intermarry with a Caucasian rather than with another Aboriginal. The Government, at the time, was under the impression that the Aboriginal race would sooner or later die out, or that the plan of intermar...

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