Steve Jobs and His Apple

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On October 5, 2011 Steve Jobs passed away in his home in Palo Alto California; Jobs had been battling pancreatic cancer since 2003. Steve brought so much different technological advancement that most people use everyday without knowing who created them. Everything that Jobs created, he did because he understood what his customers wanted, and where the market was going. Steve Jobs believed in all of his products and innovations he sold to people, and had faith in the people he worked with was what really shaped Apple. After leaving the company and then returning, Steve Jobs’ influence made Apple one of the top computer companies in the world.

It was Steve Jobs who made Apple leave the garage and make leaps and bounds in the world of technology. Steve Wozniak made the first prototype, but it was Jobs who “saw the potential” in his computer and persuaded Wozniak to sell it (Peterson 106). Even though that first computer saw very little success, Jobs knew that Apple had potential and so released the Apple II. From the beginning Jobs knew what the consumers wanted, and where computers were going to take the world; he had a vision of the opportunities in technology and saw that Apple needed to move in a different direction. In 1984, one year before he left, Jobs finished the Macintosh computer system. He was pushed from his original computer design project, “the Lisa”, and then raced to release the Mac first, but the Lisa was released to the public first. Although the Lisa came out first, the Mac “[became] synonymous with Apple, mark[ing] a…revolution in…personal computing,” (Peterson 106).

Problems with the Board of Directors caused Jobs to leave Apple in 1985; as a result, the company descended into a downward spiral going from...

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.... "Apple Computer." St. James Encyclopedia of Popular Culture. Ed. Sara Pendergast and Tom Pendergast. Vol. 1. Detroit: St. James Press, 2000. 106- 107. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Web. 17 Oct. 2011.

2: Finkle, Todd A., and Michael L. Mallin. "Steve Jobs and Apple, Inc." Journal of the International Academy for Case Studies 16.8 (2010): 49+. General OneFile. Web. 19 Oct. 2011.

3: "After Steve Who? Brilliant inventor, creator par excellence, Steve Jobs passed away at the age of 56 leaving a weeping world, but the iPhone and the iPad will always extol the greatness of the dead legend." The Day After 16 Oct. 2011. Infotrac Newsstand. Web. 19 Oct. 2011.

4: "Passing Of A Titan." Business World 17 Oct. 2011. Infotrac Newsstand. Web. 19 Oct. 2011.

5: Cuddy, Mike, et al. "Jobs Remembered." InformationWeek 12 Oct. 2011: 3. General OneFile. Web. 19 Oct. 2011.

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