Staying Single: Sexually Segregated Schools

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In recent years, education in the United States has slowly decelerated when compared globally. Compared to students in other countries such as China or Germany, American students tend to slack when it comes to their studies. This concerns parents, who want their children to receive the best education offered. Single sex schools have proven to provide this need for a quality education. With only one percent of all schools in America sexually segregated (Whelan), the admissions process can be strenuous; however, as the population of locations these schools continue to increase more students can attend them. Parents then concern themselves with whether they should send their children to single sex schools or coeducation schools. The results from a single-sex education bypass the results of coeducation. Students of both genders perform academically better in single sex schools. On average, students in sexually segregated education environments outperform students in coeducation settings academically (Mullins). Single sex schools have more advantages than coeducation schools; for these reasons parents should consider sending their children to these schools.

Boys and girls learn differently. The learning environment that accommodates boys might not suit girls. Boys move naturally, they squirm around in the chairs or desk; this active energy requires them to have challenges, sports, and electronics (Hughes). Using mostly only one area of their brain on any given activity (Mullins), boys generally can work on one thing at a time. On the contrary, girls mature faster than boys, so the fidgetiness in girls hardly exists. However, “girls are more likely to learn in cooperative… activities” (Hughes). Girls get more out of working and commun...

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.... Online Submission, National Forum of Educational Administration and Supervision Journal. 2006- 2007. Web. 13 January 2012.

Mullins, Andrew. “Single-Sex Schools can Improve Education”. Education. David M. Haugen. Ed. Opposing Viewpoints® Series. Greenhaven Press. 2009. Elena Silva. “Boys and Girls Are More Alike in School Than They Are Different,” 26 March 2008. Reproduced by permission. Web. 12 January 2012.

Schultz Frank. “Not everyone gives and ‘A’ to single-gender classrooms”. Janesville Gazette. 11 December 2011. Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 13 January 2012.

“What’s Happening to Boys?”. Single Sex National Association For Single Sex Public Education. Web. 13 January 2012.

Whelan Christine B. “Singles”. National Review. 14 September 1998. Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 13 January 2012.

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