Analysis Of The Gender Gap At School By David Brooks

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In his article, “The Gender Gap at School,” David Brooks scrutinizes common gender roles and introduces the idea that biological factors may play a role in human development. He begins his essay by analyzing the three gender segregated sections in any airport, which include the restrooms, security pat-down areas, and the bookstore. He goes on to explain that the same separation occurs in the home. Brooks includes a study given to nine hundred men and women who were asked to name their favorite novel. The study determined that men preferred novels written by fellow men, whereas women favored books written woman. Brooks argues that male and female brains work and experience things differently. He suggests that this theory is also the reason as to why young girls are surpassing their male counterparts in school settings. He incorrectly assumes that by separating males and females, males will be allowed to break free from gender stereotypes. Brooks strengthens his argument with results of brain research on sex differences. But, Brook’s argument is unpersuasive. He categorizes all young males, and suggest that single sex-schools are the best solution for them. He wants to apply a black-and-white solution to something that is just not that simple. While Brooks uses comparisons and surveys to convince the reader, his argument simply does …show more content…

He based this conclusion on a British research study. He stated the study asked “400 accomplished women and 500 accomplished men to name their favorite novels. The men preferred novels written by men…the women leaned toward books written by women.” However, everyone knows that there are gender differences amongst reading preferences. There often significant group differences, sometimes even strong ones, but we 'd also find that individuals are complicated and groups are flexible. His analysis does not completely support his

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