Social Media Is A Bad Thing Analysis

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What is the first thing we do when we get on our smart phone? Check Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. It is amazing how society stays connected today. With the technology we have, social networking has reached new heights in popularity and usefulness. The applications to social media are endless; from sharing pictures, songs, microblogging, and online dating, there is something in it for everyone. With the endless possibilities of social media, people can use it as a wonderful thing or abuse it to become a bad thing. With great power comes great responsibility, and social media is no exception to the rule. Social media can have a negative impact on society for several reasons. One of the first and main issues is privacy. People put so much …show more content…

Having thousands of friends on Facebook or dating sites, we use so much time trying to build friendships on the sites with people we barley know, taking away from the real friends we have. These mediocre online friendships change our social skills in the real world. Sitting in front of a computer developing friendships leads to many fake friends. Ellen Lee points out in Social Sites are Becoming Too Much of a Good Thing, that this double life takes its toll and eventually leads to “social networking fatigue” (152). The number of interactions with coworkers and other people is not the same online as in real life. People build a false since of security on social media because they never have to be self-conscious. Another huge and overlooked problem is cyber-bullying. Many young people are targeted by predators that gain their trust and then destroy them in front of their peers. These false relationships can go on for years. In Ellen McCarthy’s Oh, What a Tangled Online Dating Web We Weave, she shows that eight out of ten people lie somewhere in their profile (156). So when this façade eventually crumbles, deep emotional wounds can be formed. For the victim, this predator could have been anywhere from a father or mother figure, a best friend, or even their love. These scars can take years to recover from and could even lead to many mental illnesses including chronic depression. …show more content…

Social media is a tool used to help with communications in everyday life. With the help of Facebook people can reunite with old classmates or lost relatives. Grandparents can log on and see pictures of their grandkids effortlessly and freely. For people with family overseas, Skype lets them talk face to face instantly, redefining long distance communications. Breaking News is becoming more readily available than ever before. With CNN updating the top story on Facebook and Twitter, it is hard not to know what is going on with the outside world. During times of disasters news teams tweet the latest information on Twitter because it is the fastest way for people to know what is going on. When people are in the middle of a hurricane or tornado, these crucial seconds can be the difference in life and

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