psychology movie review Essays

  • Movie Review: A Time To Kill

    551 Words  | 2 Pages

    Movie Review: A Time To Kill I never read A Time To Kill by John Grisham because the book bored me. But I wonder why it did bore me because the movie was engrossing and entertaining. Maybe it is because Akiva Goldsman took out most of the boring parts. I usually love Grisham, but this book was just too slow. However, another thing that made the movie more entertaining is the actors. The movie begins with the rape scene that you have probably heard about. If you haven't, it's a quick-edited scene

  • Butterfly Effect Movie Review

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    Movie Review of The Butterfly Effect It’s not everyday that one may watch a film that can be categorized in all of the genres of drama, thriller, sci-fi, and love. However, in J. Mackye Gruber and Eric Bress’s movie, The Butterfly Effect, they do just that. Throughout the film, a young man, Evan Treborn, played by Ashton Kutcher, who like his institutionalized dad before him, has memory blackouts that he must deal with. After several years had passed, Evan discovers a supernatural technique to alter

  • scarface movie review

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    Scarface This film revolves around the world of an immigrant from Cuba by the name of Antonio “Tony” Montana. Along with his very close friend Manolo “Manny”, their goal is to live the American dream, which is to leave Cuba, relocate to America and become filthy rich. Tony’s mother and sister Gina are already in the States and currently residing in the state of Florida, where he plans to go and reunite with them. He eventually does and introduces Manny to the family. Right away Manny seems interested

  • Spring, Summer, Fall Winter, and Spring? movie review

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    You don't have to be into religion to understand and allow yourself to get into this movie. Excellently set on a secluded lake in the mountains in Korea , director Kim Ki-duk has created a classic love story with a religious twist with the movie Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, And Spring. The movie doesn’t have a lot of talking and characters. The title is used to show the growing up of a young boy and shows a few valuable lessons on the way. The old man and his student live on a floating monastery

  • Movie Review Of Jerry Maguire

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    Movie Review of Jerry Maguire If you want to take a break from the frigid air of a Montreal winter, go to see Jerry Maguire; it will be sure to warm your heart. If you're like me, you're a little tired of going to see big name stars in overly hyped, big time busts. Combine that with the fact that sports movies are rarely impressive, (Necessary Roughness?!? The Program?!?) and I have to say that my hopes were not too high for this movie. Let me tell you, I was pleasantly surprised. The title character

  • Movie Review: Fight Club

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    I Am Jack’s Paper The movie Fight Club shakes the foundations of our democratic nation, spits on our capitalist society, and makes all who watch it look at the American way of life differently. In a country driven by consumption, one can imagine the movie Fight Club rubs certain people the wrong way. When Edward Norton was asked why he decided to take the role as the main character in Fight Club, he replied, “to piss off America.” Each American since childhood has been told repeatedly that democracy

  • Movie Review: Sense And Sensibility

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    Movie Review: Sense and Sensibility Ang Lee, who directed, and Emma Thompson, who adapted the screenplay, have done an excellent job of bringing Jane Austen's Victorian novel, Sense and Sensibility, to the movie screen. The movie's collection of actors are a joy to watch as they bring out the emotions of an otherwise polite and reserved era in time. The production work is top notch with bright, cascading photography that sets a romantic "I wish I was there" setting. The purpose of the Sense and

  • Matrix Reloaded Movie Review

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    scenes come with neo kicking 100+ agents cyber punk asses and a 14 minute car chase that cost $40, 000, 000 to produce and upon seeing the movie its not hard to see why, with cars being blown up left, right and centre, death defying motorcycle stunts and a car being cut in half by an ancient samurai sword among other things. This is by far the most elaborate movie ever made and with a crew including Yuen Wo Ping, arguably the best fight choreographer in the world and the visual effects mastermind John

  • The Great Gatsby Movie Review

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    The scenery presents the idea that they have money than they need and they can do whatever they want whenever they want. Their scenery is a recreation of European historical grandeur, a fact that the film is keen to demonstrate. Symbolism in the movie was also awesome, I really appreciated how the director added a few twists of his own which I will come to shortly. Particularly memorable is the scene where Daisy weeps over Gatsby's shirts. Is she really weeping for their beauty ? This was really

  • Movie Review

    525 Words  | 2 Pages

    hears some noises in the house, after a while see finds out that its a missing girl, the girl is trying to get revenge for her death. First off, I would like to say that Michelle Phieffer is great in this movie; she carries her character strongly from start to finish. And unfortunately The movie opens with Pfeiffer and Ford taking their daughter to college, thus leaving them alone in their house for the first time since they were married. The daughter is actually the product of Pfeiffer's first marriage

  • Ladder 49 Movie Review

    1068 Words  | 3 Pages

    When we see movies we often expect a happy ending with the conflict of the movie to be resolved. Ladder 49, however, doesn't end with a happy ending. In my mind I wanted everything in the end to be ok. As Americans we are so used to seeing the "happily ever after" endings. So when we see bad endings, they leave us uncomfortable, replying in our minds what had just seen. My expectations before I saw the movie were that I was going to see firefighters in action with a few conflicts that they would

  • finding neverland movie review

    565 Words  | 2 Pages

    of Roger Ebert's “Finding Neverland” Film Review “Finding Neverland” is a recently released motion picture starring acclaimed actors Johnny Depp and Kate Winslet, and directed by Marc Forster ("Monsters Ball”) Personally, I loved the movie and It was hard to find a critic that gave the movie a negative review, so I stopped trying to find someone to argue with and I came across the king of all critics, Roger Ebert. I usually don't agree with his reviews, so I figured we would clash on this one,

  • Stand By Me (movie Review For Small Group Com)

    1593 Words  | 4 Pages

    A Summer To Remember The movie Stand By Me is based upon a novel by Steven King. It doesn’t have the same eerie feel as some of his other books and is generally a more serious movie. It takes place in the small town of Castle Rock, Oregon. It is the middle of the summer in approximately the early 1960’s. The kids are bored and that is the setup for their adventure to go find a dead body in the woods. The main role of Gordie LaChance is played by Wil Wheaton. He is having trouble in his life at

  • The Crucible by Nicholas Hytner

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    This captivating screen version of The Crucible is based on Arthur Miller’s play in 1953. Nicholas Hytner did an excellent job at directing this movie. There are a few faults in the film, but overall it was a wonderful movie. The first fault in the movie was the beginning scene. The scene was supposed to be a night scene. But it looks as if it was early morning. I think Hytner shot the scene during the day and tried to use the night vision but it did not work so well. Another bad scene was when the

  • Movie Review: The Mirror Has Two Faces

    534 Words  | 2 Pages

    Movie Review: The Mirror Has Two Faces The movie stares Barbara Streisand as Rose Morgan a lonely, single, low self esteemed woman who lives with her domineering mother Hannah Morgan played by Lauren Becall in New York. Jeff Bridges who plays Gregory Larkin a math instructor at Columbia University is a man in search of the perfect woman who is not interested in sex but only companship. Greg places a personal ad in a singles paper and receives enormous response. He reviews the responses to his ad

  • Movie Review: Yentl

    1009 Words  | 3 Pages

    Movie Review: Yentl Everyone at one time or another has felt out of place. Feeling unsure of one's place in society is an experience that every young adult faces but deals with differently. Some rebel while others comply with whatever has been set out for them by society or their parents, or both. The role of the woman in society is forever changing. Where women were once obligated to stay in the home and dote on their husbands, they are now working in the same types of jobs as their husbands.

  • Finding The Ultimate Truth: Dismantle and Deconstruct

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    position as a self-determining agent (Cherry). It also emphasizes the importance of free will, freedom of choice, the unique experiences of each individual, and the responsibilities of one's choices and what one make of oneself (Rooney). During the movie, the existential detective, Barnard Jaffe explains to Albert Markovski that dismantle is "to help shut down your everyday perceptions and give up your usual identity that you think separates you from everything. This room, this street, this town, this

  • Spring Breakers Movie Analysis

    1124 Words  | 3 Pages

    fully explain. For example, when I first watched the film I liked the choppiness and color scheme used; however, it did seem familiar, but I could never pinpoint where I had seen that style before. The review finally showed me where I had seen that technique before; which was in pop art. This review has given me a better understanding of the film, and with that, I love this film even

  • Inside Out Psychology

    715 Words  | 2 Pages

    perspective comes from Inside Out; this movie was released in 2015 by Walt Disney Pictures and was produced by Pixar Animation Studios. In addition, this animation was directed by Pete Docter. The story is about a young girl who moved to another city, so she has to adapt herself to a new environment and a new society, which is a tough time for her. The story is very creative and touching, and the characters are interesting. Moreover, the theme of this movie taught me to understand life better. The

  • Psychological Concepts in American History X

    745 Words  | 2 Pages

    American History X is a movie about a young man named Derek who is a member of the neo-Nazi movement. Like the rest of his family, Derek is racist, extremely prejudiced and discriminates against all minorities. Throughout the movie we see the older brother, Derek change his stereotypical beliefs and attempt to save his brother from making the same mistakes that he once made. American History X is based around the Psychological concepts of discrimination, stereotyping, and prejudice. The first concepts