History and Influence of Rock the Vote

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I’m nervous. This is my first time voting and I don’t want to mess it up. I walk into town hall, a building that seems to be reserved for special events. I wait for a few moments; finally I reach the older woman who is handing out ballots. She asks for my name, which I answer with a clear “Deirdre Ball.” She checks a list of pre-registered voters. Earlier in the week, someone had come to my high school to register high school seniors that are old enough to vote. The person that came to my high school was working on her own; she didn’t have a large-scale organization behind her. All she cared about was making sure that everyone who was able to vote did. It turned out my name wasn’t on the registration list, a mystery of which I’ll never know the cause. This didn’t prevent me from voting. All I had to do was show the older lady my ID and she filled out a sheet. This situation got me thinking though, how many people struggle with trying to vote? How many people’s opinions aren’t being heard because they don’t know how to register?
The organization Rock the Vote has been helping young people engage in political activity for over 20 years. According to their website, rockthevote.com, Rock the Vote first started as a result of attacks on freedom of speech and artist expression. This all started in 1990 in Los Angeles California, and was founded by a man named Jeff Ayeroff, who was a Virgin Records executive. He also had the assistance of Steve Barr, who was a campaign worker and political fundraiser. On their website, Rock the Votes says that they work “with artists to grab the attention of young people, and engage them in building a political movement to fight for young people and the issues that affect their lives.” In 1992, two yea...

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...er turn out in the years since it’s founding, I would say that Rock the Vote hasn’t been very been very successful. Although it may bring attention to voting and increase voter registration, it has not been successful in actually getting people to the polls.

Works Cited

Kawahinma-Ginsberg, Kel, Dr. A Voter Turnout Time Series For 1972-2010. 12 Nov. 2011. Raw data. Jonathan M. Tisch College of Citizenship and Public Service at Tufts University, Tufts University.
LaMendola, Maura. "About Us." Rock the Vote:. Rock the Vote, 2013. Web. 17 Nov. 2013.
Powers, Doug. "Rock the Vote Crumbles." The American Spectator. N.p., 2013. Web. 17 Nov. 2013.
Rock the Vote Staff. "History of Rock the Vote." Rock the Vote:. Rock the Vote, 2013. Web. 17 Nov. 2013.
Softley, Jeff. "MTV's Rock the Vote: Beyond Useless." The Raw Story. Raw Story Media Inc., 2013. Web. 17 Nov. 2013.

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