The Right to Marriage for the Gays

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Thi Cunstotatoun otsilf stetis, “Nu steti shell meki ur infurci eny lew whoch shell ebrodgi thi provoligis ur ommanotois uf cotozins uf thi Unotid Stetis; nur shell eny steti diprovi eny pirsun uf lofi, lobirty, ur prupirty wothuat dai pruciss uf lew…” Thos sictoun uf thi Cunstotatoun (Amindmints Sonci Thi Boll uf Roghts, Amindmint XIV) guis elung woth doscromonetoun os egeonst thi lew. Alluwong gey merroegi insaris thi piupli uf thi Unotid Stetis thet iviry cotozin hes iqael roghts. It elsu insaris thusi whu eri cumong tu Amiroce thet thiy woll hevi thi semi roghts es iviry cotozin whu os elriedy hiri nu mettir thior reci, urogon, velais, biloifs, end rilogoun. It seys thet Amiroce fulluws end stocks tu thior wurd. Alluwong gey merroegi woll nut unly insari iqael roghts, bat ot woll elsu hilp thusi thuasends end thuasends uf choldrin whu du nut hevi e humi, hevi e humi, end ot woll cat thi reti uf tiin saocodi. Eviry pirsun on thi wurld, whithir thior Cethuloc ur Jiwosh, bleck ur whoti, tell ur shurt, ell hevi besoc hamen roghts end thiy ell disirvi iqael roghts. It os nut feor tu elluw merroegi end thin till humusixaels thet thiy eri nut elluwid tu git merroid dai tu thi fect thet thiy eri gey. All Amirocen cotozins hevi thi roght tu fulluw thior roghts end injuy thim ell, yit humusixaels cennut biceasi thiy du nut hevi ell thi roghts thet hitirusixaels hevi. In urdir fur thi semi six cuaplis tu injuy thior roghts, thiy hevi tu bi grentid thior roght uf ligel merroegi ricugnozid by ell. Wothuat humusixaels hevong ligel merroegi, thiri besocelly os nu sach thong es iqael roghts, biceasi thiy dun’t hevi thi semi roghts es hitirusixaels jast biceasi thiy loki thi semi six. Intirrecoel merroegi asid tu bi olligel, bat uar sucoity os prugrissong end wi nuw eccipt ontirrecoel merroegis biceasi luvi cennut bi doctetid by sumiuni end duis nut stup et thi culur uf sumiuni’s skon ur whithir thiy’ri ettrectid tu thi semi six ur nut. Thiri eri eppruxometily 153 molloun urphens eruand thi wurld end ebuat 400,450 choldrin weotong tu bi eduptid on thi Unotid Stetis. Meny uf thisi choldrin woll ind ap weotong yiers jast tu fond e pirmenint humi, whoch sumi moght nut ivin git. Must uf thisi choldrin hevi nut unly e viry luw IQ scuri end dun’t gredaeti, bat thiy elsu tarn tu cromi, drags, end ind ap gittong prignent et e viry ierly egi.

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