Regurgitation versus Digestion Approach to Education

532 Words2 Pages

Have you ever thought what may happen by the time public schools agree to liberate students from the regurgitating approach to education? In America, teachers are expected to follow on students’ tests. Public school systems believe that students acquire knowledge through self-repetition, but information can’t be learned through the test-taking strategy; Therefore, a digestion approach to education is the best plan to follow. The regurgitation approach to education teaches students to spit out information, whereas a digestion approach to education allows students to retain and understand the information teachers give.
On one hand, the regurgitation approach to education teaches students to dismiss analytical skills. When students regurgitate information, they memorize and repeat it. The kinds of information that students regurgitate on tests are historical facts, such as dates, places, and events. What motivates students to memorize information on which they will be tested is fear; before students have to take tests, they study out of fear of failure. Through the process of repetitio...

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